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Top 10 Reasons Why Your Resume Was Rejected


If you have been applying online for new job opportunities, do you keep a track of the number of positions you have applied on a single day.

In case you have not, its time you started following this procedure, which would give you an insight whether your resume is being rejected or not.

Furthermore over a period of time, you can analyze your CV and discover if your CV has a few qualities which are making it being rejected, when the hiring manager reads it for 5-7  seconds at an average.

Remember a submitted resume has to be perfectly packaged. Otherwise you would be declared unfit for the vacancy.

Here you need to be tactful and understand the factors which might make your CV poor in quality, when the hiring manager reads it.

Some of the reasons are mentioned below and they should be removed immediately from your CV.

reasons why resumes rejectedResume Rejection Reasons:

Is your CV filled with Typo Error?

One of the few reasons behind CV rejection is the presence of high typo error and grammatical mistakes.

Most hiring managers feel that a resume is a snapshot of what you are and what your achievements are. When a resume is filled with grammar and spelling mistakes, it indicates that you have not proof read it. This indicates poor written communication.

A CV filled with typo errors also indicates that you do not have an eye for detail and are not very consistent in your performance.

Recruitment professionals from BeHiring indicated that the presence of a single spelling error in the CV can be considered as a reason for rejection.

Why is your CV boring?

Your resume is a first impression of yours. In a single day, a recruiter or a hiring manager goes through hundreds of CV’s which nearly have the same format.

Does your CV lack originality and looks dull and boring?

If such is the case, then you have to make your resume attractive and different.

This would seek the attention of the hiring managers, who would then shortlist you for an interview and give you the opportunity to prove yourself.

Here the best thing to do is research well using the internet and then create a CV which would get noticed.

The resume should make you look unique and highlight your achievements and strengths. Very soon, you would have numerous interview calls beckoning you immediately.

Do you have an email address which is funny or inappropriate?

Even the most professional managers fail to understand the significance of a professional email address in their CV.

Most job applicants create email addresses which are ridiculously named like S** The hiring managers do not take this very lightly and thus reject your CV.

Does your CV have your picture on it?

A survey undertaken by BeHiring indicated that hiring managers rejected 76% of CV’s which had pictures in them.

So the best thing to do here is not to add a picture, unless you are an actor or a model. You should not convey the fact that you are full of yourself but indicate that you can work with the team and blend into it comfortably.

Another factor to be kept in mind is not to use unique fonts in the CV. It is best to stick with Arial and Times Roman fonts and these fonts give a professional look to the CV.

Check the length of the CV:

Most recruiters hate reading long CV’s which runs into a few pages, if you happen to have 10 years of work experience.

In fact this could be one of the reasons why they reject the CV in an outright manner. Therefore if you have a long CV, it would be best to cut it short and not make it more than 2 to 3 pages long.

By doing this you are ensuring that your CV is read by the hiring manager in a matter of few seconds and it then gets shortlisted for an interview.

Have you listed your accomplishments well?

A seasoned hiring manager would point out the simple fact that most job applicants write a lot about their job responsibilities and a little about their achievements.

For example, if you are a sales manager, most people would not care much regarding how you handled your sales team. But they would be interested to know what you did, which made you increase your sales output by 75%.

Most companies and hiring managers look for results oriented data which would make you a coveted employee for the company.

It is important that you showcase in your CV specific work data which can be accounted as an achievement for you.

Is your online reputation bad?

An interesting survey undertaken by BeHirng showed that after viewing your CV, the hiring managers would look into your social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Thus you have to be cautious that your online reputation is clean and not bad. If you have a bad reputation online, your CV might get rejected.

Have you added your address in your CV?

When you first made your CV, you were told to write your residential address in the top. However things have changed a lot.

If you have written your address being a student of old school, the recruiter might think that the office is far from your home and thus reject your CV.

The best thing to do here is write the name of the state where you are currently staying. There are always your other contact details like your email id and your mobile number in case they want to contact you.

Keep your facts in your CV simple: in an online survey indicated that 9% of all job applicants fabricated data regarding their job positions, last held jobs and even college degree.

Hiring managers are seasoned people and when they see a view which has fabricated data in it, they recognize it immediately.

Here it is best to be honest and keep the facts clear and simple. You do not want to be caught red handed and get your reputation tarnished in a major way.

To Wrap Up:

After reading the above article, you would in a matter of few minutes find out the major loopholes in your CV. This is a big step for you and you can now create your CV and attractively package it.

Once you submit your new CV, you would notice the difference as calls would flood in every single day.

You can thus take the interview with your new found confidence, seek the job which is best suited for yourself and enjoy a great career growth in times to come.

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