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46 Bad Questions You Should NOT Ask in an Job Interview


Recruitment has become very common in almost all industries, as there are new technologies or vacancies popping very often. As the competition in the market has increased considerably, every interview attended by a job seeker is very important from his/her point of career aspect or equally important to the organization as well.

There are so many do’s and dont’s for all kind of interviews irrespective of the domain. Especially, when it comes to the end of the interview where the job seeker gets a chance to speak out, it is very crucial to know how to take the end smoothly.

This post is all about questions which as a job seeker should never ask the interviewer at the end of the interview.

Bad Questions You Should Never Ask

Bad Questions You Should Not Ask in an Interview: 

  1. After applying to one job, how long should I wait for applying for another job?
  2. After I start working here How soon can I take a vacation?
  3. Are you married or single?
  4. Can I bring my dog to work?
  5. Can I see the break room?
  6. Can employees share their coupons with family and friends?
  7. Can we go out for drinks or coffee later?
  8. Can I smoke in my car at work?
  9. Did I Get the Job?
  10. Do employees get discounts at retail outlets?
  11. Do I need to pass drug tests before getting hired?
  12. Do you ask for doctors notes when employees use sick leaves?
  13. Do you check references before or after an offer?
  14. Do you have any dress codes here?
  15. Do you keep track of employees in and out times?
  16. Do you monitor employees emails and web browsing when at work?
  17. Do you offer maternity or paternity leaves?
  18. Do you provide any work from home options in the future?
  19. Does pre employment drug test mean I got the job?
  20. How can I get promoted quickly?
  21. How long is lunch?
  22. How do you check references?
  23. How long do I need to work here before availing a paid personal or sick leave?
  24. How many paid personal or sick days are allowed?
  25. How many unexcused absences are allowed for work?
  26. How much paid vacation time will I get?
  27. How old is this company?
  28. How soon can I get a raise?
  29. How to report unethical behavior in the workplace
  30. I applied for a job. What should I do now besides waiting?
  31. I don’t like working on Desktops. Can you provide me a laptop?
  32. I don’t want a cubicle. Can I have a window side seating?
  33. Is it OK to leave early if I complete my work early?
  34. Is this office completely under surveillance?
  35. What are the other jobs that are available here?
  36. What are the requirements for the job?
  37. What does the person in this job do?
  38. What does your company do?
  39. What is the process before firing someone here?
  40. What type of health insurance plan this does the company offer?
  41. What other benefits do you provide?
  42. Who are the main competitors?
  43. Why is it so noisy here?
  44. Will you keep monitoring employees social media activities?
  45. Will you provide any job related training here?
  46. Will you sponsor for an advanced degree for me?

Bad Interview Questions and Answers:

An interview should always have a positive ending. Here is a list of few important questions which has to be never asked at the end of the interview.

1. When will you get back to me?

One of the most common mistakes most of the job seeker does is asking about the result date with eagerness or curiosity. Yes, it is a natural feeling to get curious about the results, but sometimes, this kind of questions will show about your insecurity about the interview. Wait till you get the results by themselves, else it will spoil your image.

2. What about the salary negotiations?

Sometimes asking about the salary is also not a good thing at the end of the interview. Every job seeker expects the salary. This does not mean you demand to know from the interviewer.

No interviewer would leave without bringing pay scale to the notice at least when you get the results. Hence, it is good to avoid questions related to the pay scale or salary negotiations.

3. Can you brief about the company’s future projects?

There are a few questions even though your intentions are right might give you a bad image. Never put questions like about the organization’s future projects at all. Because this might show either you are unaware of the organization’s details else it will show that you are unsecured about your job.

4. Can you give me an idea about my working hours?

It is very good to know that you are ready to know about the organization entirely. But this does not mean you can demand to know all the details right at the interview date. Questions about working hours, number of leaves and vacations can ask later but not at the end of the interview.

5. What are the employee benefits which is very unique in your organization?

Never ask questions which might make them think you are too cautious about your job. Questions like employee benefits, or your leave deductions can ask sometime later and not at the end of the interview.

This might make them think you overindulge with your questions to know about the organization details.

6. Is my boss a female or a male?

This question is absolutely a head-turner as it shows you as a gender bias. There might be some personal choices but it is wrong to talk to at the interview or even at later stages to someone.

This will ruin your image as well nothing is going to change even after you know who is going to be your boss. So, it is better to avoid talking about these topics at the end of the interview.

7. What is the period for considering a hike in my job role?

Everyone will be excited to be great at their job to get a hike very soon. But this does not mean you can exhibit your emotions right at the interview. Questioning about the time limit for your hike or about your future improvements is not so appropriate at the end of the interview day.

8. How quick are promotions going among other employees presently?

Do not get too much involved to know about their employee performance or professional analysis. Sometimes this might bring you image that you are too judgmental about their company or their overall working. So, avoid this kind of questions which wilt ruin your respect.

9. What will be my situation in your office if I dislike my colleagues or my team?

Every job seeker might have few doubts or insecurities about their job. Or there might be a few bad experiences in their previous job. This cannot be explicitly exhibited to the interviewer as they might get confused or suspicious about your behavior in the future. Hence, do not express your fear to the interviewer.

10. Will you consider an onsite in a few years?

Another most common expressions of a job seeker are to know about their plans of sending you abroad for an on-site. Yes, everyone has a dream to work from foreign countries but this does not mean you can ask this question to know about their plans for your job.

This might make the interviewer feel you so obsess about leaving to abroad.

11. Do I have flexibility in timings if I finish my job?

Its natural no one will want to stay in office after they finish their job. But this does not mean all organizations will have flexible work timings to send their employees as soon as they finish their job. It is better not to expect these things right at the end of the interview.

Even though there are chances about flexible work timings it is good to avoid such kind of questions at the end of the interview.

12. How long have you been here in this office?

Job seekers should always know where to limit their questions when they intend to ask the interviewer. Be careful about your questions as few of them might be an introvert or few might not like asking any questions about something personal.

There are chances that few of the interviewers might avoid getting too personal to you until and unless you are into their company. So, it is better to avoid such kind of questions because you gave a chance to ask a question.

13. Why did that downfall happen in your organization last year?

It is good that a job seeker should be aware of all good and happenings about inside the company but this does not mean you can get into all topics right at the end of the interview.

There might be a few questions which have reserved for yourself as it might even hurt to discuss with a job seeker. So it is good to avoid embarrassments from both sides.

14. Are you married or do you have children?

Yes, again this question might cause reverse actions as it is not necessary to question at this point. So, do not try getting too personal to know about their background. Be smart enough to ask what is needed for the interview point of view.

15. Can you share your social media details?

Commonly, all of us interest in social media and you are eager to get into touch will the interviewer through social media. But there might be few people who are away from social media.

So, just to avoid this kind of things it is better to stick not to ask something like this at the end of the interview.

16. Tell me when you will do a background check.

Background checks are a very common procedure followed by most of the organizations. So, it is not needed to ask them this question about their responsibilities. This might also bring reverse reactions like something suspicious about your curiosity about background checks.

17. Can I access my mails when I am in the office?

Every employee will need some personal breaks from the routine in the office. And most organizations do not restrict too much from not taking breaks or checking personal emails.

So, it is better to not put this question because your question might trigger them thinking you are more interested in extracurricular than office work.

18. Do I get a separate cabin?

Questions about your seat allotment or about having a separate cabin will make them feel that you are a person of the comfort zone. Even though you are eager to know about your personal space, it is better to avoid this kind of questions at the end of the interview.

19. What is the last possible thing when you will do when an employee does not meet expectations?

Every job seeker will want to know what are the firing policies of the organization or how does their organization react to an underperforming employee.

But never put questions about underperformance because there are chances you can be misunderstood that you are scared about your future. So, stay away from negative questions.

20. How many job seekers are been interviewed for the same role?

Never show you are eager to know about the competition involved in the same job role. This will give a negative impact on you. Be confident about your performance and stick to your interview than knowing about someone else.

21. Is that rumor true?

Taking about rumors will always backfire to you. Do not think it might increase the closeness with the interviewer. You will also be judged about your corporate etiquette too in an interview. So, stay away from such kind of questions.


There are many etiquettes when related to job interviews. It is always good to stick to be minimal than talking a lot. The more you express, the more you are judged.

So, be conscious of what you speak and stick to relevant topics to the interview. Hope this post helps you to know about the bad questions which are to be avoided at the end of the interview.

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