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How to Test Drive a New Career Without Switching Jobs?


There are many different kinds of people in the world. There are some who are family oriented and on the other end of the spectrum, there are people who are career oriented and find themselves at sea when they are unemployed. Choosing a career path for yourself is not an easy decision at all, therefore you should ensure that you put a lot of thought into it and do not make any kind of rash decision. So if you are trying your hand at some new career path, then given here is a list on how to test drive your new career.

test drive new careerTips to Test drive a new career before making the change:

1. Make sure to narrow down on what you really want to do:

In order to not be completely clueless you must at least try your best to narrow down about what field you would like to join. This does not imply that you have preconceived notions about things; it merely implies that you try and make a tentative plan of action.

Spend some quite moments in deep thoughts, contemplate about where your strengths and weaknesses lie and accordingly think about which field you would like to become a part of. If you do not know what career path you would like to choose, then how can you test-drive your new career?

2. Get all the qualifications required before hand:

Before you actually go ahead and test-drive your new career you must ensure that you have all the necessary qualifications to back you up. In this day and age without the correct qualifications as well as credentials no one will be willing to put their bets on you.

However, this having been said, having high qualifications does not imply that you will be a success in your professional life. You must have the ability to be able to convert all the theoretical knowledge which you have and put it into practice. Coming up with quick solutions to problems is an absolute must in the business world.

3. Do some reading up about the field:

In this day and age, accessing the internet has become such an easy task that is why you should make use of this precious resource in order to get as much information as you possibly can in order to help you to get ahead. Reading up online about the career path you are interested in becoming a part of, will really help you along the way.

After reading the pros and cons about the career field, your interest might be peaked even further, or on the contrary you might find that maybe this is something that is not meant for you.

4. Do not shy away from doing something different and unique:

Being fearless and having confidence in yourself is something which is absolutely vital when you are going to test driving your new career. If you do not have faith in yourself and your own ability then how can you convince others to hire you and at the same time how can you get others to invest their hard earned money in you?

If you have confidence and if you are self assured then that is half the battle won for you. If you show the world your vulnerable side, then people are bound to take advantage of you and your weakness.

5. Make sure to consult career coaches:

When you are trying to quietly test drive your new career, what you need to do is seek advice from career coaches, or skilled professionals like a career counselor who can give you advice that will really help and guide you.

With the help of tried and tested methods as well as proper standardized tests they will be able to tell you where your interests and abilities truly lie. In addition to this they will also be able to enlighten you about what are the transferrable skills which you used in your old job that can also benefit you in your new career field as well.

6. Take up some internship to see how you like the work:

Two things that could really help you to test drive your new career is, firstly you should be willing to do as many internships as possible and second, you should also volunteer strategically in order to really get into the thick of things and see how things work for yourself.

Volunteering and interning for free is something that most people might not like to do, but it is something that is truly helpful in order to help you gain some insight. If you get a taste of what your future job will entail, you can actually decide on whether you can actually see yourself doing this thing day in and out.

7. Have a broad network to help and assist you:

One of the best ways to test drive your new career is by having a broad network consisting of people both in your field and those who are not directly a part of it. The more people you know, the better it will be for you. You must ensure that you do not seek isolation as in the business world having contacts and connections are something that is absolutely invaluable.

Make sure that you brush up on your communication skills in order to make a good impression when you are trying to interact, consult as well as get information from various people.

8. Speak to professionals in the field and gain some insight:

When you decide to test drive your career one thing which you can do is making a round of top companies which you would like to be a part of and if possible get to know a few of the employees. If they are friendly they are sure to give you all the information which you need and in addition to this they can also help clear any doubts or queries which may be plaguing your mind at any given point in time.

Once you get to know them they might give you inside information about any vacancies which are available or if there are any seminars you can benefit from.

9. Be enthusiastic about what you are trying your hand at:

Enthusiasm is absolutely vital when you are trying your hand at a new career path. If it is a career path which is truly meant for you, then you will feel both liberated and excited when test driving it.

Having a positive attitude all the time is something that will really help you along your journey. Ensure that you dream big and do not allow anyone to deflate you at any cost. When you are enthusiastic about what you are doing, then your work automatically becomes of a better quality.

10. Keep trying to stand apart from the rest:

Do not let the fact that you are changing your career make you feel like you are not as good as the rest. Think of it this way that now that you are changing your career you have double the qualifications and job skills of an ordinary person.

There are plenty of people in the business world who will be willing to trample over you and move ahead. It is up to you to show that you are a unique and hardworking individual who is willing to accept any challenge which is thrown your way. Remember to always bring your A game.

11. Things are not going to be easy at first:

Nothing in life comes easy; Similarly, test driving your new career is not going to be an easy task at all. Once you get into the thick of things you might find that everything takes twice as long as expected and that there will be very few people who will be willing to lend you a helping hand.

It is of paramount importance that the only person you rely upon is yourself and that you accept the fact that you will be willing to persevere on no matter what. If this is something which you really want you must be prepared to give it your all.

12. Obstacles will come your way, don’t let them discourage you:

There is some truth in the common saying that failure is the stepping stone towards success, so rather than taking each success personally, you should learn from your mistakes and try to not repeat them in the future. Once you get used to how things work, then you will eventually become better over time.

The time when you are test driving your career is a challenging time indeed but think of it as a learning experience if you find that it is not something for you then there is no harm in giving up at a later point. Do not give up without even trying.

13. There is no social stigma attached to changing your career:

Previously the people who change their careers were viewed as quitters and those that have no will power. But in this day and age, this particular way of thinking has become absolutely obsolete. Rather, people who are willing to opt for a career change are now viewed as courageous as well as gutsy individuals.

When you have the ability to follow the dictates of your own heart without worry about what others have to say then you can truly boast of being someone who is fearless.

14. Fill in temporary vacancies in different offices:

A great way to test drive a career path is by temporarily filling in vacancies at top companies. If you love the temporary role entrusted to you, then you will know that this is something that you were meant to do.

If you do the job well and never shy away from taking up responsibility then the company will certainly not have any sort of qualms about keeping you on, even after the person on leave does decide to return once again.

15. Do not share your personal thoughts and plans with too many:

When you take the decision to test drive a new career, make sure that you do not share your plans, ideas and thoughts with too many people other than your family or friends. In the business world, just remember that everyone is competition and no one is your friend, so never let anyone know any personal information about you.

16. Request a sabbatical before leaving your current job:

In this day and age, finding a job is a tough task so before you leave your job, thinking of test driving your new career, first. After all there is some truth in the common saying that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush!

17. Make a note of the kind of income you will be making:

Last but certainly not the least is that when test driving your new career path you should make a careful note of the money you are likely to make. Having a proper income is absolutely necessary in order to make two ends meet in this day and age.

However ensure that you do not base your decision entirely on the income, as in life there are certainly some things which are more important than money.


There is no shame in opting or for making a career change nowadays. If you are not happy in your current place of work then you should not continue to keep on working there. If you do not love what you are doing and if you are not passionate about your career, then your work is sure to feel like a burden to you. Ensure that you take the final decision only after close consideration. Remember that things are certainly not going to be easy but if you try hard and are persevering enough, then everything will work out alright.


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