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How to Show Problem Solving Skills in Cover Letter


Applying for a job is a rather challenging task, many people spend so much time on making their resume seem good, that they never pay much attention to draft a proper cover letter.

What most people do not know is that if your cover letter is not well drafted and concise, it is unlikely that anyone is even going to read your cover letter.


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Problem Solving Ability

What Are Problem Solving Skills?

Problem solving skills is the ability to find the root or cause of the problem and applying an effective solution to solve it. This problem solving skills works differently at different scenarios also is aided with a few other skills. Some of them are,

  1. Active Listening
  2. Data Gathering
  3. Data Analysis
  4. Causal Analysis
  5. Historical Analysis
  6. Fact-Finding
  7. Process Analysis
  8. Brainstorming
  9. Needs Identification
  10. Creative Thinking
  11. Forecasting
  12. Prediction
  13. Project Design
  14. Analysis
  15. Project Planning
  16. Discussion
  17. Corroboration
  18. Teamwork
  19. Test Development
  20. Prioritizing
  21. Mediation
  22. Project Implementation
  23. Project Management
  24. Collaboration
  25. Benchmark Development
  26. Time Management
  27. Communications
  28. Surveys
  29. Follow Through
  30. Customer Feedback
  31. Troubleshooting

How to Improve Your Problem Solving Skills?

Problem solving skills is one of the important traits which the employer looks for when interviewing a candidate. If an employee is capable of handling situations at the workplace with ease, then he can not only be productive but also can be an asset to the organization. Some of the best ways to improve problem solving skills are,

  1. Gain good technical knowledge in the field
  2. Practice to develop skills
  3. Roleplaying
  4. Find opportunities for solving problems
  5. Observe other problem solving techniques
  6. Take help from professionals in your field

One of the most vital skills needed in any employee of a top company is problem solving ability. So given here are steps to guide you on how to show problem-solving skills in your cover letter.

Demonstrating Problem Solving Ability in Cover Letter:

In this article, we have demonstrated problem solving skills in a cover letter.

1. Think about what you want to do:

Writing a cover letter, in general, is not as easy as many people might think. Some might say that it is even more important than a resume. It is much like a summary of a resume that ought to be taken seriously, lest a good employment opportunity is bound to slip through your fingers.

So before rashly writing things down, think about how you ought to go about presenting this very handy skill of yours in your cover letter. As it is often said ‘If you go it, then flaunt it’, so ensure that you show this skill off a great deal via your cover letter.

2. There should be an economy in your words:

Nowadays, no one has the time to sit about reading a long drawn out cover letter which does not seem to end. You must ensure that you highlight this problem solving skill properly, but using the minimum amount of words. Your words must be incredibly powerful to win over the heart and mind of the recruiter.

If you are confused about how you ought to go about it then you can always seek the advice of a career counselor who will help you along the way and even edit the cover letter which you have attempted to write down.

3. Mention famous projects which you have managed:

A cover letter is a marketing tool, where the product on display is you. Yet simply saying things are not good enough, you must ensure that you mention some projects which you have managed in the past and how having this skill has helped you get out of tough situations considerably in the past.

You should not shy away from citing as many examples as you possibly can because it is these concrete examples that are going to account for a lot.

If the recruiter is interested in you then he can even go as far as to Google these events and gather more information about it. So ensure you do not lie.

4. Write in simplistic language at all times:

In the attempt of trying to show your exceptional problem solving ability, you should not feel the need to take the help of big and high sounding words. Things like this do not impress the recruiter. Go about writing your cover letter in a professional manner devoid of fanciful language.

State in no uncertain terms that you believe that this skill is something that indeed sets you apart from the rest and that you would be honored to work at the esteemed company because working there would certainly be a dream come true for you. Keep it simple and to the point.

5. Show how your problem solving skills on Resume will help you in this job:

The skill you have is not going to do the job for you. To bag the job, you have to sell the skill as though you were trying to sell a product. As a salesman convinces people that they need that very product at home, you too much explicate exactly how the company would benefit from having someone like you on board.

State categorically and logically, the problems the company is likely to face in the future and how you intend on dealing with situations like that. Mention that whether the problems sprung up suddenly or build up over time, you are equally adept at handling it.

6. Quote from what others have said about you:

One mistake that many people make when trying to present this invaluable skill in their cover letter, is that they often just continue to talk about themselves and by the end of the cover letter it seems like they are just blowing their one trumpet.

To set yourself apart from the others who are trying to showcase this skill in their cover letter, you can kick things up a notch by quoting some lines and phrases that others have said or even written about you.

These quotes should be from people who are at the top of the field, quoting your old boss is a good idea.

7. State that a tough situation brings out the best in you:

Your cover letter should be written indecorous as well as have a professional tone but at the same time, it should seem heartfelt and genuine. If your tone is to be detached and lack in luster then they are going to think that you are nothing out of the ordinary.

Companies are on the lookout to hire those who are head and shoulders above the rest and who know how to function in the business world.

State in an unconventional manner, how your problem solving ability have enabled you to bring out the best in yourself, even when things are not going in your favor.

8. Stress on your skill as much as possible:

Your cover letter must incorporate a lot of little details, yet at the same time, you should not reiterate the same things which you have already mentioned and highlighted in your resume.

As you draft your cover letter sure to mention all vital details which need to include in all cover letters but let this skill stressed as much as possible.

If you try and highlight too many skills through one cover letter then your cover letter is not going to leave a lasting impression in the mind of the recruiter. Saying one thing well is more powerful than saying ten things badly.

9. Mention some award which you have received in this regard:

In addition to quoting respectable people in your field, you should mention some awards which you have received or some title which has been bestowed on you.

People who have exceptional problem solving ability and at some point in time or the other have able to take the company out of trouble, these people often rewarded for their efforts in some form or the other.

If you are one such lucky person then you must share this information in your cover letter and this will be able to impress the recruiter a great deal.

10. Your conclusion must power packed:

How you write your conclusion is going to seal the deal for you. If you end your cover letter in a boring way then things are certainly not going to work in your favor.

Have a power packed conclusion where you state that this skill will help you to take the company to the next level and that you would love to see the company rise from strength to strength.

Yet this having said, you must ensure, that you do not linger on with your cover letter and make it pages and pages in length. Your conclusion need not be more than a few lines long.

11. Editing it properly is very important indeed:

Finally after completing your letter and deciding that this is the very skill which you would like to highlight the most, then you must go on to the task of editing your cover letter.

Editing your letter may be a time consuming task for those who take it seriously, but once you have properly edited your cover letter and made it crisp then only should you consider submitting it.

Go ahead and eliminate all those lines in your cover letter which are empty statements on your problem solving skill.

How to Show Problem Solving Skills in Interview:

1. State why this skill is hard to find:

In addition to highlighting the skill, you must mention how this is a skill that no other people have and even if they have it they do not put it to use correctly. When you appear for your interview, you should mention the ideas which you have for the company’s development and exactly where you think this skill of yours will be most handy.

If you speak making use of facts and figures then that is going to show the recruiters that you have come prepared and that you are someone who dares to dream big. All companies like to hire people like this on board since they will be the future of the company.

2. Talk about how you constantly develop this skill:

In the course of your interview do make it a point to mention that this is a skill which you are born with, yet that does not mean that you do not try your best to develop it further.

Make it a point to mention that you constantly work out math problems and even do some computer programming to keep your brain active and analytical.

These two things are vital when it comes to problem solving. State that you are constantly trying to break the mold and you strive for perfections at all times.

3. State in short what you have mentioned in your cover letter and resume:

Very often it may happen that the recruiter didn’t have time to read your resume or cover letter in detail so at the very onset you can consider summing up what therein short to show them indirectly that this is the skill which is your secret weapon.

4. Mention other skills which complement this one:

Wanting to highlight this skill the most and not wanting to confuse your words by trying to put forth too much at one time is a good idea. Yet, that does not mean that you should only make it seem that this is your only skill.

Do not mention in detail but at least touch upon other skills which you do have and which compliments this problem solving ability of yours.

Doing this will make it seem like you are someone who overall rather capable and will able to handle any task entrusted to you.

5. Do not sound repetitive when trying to reiterate:

When coming for an interview you must ensure that you well prepared with whatever you would like to say and you should even prepare answers to questions that often and most likely to ask.

When trying to put forth this problem solving ability during your interview, you must ensure that in the attempt of trying to harp on the point, you do not end up sounding repetitive and even boring.

Each time you must try and show a new aspect of how this is useful as well as indispensable.

Rather than having a boring and bland cover letter it is advisable that as mentioned in the very first point, that you should devote a significant time thinking about how you are going to go about doing things.

Your cover letter should be so vibrant in its content and presentation that it is instantly able to knock the socks off the recruiters and show them that you are someone who will do wonders for the company.

Your cover letter should be like an advertisement that entices the recruiter to read the entire resume from the beginning to the end.


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