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How to Show Teamwork Skills in Resume and Interview


An employee is recruited for the job only after seeing his or her organizational skills. Organizational skills include many other skills like leadership skills, communication, good teamwork and many more. An employee is expected to perform all the tasks with perfection, but the most important thing for every human to work under one roof with a number of other people requires effective teamwork skills.

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how show teamwork skills

What Are Teamwork Skills:

Teamwork can be defined as a group of people working together to achieve a particular task or goal. The teamwork skills are the abilities that help them work together like, mentoring, communication, helping, guiding, sharing, being flexible, etc.

Some people are able to give their best when accomplishes projects alone, but every company wishes for employees to cooperate and work as a team and make the plan a success. Here are few tips to show skills for teamwork in resume and interview.

Tips to Show Teamwork Skills in your Resume:

The following mentioned are few ways to add successful teamwork skills in your resume and how to write about teamwork in resume.

1. Tell me about yourself:

Telling about yourself in resume is obvious but the thing is that you have to highlight your skills especially the teamwork skills. Explain your team roles when you play in a group. Pen down what all is your behavior while working in teams.

2. Pen down that you are an encourager:

Write down that you are an encourager. You always motivate people to work in a better manner and show them the right path. Show some teamwork examples for resume. You need to explain in brief that how much important is to you the concept of encouraging and motivating others and not degrading anyone due to lack of good performance.

3. Leadership qualities:

You possess leadership qualities that you can guide the people working in a team and also lead them to the goal. Not everyone can be a leader and if you have that inherence in you then your teamwork becomes more valuable as a good leader is always required in a team to go straight without going astray.

4. You are highly creative:

You can also write in your resume that you are a creative person and always come up with new and creative ideas that become a plus point for your team. Everytime creativity is needed to excel and maintain you in the competition in the market. The creativity never has an end and also helps the team to work efficiently. Thus, tries to move the team without bringing any halt.

5. You are an initiator:

You do not depend on others for anything rather you are the one who initiates the work and always comes forward to initiate the project. So, this is one of the teamwork qualities needed in a person if he or she has to work in a team. So, write down that you do possess this quality in you.

6. Ability to think all ways:

You also possess the quality of thinking all the sides without being biased or creating any sort of discrimination. You are able to clarify the teamwork goals of the team whenever they go astray from the path. Also, you are able to bring back the motivation of the employees in case they fail to express well due to demotivation.

7. You also have good managerial qualities:

For a teamwork it is necessary not only to work under someone, but you must possess all the qualities that a leader has. For example a leader is said to be a leader only if he or she has managerial skills.

So, you can add this quality into the resume that you have good managerial skills and are able to keep records of every team activities. Managing everything and also guiding everyone as a leader can be done only be someone. It is not everyone’s cup of tea. So, write this down in the resume.

8. Activities you did so far:

List down all the activities you did in a team where you worked before. If not, then you can explain why is teamwork important,  how teamwork plays an important role in one’s life, not just professionally but also domestic.

While you write about the activities you performed in a team, also pen down the roles you played to accomplish the goals of the team.

9. Tell about your awards and achievements:

Also mention about the awards or any other achievements if you had previously while working in a team. Enumerate all the awards you earned during the work in previous places, whether it is an educational institute or the company.

10. Make use of the synonyms for teamwork:

While you write about the teamwork in the resume, remember not to repeat the same word again and again. Instead, make use of the similar words of the collective work or the team work so that the resume does not sound dull and monotonous. You can make use of the words like worked, communicated and partnered.

11. When and where the teamwork skills are required:

You also need to mention about the time when there is a need of good teamwork skills. Not all times these skills are essential, rather sometimes one has to work at an individual level where only work is required to be accomplished of own without bringing in any other person.

12. Handling the crisis:

While making the resume, make sure you write down your teamwork experience with crisis management at work. How you handled the situation and also how well it was executed.

These all things must also be mentioned, but not in an essay type manner, but in a little brief. So, do not forget to mention the crisis management while working as part of a team.

13. No writing or grammatical errors must be there:

When you are writing a resume, make sure your writing is clear and there are no grammatical errors. The errors will put a bad impression on the interviewer and can also lose your chances of getting recruited.

So, these are some of the points that you can mention into your resume related to the managerial and teamwork skills. Even if you do not possess any of the above qualities, just write down them also as every company wants the employees who are all-rounder.

Every organization wishes for the employees who are jacks of all trades. So, when you apply for the job, mention that you are a team player, a key element or the component.

How to Show Teamwork Skills in the Interview:

Writing about teamwork skills can be bit easier than talking about it in the interview, infront of panel who is interviewing you. But it should not matter to you a lot as here you will get some tips of how to show your teamwork skills in the interview. So, here are the points:

1. Be confident first:

Confidence is the key, we all know. But the main thing is that one should possess confidence as you are going to present yourself as a person who has teamwork skills and every person is expected to be confident naturally whenever the word teamwork comes. So, first and foremost thing is to be confident of what you say.

2. Explain your experiences:

When you are asked to explain about the good team working skills during an interview, just put forward the experiences you had while working. Also tell what type of work that was and what exactly was your role.

3. State some of the examples:

You can give some of the examples to the interviewee. Even if you have not worked in a team before, still by your common understanding you can give the examples of the work done by others if you were in someone else team.

The examples are best to quote while you are presenting yourself in an interview. This is because it shows that you do possess some skills of observing others , which itself is a skill.

4. Tell about the challenges you had:

During an interview you can also tell the interviewer about the challenges you had in front of you as a team leader and also the ways how you overcome those. When the challenges or the difficulties surround people, that is described as the actual test of one’s abilities. So, do tell about the challenges you had.

5. Explain the best time with the employees:

Not just the hard time explains your efficiency of managing, but also you can tell about the good and the memorable time you had with the employees while working in a team. You should share your ideas and the new ideas you brought forward to the interviewee.

6. Tell about the flaws you had and how you overcame it:

If you are explaining about the experience, then you must tell about the flaws you had. This is necessary because no one is perfect and if you put forward the flaws you have, then it means that you are aware of the bad things about you and you could overcome it without waiting for someone’s guidance. So, this becomes a positive point for you. Do, tell this thing in the interview.

7. Share your skills and the opinions you had:

You can tell the panel about the opinions you generated while working. Your skills will be highlighted when the skills are there with you to present. If you are able to give the opinions, then it directly says that you surely have some of the quality which is why you are able to bring new ideas, opinions and views in front.

8. Tell them about the appreciation you achieved:

If you had done something before then you would certainly be able to tell the appreciation you have got. If you had done nothing then you would not be able to explain about the appraisals you got. Also you can show the awards and any other token of appreciation you attained. The appreciations are always the source of motivation.

9. Also do not shy away from telling the criticism too:

If you have received any criticism then tell about that too. This shows that how honest you are and also you are able to accept criticism as a positive thing, which is a good quality everyone must possess.

Accepting the criticism in a healthy manner is one trait that every person aspiring to lead the team must have. So if you have got the criticism also, openly put them in words. It will surely help you.

10. Time period should also be told:

The time period you have worked must be told. This gives assurity to the interviewers that you are not lying and speaking the truth. For how long the project worked and was it successful or no, must be told without hiding anything.

11. Did you succeed or failed:

During an interview, you should also tell about the success or the failure of the project your team was working for. If it was the success, then it’s a great thing, but if it was a failure, then also you should confidently speak out the truth as the truth pays and nothing else does.

If you tell a lie, you may get caught as the interviewers are not the one’s who could be befooled. So, be secure and say what you have actually gone through.

12. Take your documents of the data with you:

While you are going for the interview, take the important documents which prove that you actually did some work in your past. This is because, sometimes you might get confused about the project’s name or the time span you worked in a team, which could raise eyebrows and questions on you, making you perplexed. So, do not give them the chance of raising any of the irrelevant questions on you. Or you will land yourself in the trouble.

Top 5 Teamwork Skills:

It is an important skill that most employers look for in an employee during the hiring and selection process. This helps them to assess the compatibility of the candidate with other employees at work. As a good workplace culture is also one of the important traits for working effectively and improving in productivity.

  1. Communication
  2. Listening
  3. Respectful
  4. Conflict Management
  5. Reliable

Though the above mentioned are the topmost teamwork skills, we have also listed a few other teamwork skills in the alphabetical order below.

A – G

  • Acknowledging Others
  • Advising
  • Active Listening
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Confidence
  • Conflict Management
  • Cooperation
  • Creativity
  • Critical Thinking
  • Commitment
  • Community Building
  • Confidence Building
  • Contributing
  • Coordination
  • Creative Thinking
  • Dependable
  • Defining Problems
  • Dependability
  • Encourage
  • Expanding Ideas
  • Encouragement
  • Flexibility
  • Give Feedback
  • Guide
  • Group Decision Making
  • Goal Setting
  • Group Decisions

H – M

  • Honesty
  • Hearing Concerns
  • Helping
  • Helpfulness
  • ICTs
  • Interpersonal
  • Interpreting
  • Influencing
  • Idea Exchange
  • Language
  • Logic
  • Logical Thinking
  • Lead
  • Logical Argument
  • Listening
  • Leadership
  • Motivation
  • Management
  • Multitasking
  • Mediation

N – S

  • Nonverbal Communication
  • Negotiating
  • Oral Communication
  • Opinion Exchange
  • Problem Solving
  • Participation
  • Persuading
  • Patience
  • Positive Attitude
  • Perform Tasks
  • Questioning
  • Receive Feedback
  • Reliable
  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Relationship Building
  • Research
  • Respectful
  • Support
  • Sharing Credit
  • Supportive

T – Z

  • Team Building
  • Team Management
  • Team Player
  • Task Management
  • Trust
  • Team Building Activities
  • Team Oriented
  • Tact
  • Teaching
  • Understanding Feelings
  • Visual Communication
  • Verbal Communication
  • Written Communication

Ways to Develop Teamwork Skills:

Imbibing teamwork skills in employees is a very important task. Having this skill will help us achieve goals or tasks which are not possible by individual effort. Another important feature is that it reduces the workload on individual employees, as working together leads to the sharing of work.

Some of the best ways to develop teamwork skills:

  1. Take up a project
  2. Choose team members
  3. Understand each employee specialty and ability
  4. Form a team
  5. Analyze the project
  6. Find a solution which matches it perfectly
  7. Break the whole project into parts
  8. Assign each part to an employee
  9. Finally, work together to get the desired result


So, these are some of the points that one should keep in mind while showcasing the team skills during an interview. The basic skills during an interview are those of wearing confidence, communicating well in the language you are comfortable with, saying the truth as when you tell a lie, that gets caught and the chances of getting recruited decreases, which is a loss for you and you never know, may be for the company as well.




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