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How do I Prepare for a Phone Interview: Awesome Tips Guide


Now-a-days recruiters prefer to choose a different medium for the intake of employees. They take in people who are skilled yes, but with a twist. Gone are the days when you had to stick to a ‘take your resume’ format for clearing your interview. People today prefer taking it quick and easy. Thus, phone interview has become the in-thing. A phone interview is when an employer chooses to call the respective candidate on his or her given contact number and try striking up a conversation which will entail all the necessary requirement questions needed by a company. Here, the employer will first take a time from the employee before calling. He or she will confirm whether that would be the suitable time to dial a call to them if he or she is free. After having done that, if the company policy demands, there would be an online test taken of the employee by sending in some testes via mail. After those tests are cleared then things will get going and, if the company demands, then you will be required to personally go and meet up to clear additional requirements. Phone interviews thus, act as a preliminary round of clearance.

how prepare phone interview

What can be the Typical Phone Interview Questions?

As mentioned it is a very basic stage of clearing the first round of getting your job. Thus, many times, people prefer phone interviews as the reason of fear from facing your employer. However, you will still need to measure your words when you answer. Here are some of the typical phone interview questions:-

1. Tell me a little about yourself?

It is must that you are able to describe what you like and your preferences . Here they want to draw a character portfolio of yourself. At such times, in 90 % of the cases, the employer will be having your resume in their hand. They will go through and check whether each and every information you put about yourself is true or not. They will surely do a cross verification. Apart from that they will try and figure out how you are as a person.

2. What is your education background?

Though your resume will talk about it, it is a must that it naturally comes out form you. You must proudly be able to boast about the education you have received and even show how you have used it in your life. Is it little, at least showing them that you tried achieving a higher degree. It is a must that you let your employer know first the highest degree you have attained. It helps you make your grounding better.

3. If you are employed then where. If not, what are you looking for?

Employers are constantly looking for people who may have got a specific amount of experience with whatever you are doing. It is necessary that you do something that is good and nice and show your employer that you do know things. If you have been a past employer then you must tell your company about it. If you have not done anything then try impressing them by saying you are a fresher. Thus, try telling the maximum deal about yourself.

4. What is the most important thing you are looking for in your job?

This question can be considered common for any and every type of an interview. It is very much required that you work really hard with whatever you are doing. It is a must that you are able to justify and tell them what you are really good at. It will be a tough task to do but it will be done once you prepare yourself with a few justified answers about it. It will not take much time.

5. Do you have a question for us?

Typical employers will have questions like these for these employees. If such a question arises it will be considered wise that you answer it in a sound manner. At such times, you must let them know about suppose the salary package you may be wanting, or some specific need you may be having. You can also let them know that you may be going out somewhere for some time and can only come for a personal interview later. Company policy can also be discussed well at such times.

Gear up for some Phone Interview Tips:

If you thought phone interviews was easy and classy then think again. You really need to put efforts to clear phone interviews because it may not be that easy. Also, a phone interview can have some trick questions lined up for you as well. Thus here are some basic tips which you can follow before you say yes to giving a phone interview:-

1. Be ready with company information:

It is good to be prepared with the company’s information. The company may have a different policy or outlook about their competitors. It is nice if you know in advance everything required and necessary about the company.

2. Get the time right for your interview:

An Interview if good can get over in 2 minutes. However, if the employer wants to know more about you, there are chances he or she will keep you in talking for long. Thus in no way pitch that you are busy. Thus, keep yourself free before giving any fixed time to your interviewer. Be free and be ready. Know your responses really well. It is good to be free than getting called all the time.

3. Prepare a little before the main interview:

It is considered wise if you give yourself some time before the main interview strikes. It is necessary and also important that you practice and rehearse really well before giving a final interview. It will be considered better if you know some revised Lines. Thus, for example, if they ask what you like or what your preferences are then make sure you let them know what you have done. It will be considered a wise option.

4. Be in range:

80% of the phone interviews can get screwed up if the employer has to call you again and again. Thus, when you know you have given your time to the employer, try your best and be in range. Make sure you are at the spot where there is maximum coverage wherever you are answering the call. If suppose the call is received at odd times, then excuse yourself and go at a different spot where there would be network. Try your best to give a proper answer to all the questions.

Questions To Ask During Phone Interview:

You may have ample amount of doubts while giving a phone interview. However, do not rush fast in this case. At such times, try the best to know their side of the story. What is it that they are asking or wanting to know about you? Here are some questions however which you can remember?

1. What are the main skills required?

This can be one of the most important questions you can ask. You may want to know what is that qualifies you better over the rest of the job applicants. You may want to ask what particular skills the company is looking for which you may want to apply for.

2. How do you describe the learning curve for this position?

You really want to know if getting in this company is going to shape you better for the rest of the job opportunities for life. Thus asking this can be a wise move. You may want to ask how much of the working can actually make you learn, polish your skills and make you a better professional.

3. What is the vacancy number?

This will be not a wrong question to ask. It is very important that you know if there are the questions that are being hurled at you, then at the same time, you also stand a chance of getting through. After having cleared the round, you might as well ask certain questions then. Ask them about the number of vacant positions so you may know whether you stand a chance or no.

4. Salary details and company policy ( Department specification and location):

Sometimes the company may be extremely ready to pour in the amount of money you want but you may not be happy with the way the company deals with people. Thus at such times get your company policies cleared from the people. Know what is it that is going to happen and what will be your job timings. Suppose you get a hint that there are higher chances of you getting in then you may as well pitch a little about your salary requirements. Be it any criteria, try and get to know more than speaking.

How to Handle Phone Interviews:

It is not a magnanimous task to handle a phone interview. It is actually considered easier and better than any of the interviews. However you can remember some of these tips on gestures and sayings before you give one:-

1. Greet the employer extremely well:

This can be considered a very good way of starting the interview. The employer is sure going to greet you nicely. But at the same time, if you too give a nice greeting and ask the employer about how their day has been, it completely adds to your points. The employer thus will be confirmed about your confidence and will very well know what exactly he or she is looking for.

2. Keep your pitch the same:

Though all interviews are supposed to be like a conversation, a phone interview helps you make that even easier. Do not get over excited or become too bossy at some opinions or answers. Do not laugh too hard or be so soft that you can’t even be heard. Keep your pitch the same be it whatever the response. This way the employer will know you are a balanced person who can answer quickly almost every answer. Smile and be happy.

3. Keep your documents ready and your social portfolios as well:

As mentioned above the employer is not going to be unprepared when he or she is asking questions to you. He or she is going to be the most ready and prepared before making any call. Thus, try and be prepared with every necessary document required and also your web profiles. When the employer makes any question related to that, you can easily guide him or her with the answers. You can even make corrections or add inputs and let them know more about you.

Thus phone interviews are not so hard to crack if you are very well prepared with your answers. Know you are lucky to get an interview at the first place and thus try and act as prepared as possible. You will give a good answer and you will be considered wise for every response that you give if you prepare well. A phone interview is very necessary and required. Thus, it is considered wise if you answer all your doubts very well and also make sure your employer out there is not left with any doubt. Make your pitch the perfect before any phone interview.

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