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15 Excellent Recruitment Tips and Advice for Recruiters


Recruitment tips are indispensable for employers as they assist them in identifying best process and practices of employee recruitment.

Finding candidates to suit the job, work culture and work environment is a demanding job for employers. Each company should adhere to a proven and established process for employee recruitment and selection.

The recruitment processes should allow employers to economically attract, as well as discover, the most capable and prospective employees for their company.

Find recruiting strategies and recruitment tips to facilitate you in becoming a better recruiter, make additional placements, remain updated on latest recruiting trends, and stay informed and motivated.

recruitment tips for recruitersRecruitment Tips for Hiring Better Candidates:

1. Resume solicitation and selection:

The first action of employee recruitment, after the posting of job, is resume solicitation and selection.

It is not possible to go through thousands of delivered resumes, the best way is to batch-select the one’s that reach within one week or so and if the convenient number builds up a resume-scanning software can be used or resumes are manually reviewed.

2. Qualification standards:

It is vital to evidently set qualification standards, .e.g., based on professional and educational qualifications and skills, clear of unsuitable resumes that will simply waste time and energy.

3. Multiple interviews:

A rushed or superficial interview process can be pricey. Hence, it is advisable to conduct multiple interviews, especially when there is logistical hindrance to, face to face interviews, phone, Skype or other arrangements.

A phone interview is useful in clarifying the chief employee requirements, such as working hours, salary, job responsibilities, etc.

Each stage of the interview should have understandable goals that are integral to the whole process. Where resources permit, screening and interviewing by different trusted professionals.

4. Develop Relationships:

Spend time in developing relationships with other recruiters, university placement offices and executive search firms.

5. Involve current staff:

Involve current staff workers to actively participate in company’s conferences and professional associations where they are expected to meet suitable people you may successfully pursue.

Your current employees can recommend talented candidates to your organization as well.

6. Online Job boards:

online job boards Keep a check on the online job boards for budding candidates who have resumes online even if they’re not presently looking.

7. Websites and magazines:

Make use of magazines and professional association Web sites to broadcast for professional staff.

8. Hire the Sure Thing When Recruiting Employees:

Mr. Ira T. Kay and Mr. Bruce N. Pfau, writers of “The Human Capital Edge” believe that you should always hire a candidate who has previously done the exact job, in the exact industry, in the particular business environment, from an organization with a very similar culture.

They strongly believe that the past activities is the finest predictor of future behavior and advocate that this is the approach that will help you to hire champions.

9. Look First at In-house Candidates:

Providing lateral and promotional opportunities for present employees positively uplifts morale and makes them feel their capabilities, accomplishment and talent, are well appreciated.

So it is best to internally post positions first. Conduct an interview with potential candidates. This will also give you a chance to know them better.

They will eventually learn more about the needs and goals of the company. At times, an excellent fit is found between their needs and yours.

10. Stay Connected, Even with Seemingly Unworthy Candidates:

interviewing candidates for a job Scheduling your day in a way that you’re capable to speak to as many potential employees as possible and not wasting efforts on undeserving or unfit candidates is very important.

A deserving candidate is somebody who is competent for the position or somebody who has a good referral.

Even if you’ve concluded half way through a call that the person you are talking with is not qualified enough, do not end the conversation as they may be acquainted with somebody else who may be qualified and interested.

So spin that useless phone call into a potential networking opening to hunt for possible referrals.

11. Write accurate job listings:

This may sound pretty basic, but it’s one stage that frequently gets overlooked. Examine your existing job postings to make sure you’re describing the job precisely and in a manner that’s easy to interpret.

A good job posting should clearly express what the job includes and describe who would be doing well in that role. Even trivial changes, like citing key job duties, can help enhance your results.

12. Create a painless process for applying:

If your potential candidates are required to fill out numerous pages of information prior to even submitting a resume, there’s a good chance they will give up before even applying.

The applicants you’re looking for are highly-talented, which means they are most likely to have various other employment options to consider.

If applying for your job postings is cumbersome and complicated, your perfect candidates may just give up and apply elsewhere.

13. Keep your candidates warm:

rejection in job interviews Rejection for one particular job proposal is by no means a dead end.

“If I’m doing a great job keeping in touch,” expresses Victoria Schanen, Senior IT Recruiter for McKinley Consulting “the person who refused my offer six months before could swiftly turn into the person who rings me first to update me if he is interested in a job.”

Likewise, recruiters often meet a candidate who is not suitable for the job but in the near future can be a good job prospect.

14. State what you don’t want:

A job advertisement has two definite goals: To be a magnet for the perfect candidate and to prevent everyone else.

The accomplishment of your ad is determined by how many suitable candidates you tend to attract and not by the overall number of applications. If you attract hefty numbers of people you’ve basically written a very poor ad.

The less you obscure necessary details, the more likely you are to draw suitable people.

15. Direct more attention to social media:

Take benefit of social media platforms where job seekers already concentrate a lot of their time. LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook are excellent tools to leverage while sourcing for candidates.

If your corporation already has a Facebook page, make sure you post job openings there.

Even if your page members don’t classify themselves with the position, providing a link will promote them to share the job with somebody who they think will be a better fit.


It is not easy to never ever make a bad hire, but the objective is to reduce the frequency by incorporating the correct steps to avoid it.

Pay good attention to your job listings, provide simple applying tools, look after candidate relationships and make full use of social platforms. Every step will aid you to enhance your candidate selection and eventually your chances of hiring the “ideal” candidate.

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