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19 Most Important Questions to ask at the End of an Interview


So, do you have any question for me?

This is the part of the interview for which an interviewee needs to come prepared, so that he can ask the appropriate questions to the interviewer.

You have gone through all the assessments and several rounds of interview before reaching the final stage of the interview.

But, if you are not prepared for this, then all your hard work just went kaput because no interviewer would like to listen that the candidate has no questions for them.

That means they are least interested in the position that is being offered and also they don’t portray any concern about the organization either which is definitely a negative approach.

When you are interested in something you are bound to ask questions and will be curious to know more and more about the company.

questions to askWhile asking questions is important, but that doesn’t mean you can ask anything under the sun and get away with that.

You have to come prepared for this segment and asking about the salary must not feature at any corner of your mind. Salary can be discussed when they finally offer you the job, but not prior to that.

Even questions regarding the benefits and day offs are not welcomed by the interviewers. So, what do you ask?

If this is the question that is spinning in your mind, then you are at the right place to get all your questions answered. There are some Do’s and Don’ts when you are preparing your list of questions for the interviewer.

Your questions must reflect that you have done enough research in coming up with these sets of questions.

Moreover, it also shows your keen interest in the company’s growth and how you can be part of that growth as well.

Getting it right from the word Go:

Here we will be providing you with the bunch of questions that you can ask at the end of the interview, but you must remember that how you ask them also matters.

So, you must check your tone while you ask them and your body language must also reflect positive attitudes of yours.

While asking the questions you must also take into account the culture of the company and the nature of the interviewer too. You must ask open ended question, so that they are able to explain everything in details.

So, keeping all these points in mind, we have prepared a set of questions that will be helpful for you. Just pick up the ones that you feel will do the trick.

Top Questions to Ask at the End of Interview:

1. Can you throw some light on the responsibilities that I’ll have on a daily basis for this particular job?

more responsibility This will help the interviewer understand your eagerness to work with the organization and it is a good way of learning about the job as much as possible.

When you will know what you have to do on a day to day basis, then you will know what strengths and skills you require to possess.

2. Who used to work in this position earlier and why he or she is leaving?

If the person is leaving the position because he or she has been promoted, then it shows that there is growth opportunity here.

If they are moving out due to some other reason, then also you will come to know about the culture of the organization through this.

Moreover, you will get the name of the person who has just left the position, so if you want, you can call that person and know more about the concern and the way they work.

3. What qualities are you looking for in the candidate to excel in the role that you are interviewing for?

This question will lead you to the information that is not there in the job description. In one way, you will be able to judge whether you are best suited for the role or not.

You will also be able to gather information about the expectation of the company and also its work culture.

4. How is the culture of your company?

If you are not sure whether you will be able to fit in the organization or not, then you can ask them this question to determine that as company culture is very important .

While they are answering your question you must make a note in your mind and see whether you will be comfortable working here or not.

5. Who are your top competitors and why do you think they are your top competitors?

Competitors When you are joining any position in the company, it is important that you have a clear idea about the rivals of the company.

You will be able to get the information right from the horse’s mouth and we all know these types of information are not that easy to get elsewhere.

6. What is the future of the company and where do you see the company within the next 5 years?

If you are planning to join this company, then it is essential that you know where the company is heading in the next 5 years.

This will ensure that you can grow along with the company when you will be staying in there for a long period of time.

7. What are the most enjoyable traits of the role and the least enjoyable traits of this role?

When you want to know what challenges are awaiting you, then it will be easier for you to prepare yourself for that beforehand.

While asking this question you will be demonstrating your listening skill as well as it will provide you with enough fodder to help you become successful in this position.

8. What kind of training is offered for this job?

Now that you are in the middle of the question and answer round, this question will make the interviewer notice your eagerness to enhance your skill by taking part in the different training programs offered by the organization.

When you are building your skill, it will be beneficial for the company only because you will be adding value to the company.

9. How the position that you are being offered relates to the organization’s overall structure?

By asking this question you will be portraying your ability to work as a team rather than working as an individual.

It will portray your eagerness to see where you fit in and how your performance will affect the company as a whole.

10. How do you measure performance and how is it reviewed?

assess It shows your eagerness to perform and delivering good results. You will be considered as one who values the commitment, returns and reliability.

11. The product that you have launched recently will help your organization in which way?

It will show that you have done your homework well and are eager to know the thought process and analysis that goes behind this.

12. May I share my interest in developing and implementing new ideas?

It is always better to seek for permission before you blow your own trumpet. When you are in an interview, it is all about selling your skill and talent, so that you can get hired, therefore, don’t let go any opportunity of bringing out your hidden talent.

13. Who the manager will be and will I be meeting him or her?

If you are going to work in this environment, then it is better that you know who your manager will be and how he or she operates and what she expects because at the end of the day you will be working with your manager to achieve the result for the company.

14. Do you find anything where I need to improve as far as my qualification is concerned?

This will show that you are an open minded professional who wants to improve himself at every step.

15. Why have you selected this company over others?

Asking questions Now, when you ask this question to your interviewer, then you will get another perspective of the company through the interviewer’s point of view.

You will understand why your interviewer has chosen this company when he had other options as well.

16. So, when can I expect to hear from you?

Once you ask this question, you will get a hint about whether you will be hired or not.

Moreover, you will also know how long you will have to wait before getting the exact answer about whether you will be hired or not.

17. Whom to contact if I have any further query?

This will provide you with the name of the concerned person whom you can connect to in case you have some query about anything else that you haven’t asked in here.

It is just good to have a name of the contact person just in case you require seeking their help.

18. In case I join tomorrow, what top priority on my list will be?

It will push your interviewer in thinking you as the one who will be holding the position and will also show your eagerness to learn the tricks of the trades from the word Go.

It is always good to be interested in the position that you are being offered because that will show you in a positive light.

19. What are the changes or developments that you think new candidate will incorporate in this position?

It is another way of framing the question to figure out the quality that is required for the job and what the employer is expecting from the new candidate.

Here are some of the questions that you can ask your interviewer to let them know how much interested you are for the position.


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