One of the most important relationships when looking from a career aspect is boss employee relationship. This is been one of the delicate as well as a respectful relationship every employee has to maintain.
Most of them when hearing the word ‘boss’ have a notion that when he/she orders ‘I will do it‘. But the real factor is until and unless you understand your boss completely, it is difficult to fulfill his/her wishes. There are many key points to maintain this relationship transparency, mutual respect, and sometimes even diplomacy too.
However, to understand and maintain you need to know your manager completely. There are a few most important things you should ask your boss and know yourself which will help you maintain healthily and a cordial relationship.

Questions You’d Better Ask Your Boss Regularly:
Here are a few questions you should ask your boss to understand him/her better, whereas this will help you set your motive, and will put you together with your boss effectively.
1. Hello, how is the day going.?
The very first thing to maintain any relationship is to greet each other every day. You need not sound formal, but always make it a habit to greet your boss with this question.
This needs to gives you any straight answers but will help you someday to know any real issues going. By this question, you are helping your boss to be open and also making him/her focus on you as an individual.
2. Anything specific for me today.?
Some of the most common questions need to give you any answers but it will trigger your boss to be more close with you. You might have been given a goal or a week’s target priorly.
But a question like anything specific or something to convey will gain importance in the team. Sometimes it will also gain you good replies and there are times where you might not get anything out of it. But for sure a good impression is guaranteed in the long run.
3. Am I doing the right thing.?
Getting to know what you are up to is one good manner that can be followed by your boss. This question about your performance or whether you are doing right will help you someday to get proper guidance from your boss.
Never ignore this kind of question to ask because it might help you correcting you when you are wrong, and also will gain a reputation for your updates with your boss.
4. Do you have any preference for communication:
Communication is one strange part of in-office where no one could understand what others expect. This is the case with bosses, few of them expect to always keep them updated was as few of them do not like always their mailbox keeping beeped often. So, it is better to know the boss’s pulse with communication. Lightly keep your question.
For example, you can ask specifically like should send you updates about this project weekly or is it only just updates or can I reach with emails on the weekend or will it wait till Monday.? These polite questions will show your concern about your job.
5. Anything important with the organization.?
Keeping yourself updated about the organization’s news is the way you take care of your job. This question is good to go because it shows you are proactive about the organization as well as it creates an image of your involvement in your job.
It builds a rapport with your boss so that he/she will be free to discuss the real stuff going around. One tip along with this question is to know your boss’s mood and then proceed.
6. Where it has to be improved.?
There might be times where you commit a mistake and your boos very well do not feel good about it. This has to be corrected. Never hesitate to put this question often to correct your mistake as well as gain confidence from your boss that you would improve.
Keep this question in a positive tone and always regular because one day even when the issue is severe, your boss might forgive for your positiveness to correct yourself.
7. Let me know my time limit:
Getting new projects, updating previous projects are very common in the day to day process. The very first thing which a boss would expect from any level of employee is to maintain the time limit.
And sometimes few bosses would not set time limits but expect you to have your limitations and not to drag. So to know the seriousness of the project or to know the expectations of your boss, it is better to put a neat straight question and then proceed with your work.
8. Are we going on the right path:
Team building is not only the responsibility of the boss but also it belongs to the team. And one most important thing every boss would expect is to maintain a good relationship with everyone inside the team, and also to care about the whole team’s progress towards the goal.
Asking a question about the entire team’s well being is very important to keep your image high. Be casual and have a concerned tone to set your question in the right way.
9. Is there any changes that need to be updated:
You should always remember to proceed knowing the real procedure of any kind of task. Ask questions about the progress, or kind of changes updates about your work at the right time. This will help you a lot personally as well as make your boss feel that you are responsible and committed to your work.
10. How is this week’s overall performance:
This question is very common and can be addressed every week to your boss to know your status in your work as well as set a right beginning for your upcoming week.
Once when you have made it a habit to ask, you should always remember to miss the routine which can bring adverse effects. Follow a good routine every week about the performance with your boss which will benefit you in the future.
11. Do you have any specific things to be reminded for the upcoming week:
Keep it a habit to always help your boss with few things. This question does not need to be flattering but it will surely give you a good understanding of your boss as well as make you stand as a good person overall. This question is not to build your image but to always keep you best at all paces.
12. Are there any bottlenecks for the upcoming week.?
This question is good to go with your boss to keep yourself prepared for the upcoming week. Sometimes there might be some hindrance in your projects or any kind of hold in your overall team’s work.
Never expect always your manager to update. Try showing your concern and keep yourself updated with the work that needs to be done overall.
13. How tough it was to be where you are today.?
Learning is not only from your work, but it has also been done in all modes possible in your work environment. Try getting some experts to advise often to make your progress good in your career.
Ask your boss when you get a chance to know about his path to this level. This will surely give you good knowledge as well as will help you to have a mentor for your career.
For everything you work for or do in your job, it will take you to a good level someday. A boss employee relationship is essential and has to be maintained by good understanding.
Never hesitate to ask questions and show your presence often. Hope this post helps you to know more about the questions to be asked frequently to your boss.