When change is introduced, there will always be roadblocks and resistance. No one is truly comfortable with it even though change is inevitable.
It can come about for a variety of reasons a strategic move for better productivity, efficiency, profitability and/or an intentional decision that is based on the updated technological trends.
With the market and customers’ evolving taste and preferences, organizations have to keep their products relevant to these workplace changes so that they can remain competitive in the market. With the change in the workplace that aims at bringing success, a thoughtful process in the implementation is advisable.
Weighing all the pros and cons of adapting to change in the workplace will increase the chances of a successful future. Here are therefore a few points that need attention before implementing change in the workplace.

What Causes Change in the Workplace?
Change in the workplace brings about for a variety of reasons and there are different types of change that range from small updates to a complete reorganization of systems and processes.
Depending on the type of reason that the company has to make the changes, a complete blueprint of the processes important to have. Even with small updates, there are bound to some distinct modifications in the work process that will need training and good management.
The points below will help in identifying the different causes of change in the workplace or organizational change process.
1. Competition:
Markets are fickle and the same can says of customers too. Therefore, in this competitive environment, it is important to keep up with the latest trends and changes in the market and the preferences of your customers.
With the growth of a lot of other companies and startups that could potentially give you a run for your money, your organization must be always one step ahead.
Depending on how the customer-market dynamic changes, your systems, processes, and structures could change easily and also your organization needs to be at its competitive best.
2. Technology:
With the ever-evolving world of technology, companies and industries are always upgrading their technologies and finding ways to update their employees’ skills so that it matches the new change.
Technological changes in the workplace not only bring about modifications to the old systems but this will also bring about training sessions and seminars for the employees to be able to use the new additions to the workplace.
It is advantageous for a company to update themselves on new technological innovations as these will make the daily processes easier and done faster.
3. Diverse employees:
Every established company will also house a diverse group of ethnicity, nationality, caste and/or creed. With their different outlook and ways of life, there is a need for the organization to make all of their employees comfortable.
The organizational principles and sometimes visions will now need to include these differences in the employees’ tastes and beliefs so that the organization is successful and maintains its good image.
4. Growth:
With innovations, market changes and the creativity that has structured most successful businesses right now; every consultant will advise their corporate clients to embrace change so that there is no stagnation and the growth chart is always climbing.
There are a lot of important steps that will bring about the success and growth of the company. Being open to dealing with changes in the workplace when there is a need, probably ranks at the top of being able to grow in the corporate world.
Opening up to changes and being able to adapt to the different situations that arise every day in the workplace is very important.
5. Processes:
Processes are one function in any organization that has undergone the least changes in the years that a company founded. The processes are created around the present market, people, and production of the advertised services and if there is a success in the company, it will be constant.
Processes, therefore, change only for profits and this should change to this industry is updated with the ever-changing business world. Updating and refinement of processes are very important if the company wants to remain viable.
6. Regulations:
The government creates rules and regulations that force businesses and organizations to change their systems and processes to include the newly added modification; a safety bill that would require better or more steps of quality control, environmental rules would require a change in the production processes and changes in market regulations.
These reasons have been a major cause for organizations to change to be able to keep their place in the market and thus maintain their image.
Benefits of Change in the Workplace | Consequences of Change in the Workplace |
Scope for growth | Morale |
Adaptability | Inefficiency |
Creativity | Expenses |
Benefits of Change in the Workplace:
It does not help anyone to resist change because, with it, there is always the benefits of the experience and the learning.
This will eventually add up to all the knowledge gathered so that the company retains a high probability of getting change right the next time.
Change is something that will happen eventually and instead of running away from it, embraces the change.
Benefits will follow because most of these changes always bring about a desire to grow, stay viable and be successful.
Revamping processes, systems or work profiles should, therefore, well thought of and analyze before deciding since this increases the likelihood of a favorable result.
1. Scope for growth:
Embracing those changes that are necessary and one that fights the current problems that the company has can be a cause of growth. Whether the problem is with productivity, efficiency, faulty processes or just to update the obsolete technologies there is definite growth in the future.
Productivity and efficiency increase with the right changes and this will give your employees the knowledge and skillsets that will eventually help the company in the future success and thus ensures growth.
2. Adaptability:
Changes bring about a personality in employees and management that will lead to the ability in adapting to different situations. Every change within a company will demand a change in an individual’s outlook and personality.
To be able to make the change successful, you should be able to believe that the change is going to be successful. Change is scary and this is why there are so many roadblocks when trying to implement them. With this entailing the venture to a new and inexperienced path, it will eventually help in personal growth.
3. Creativity:
Going into a relatively new venture and trying to find the success factor will force you to be creative and innovative with your approach towards the change. Sure there will be tutorials, workshops, and seminars that will look to educate everyone on the new system or technology.
However, getting the job done and doing it in a way where efficiency and productivity are increased calls upon creativity and innovative thinking. The necessary update to your skills will only lead to an inspired and inventive method of getting the result; changes, therefore, provide so many benefits whether personally or for the company as a whole.
4. Progress:
It is evident that change brings about progress, adapting to the new and refined way of working will help the company stay viable in the market. Technology is innovative and ever-changing hence it is advisable to update the company and/or the entire corporation.
This way work is done easier and faster, reducing the time and resources to get a higher rate of productivity and thus increases efficiency.
In other words, the company and the industry are progressing and the results will always look promising. Systems and processes develop because of the change and the employees are more innovative and creative leading to progress.
5. Opportunities:
Opening the corporate door to changes will provide opportunities to venture into new markets that might give better productivity and even more success in a field that previously looked risky and uncertain. New skills and new ventures open a path where there are new market opportunities to look forward to.
New products that can be featured services and the most important opportunity is when there is a huge probability of knowledge that can be gained. From employees to management and whether it is a successful change or a not so successful one, it will bring about a better understanding of the business and market.
Consequences of Change in the Workplace:
As addressed before, change resisted in the workplace and though it has a lot of benefits and it brings about personal growth, a half-baked change decision can hamper the work and the productivity of the team.
This is why changes should always do after analyzing and examining the pros and cons that the change can bring not only to the company but especially to the team.
Changes like an update to a more upgraded system and processes will not face as much of a resistance as changes that affect the team does.
There are lapses in judgment and sometimes a change is not as successful, this is not a good reason to never add any more changes to the company. Here are therefore a few consequences that come with the change in the workplace
1. Morale:
The most affected by the change are the employees who will be implementing them in real-time. There will be a lot of pressure in getting a successful result from the change and hence there will be a lot of resistance because of the added weight.
When changes are implemented, it is very important to remember that communication is the most important tool. Communication will help in getting the changes applied and for it to become successful.
Employees who did not get the explanation as to why the changes are being done and how this is important for the company, will lose their trust and bring about low morale. Since it will look like no one is listening to them as to why the change will not work and there is no communication, resistance will only increase.
2. Inefficiency:
It is important to note that most of the consequences of change in the workplace mostly comes from the employees. During the first few months of implementing the changes, there will be a lot of mistakes taking place.
Time will be spent on learning a new skill that will help in implementing the new modifications. This will cause a downfall in the productivity chart during these months where the time spent mostly on adapting to the new changes, inefficiency is an inevitable outcome.
Therefore, it is important to plan the first few months of changes so that the learning is generated into great results in real time. Employees who are resistant to the change will spend their time thinking about why it won’t work and thus cause inefficiency too.
3. Expenses:
Any change will come at a cost. Whether it is the expense of buying the new technology or the cost of training the new tool for the employees, the change will come at a cost that the company should prepare to handle beforehand.
There will be the time in learning the new addition, coping with change in the workplace because everyone is very much used to the old systems and processes to the actual successful implementation of what is being learned.
Time is money in the corporate world and each second spent on the workshops, training, and seminars cost the company thousands to millions of dollars. Therefore it is important that the management plans and strategizes the change before actually implementing them.
To Wrap Up:
Change is good and as someone has said, change is in itself a constant because eventually it will happen depending on certain factors There are a lot of well-established companies that have gone off the market or become obsolete because of their resistance to change.
While it is full of risks, change brings about a lot of positive changes that will give the organization the sustainability and success that it needs to stay competitive and viable in the market.