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Using Social Media for Job Search: 23 Effective Tips


You must be spending hours and days on tweeting, watching latest videos, liking Facebook posts, and doing similar online activities. But have you ever wondered that social media sites and effective social networking can actually help you to land your dream job!

Although, it is sure that almost 95% of the population at present is aware of the concept of social media, but for the remaining 5% who still do not know what social media is, here it is.

If as a job seeker you wish social media to help you in your job search process, first understand the concept of social media, and then read on to know how it can help you to get hired to the job you have always admired!

social media for job searchSocial media is a set of internet based applications that are outlined on the technological and ideological foundations of Web 2.0. It allows users to create accounts and exchange content and information through these accounts.

Web 2.0 here refers to web-based applications that promote interactive interoperability, information sharing, user-centered design, and linking on the web.

With LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter being the leading social networking sites, you can use these as well as other social media platforms to build strong online professional networking.

By effectively utilizing social media sites you can boost your job search process, and easily find a job that you were always hunting out.

Social media is not only limited to creating personal online accounts on social networking sites, but you can also do blogging, generate online-portfolios, use Skype, Whatsapp, Pinterest, and more other modes to stay connected with the social world.

Importance of Social Media for Job search:

So, now that you have read what social media is, the next question in your mind must be how it can help you get a rewarding job? Before getting an answer to this question, first read to why social media is so important for your present day’s job search process:

1. It permits you to create your own brand:

Besides your other ‘job search tools’, social media platforms can help you to market yourself on a global basis. You can make use of any one or more social media platforms to inform recruiters that you are searching for a novel job or a job change.

It is, therefore, an excellent way to market you on a global basis.

2. Helps you to build and maintain a professional network:

Having an established professional network is very much required these days. Not only recruiters, but even job-seekers must secure a sound professional network on numerous social networking platforms.

It is because by having such a network you can get to know about new job openings, which you might not have known otherwise.

3. Enable you to gather information about industries, companies, and their work culture:

Social networking runs both ways! You can give the hiring manager complete information about yourself, but at the same time you can also ask the recruiting managers to provide you with detailed information about the company and the work culture practiced there.

You can even follow a company’s page on Facebook, Twitter, and other sites to have an inside look at its operations and functions.

4. It is an excellent way to impress the employer:

Even employers these days prefer using social media for their hiring process. So, if you are among candidates who are using social networking for job hunting, then this will impress the employers to a great extent.

It creates an impression that even you are well-versed with latest technologies and have the potential that may fit best to their job requirements and company’s work culture.

5. It is cost-effective and real-time:

You don’t have to pay any sum of money to be a part of social networking sites. You only need a computer or even a phone with a feasible network connection. Moreover, it is an instant way of communicating. Whatever the outcome is, you are instantly updated about it.

6. Making changes and updates are very convenient:

You can make changes to your account or update any new information to it at any time. You only have to sign in to your account and make changes, according to your choice.

Social Media Platforms to Consider in your Job Search:

Since social media can create a remarkable difference to your job search process, it is, therefore, essential that you adopt it as soon as you finish reading this article.

Although, you can choose any form of social networking according to your preference, but some top social networking platforms that can be truly rewarding for your career are as follows:

1. Facebook:

Frequently and extensively used for social purposes, networking through Facebook can really give a competitive edge to your job search as well as career development process. But while using it, you need to exercise some caution as well. You may update your status based on requests for job leads or information.

You can find and connect with colleagues and acquaintances to secure adequate career-related information from them. Also, consider reviewing your privacy settings and make sure that the hiring managers are not able to investigate your personal information.

If possible, then the best idea would be to create separate professional and personal accounts.

2. LinkedIn:

It is considered as the largest professional network of the world, and enables you to get connected with your colleagues, and to discover professionals from your targeted company. You can also use your LinkedIn account to know who all individuals can help you to connect with companies and individuals of your interest.

To make maximum benefits with your LinkedIn account, make sure that your profile is completed and contain photos of a professional nature. You can also join groups on LinkedIn that are related to your career. It is also an excellent way to showcase projects and proficiency that you have gained from the school.

Lastly, you have to be active on your LinkedIn accounts to capture the recruiter’s attention. For this, you can invite colleagues and relatives, as well as ask for their recommendations to your profile.

3. Twitter:

Twitter is fast becoming a powerful site for social networking by employers. To make the best use of Twitter, you have to open an account and fill in your professionals details related to your career goals, work experience, skills, and many more.

To enhance your online presence on Twitter, you have to follow tweets and share information with people of your interest.

4. On-line Portfolios:

Creating on-line portfolios is another great way to attract employers. It is a more benefiting act for individuals who hold a professional interest in any creative field like music, programming, design, and specifically those who work freelance.

Your online portfolio must focus on your skills and best work. It should be convenient to navigate, and you can even add testimonials to it from satisfied clients.

To increase the search ability of your online portfolio, you can even add relevant keywords to its content.

5. Blogs:

Blogs offer commentary content on the particular subject. As a job seeker, you may employ blogs to showcase your skills, talent, experience, and knowledge. It will also help you to endorse your writing skills as well.

You can write about your opinions related to the specific field, or about a topic related to your career. Updating your blogs on weekly or monthly basis can provide you with a good amount of online visibility.

In addition to these, Skype, YouTube, Pinterest, and more other social media platforms are available that you may select in order to enhance your online job search process.

Steps to Follow to Find a Job with Social Media:

1. Creating an account and setting a profile:

Users need to create an account and then update a profile. For this, they need to have a username, password, and an email id.

2. Connections:

The more connections a user will have the larger network he will share. This will help him to reach out to a big mass of people. But make sure all connections that you have are friendly and safe.

3. Privacy:

It is of utmost importance for you to decide how your profile must be viewed and who shall view it. There are options available on social websites that help you to manage your account visibility to a great extent.

4. Status Update:

The status updated in your profile mainly relates to how your life is going, or how are you feeling, and more such stuff. If possible then try to always update a positive status to your profile.

5. Pictures:

It would be best if you update only professional pictures in your account. It is very much crucial for creating a positive impression on the hiring managers.

6. Company Connections:

Lastly, make sure you regularly follow the company in which you hold interest to attract adequate attention from them.

Ways for Effectively Using Social Media to Find a Job:

1. Create Appropriate profiles:

You must create professionally compelling profiles for yourself that contain important information related to your job history, skills, strengths, and accomplishments. You can also list down your potentials that you possess to offer to future employers.

2. Grow your network:

Only establishing a network is not sufficient. It is vital that you expand it by connecting with others who belong to your industry.

For instance, LinkedIn is a great place for this. You can search its directory to find groups that are relevant according to your career.

Join groups that appear active and then introduce your professional status to others to boost your networking.

3. Be Engaged:

You follow companies on varied networking sites in which you have some interest. Hence, you are automatically updated about their new job offerings, brand endorsement, product developments, and more such features.

You can like their pages and posts to make them realize that you are interested in working with them.

4. Don’t ask for a job directly:

Even if you are in urge of a job, still it is vital to showcase that you are a qualified professional who is best for the job opening of a company. Build connections with right individuals and then let them see that you are an intelligent candidate.

This you can do by updating your status on a regular basis, by providing quality content to various groups, or by tweeting about an interesting article, and more.

5. Search for Jobs on these social sites:

Most individuals are aware of career portal sites and know that they offer access to millions of job postings. But, if you are not able to find your preferred job this way, then you can look for the other alternate.

You can look for jobs on the company’s Facebook pages, Twitter feeds, and in LinkedIn Groups.

6. Prepare a Game Plan:

It is essential that you outline a game plan in your mind while you are using social sites for your job search process. Like you may create your profile one day and join groups the other day, follow company’s pages and posts the third day, and so. The main thing is to stay organized and do things that can bring more productive returns to you.

Social media is an excellent mode that enables you to advertise your personal brand on a global basis. It gives you an opportunity to showcase your values, skills, and professionalism out to the technological world.

As a job seeker, you only need to remember that all your efforts and strategies must end towards one goal of highlighting you as a suitable candidate and landing you to a job, which is relevant and boosting to your career.


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