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Starting a New Job? 25 Best Tips you Must Read


Now that you have got through the interview and accepted the offer. You are looking forward to the day of starting a new job.

Excited about the new assignment or nervous how you are going to handle it.

For those young people who are about to start their career with their new job, here’s a bit of advice – you cannot be carefree as to how you were at your college days as you have certain responsibilities.

starting a new job tipsWhatever be it, you will need to manage the situation and create a perfect image of yourself in front of them.

This would be the time that you would need to make some sort of pre-arrangements or formulate a plan to make your impression.

Most of the companies have probation period to know how the candidates make themselves to adapt to the job and how do they merge with the objectives of the company.

You could review some of top 25 tips that would be helpful in creating an optimal image of you for your first day of work.

Tips for Successfully Starting a New Job:

1. Dress code:

It is not wise to underestimate the dressing sense to a workplace. Get to know about the dressing pattern in the company organization.

It’s best to wear neatly ironed clothes and be perfectly groomed.

For the first few days take care on the type of dress code you follow to make a good impression as this is going to be first impression of your personality.

2. Maintain punctuality:

If you have habit of rushing the nick of the moment then make amendment of your timings. Rise early and reach the workplace a bit earlier than the starting hours.

One of the critical factors of work place is to see that you are punctual at work.

This will determine your dedication to work hard and make progress for yourself along with the company.

3. Maintain perfect attendance:

Coming on time and leaving with other workers is quite important during first few months.

Try to keep your attendance register full and in case of unexpected event, inform your supervisor.

4. Show of dedication:

Joining new job requires you to make demarcation between your personal and professional life.

It’s best to avoid making personal calls, sending personal mails or having long break. During the first few days its best to show dedication to your work or you could help your co-worker who is overloaded if you are free. It would impress your boss!

5. Create your own objective:

It takes a few months to know more about the office environment, projects done, how to handle co-workers around, type of workflow, protocols followed etc.

All these experiences should serve as tool to create objectives for you to move ahead.

6. Volunteer to make changes:

Looking around you would have ideas on how to improve small aspects or the work process. You could suggest that to the boss and make it implement.

Don’t be a back seated personality. Come forward with your ideas for changes and surely you would be applauded!

7. Wear a positive look:

positive thinking new job

Express yourself in ways that shows of your positive nature. Any sort of work assignments can be carried forward with positive note.

It’s like saying “Yes, it can be done” when you are given a challenging work. These small words do make a great impact in the eyes of the Manager.

8. Organize yourself:

As you are new to the workplace, the assignments will flow in any time. Hence, it’s advisable to keep a track of your work on calendar or excel sheet and use yellow sticky notes for reminding of tasks yet to be done.

Once the tasks are completed make notes in separate folder to congratulate yourself on your accomplishments or to highlight to your supervisor.

9. Know the rules:

Every workplace has set of rules and principles that are being followed by all. Knowing them at the earlier phase is needed to keep yourself from surprise calls.

10. Admit your mistakes:

Being newbie there are almost 50 – 60% chances of making mistakes as you are in the learning phase.

So it’s not wrong to admit your mistakes and ensure that you don’t repeat them. Learning is an everyday affair during the first few months.

11. Seek help:

Most of the times, many of us would always try to solve problems ourselves to show of our independence and ability to handle situations. But a scenario would arise making you dumbfounded.

If you are stuck up with the issue and don’t know how to go about it, don’t hesitate to ask for help with co-workers or the manager.

Everyone new to a workplace don’t come with equipped information. It would help you from wasting valuable time.

12. Be open minded:

open minded at work

It’s a known fact that new joiners don’t know much about the work environment for the first few months.

So if you keep your mind open to learn new things, then you will accept what is there. Moreover, being co-operative and asking questions is the key to build new relationships.

13. Communicate with surrounding:

This could mean with your co-workers and mainly Supervisor or Manager you need to report to.

It’s always better to use your verbal communication skills to maintain information flow and in turn you would be accomplishing what you intend to.

Avoid keeping aloof from co-workers. Also update your Supervisor of your work so that they are aware of your progresses and accomplishments.

14. Be attentive:

Most of the companies do have an orientation session. Try taking notes even if you don’t like it. It will serve your purpose one fine day.

Doing so will make you more attentive to the sessions and getting more information to ask.

15. Share with team:

You could be part of a team work and credits earned through team should be shared with all. Don’t consider yourself in an island.

Recognition earned during the process of work assignments needs to be shared with all members of team showing your team spirit.

16. Maintain relationships:

Your workplace comprises of interacting with various different departments for getting your work done.

Hence, it’s imperative that you take time to establish good relations with other department members as well. As you know nowadays the appraisals does not involve only your Supervisor alone, it’s a 360 degree appraisal.

17. Develop career plan:

build a career plan

Starting in a new work place you should be able to create your aim and strive to achieve by charting out plans.

By making plans you would know what your shortcomings are and make efforts to learn them during the first months to excel in the particular field of work.

18. Keep your nose clean:

All workplaces are littered with gossips and rumours. Being new joiner, its best to keep yourself out of office gossips.

Don’t involve yourself in any sort of office gossips as it will tarnish your image. By staying out of it from the beginning, will help you to keep clean that may maintain good relations with others.

19. Be pro-active:

Most of the time new joiner waits for the supervisor to designate the tasks. It’s not wrong to be pro-active and ask for assignments if you have completed. By being pro-active you are proving yourself to be keen on learning and making improvements in your career.

20. Update your status:

By keeping your profiles updated on the new job profile, you would not be known to your counterparts. Even joining professional groups will keep you to be updated on the trends in the market. It will help to know how to make progress in your present job.

21. Know the expectation:

Your supervisor would be having expectation about you. Seek to know what it is by listening carefully to their guidance and make way to get them done.

If you are not sure about it, ask your co-workers to learn how to at least keep up to it.

22. Appreciate:

appreciate your colleagues

As you are in a learning phase, you tend to get help from co-workers and supervisor. Every time you get small tip or help, appreciate them with genuineness as it is imparted for your growth.

By showing appreciation through the way, you tend to maintain long term relationship which is very required for success of your career growth.

23. Network regularly:

You need to identify strong performers or mentors in your organisation and maintain network with them.

As they are best sources where you get genuine remarks, it’s essential to cultivate good relations with them.

24. Give your ear:

This aspect is the skill to listen carefully before talking. Don’t make a bad image of being the taleteller without knowing facts.

Listening helps you to learn and achieve better. It also brings about more concentration in your work.

25. Socialising outside:

Most of the workplaces organize out of office activities to help members to know each other better. Participate in such activities to know about the other employees and their nature.

It helps to know them better to get continual support as each of them would be working in different sections of your company or organization.


Getting a job after many attempts is the most exciting part. But starting a new job is like traveling to a foreign country wherein you have the fear of the new environment, new language and how to adapt yourself.

The same fears can be overcome by reviewing the tips given to prepare yourself mentally and the crisis is out of your head.

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