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How to Show Multiple Positions on your Resume?


Owing to a number of reasons people often have multiple positions that they need to present on their resume, but they have no idea how to do so without making it look extremely haphazard. Individuals seeking employment should make it a point to make their resume as impressive as possible. Here is a list of ways to show multiple positions on your resume without making it appear too complicated, because after all if your resume fails to impress, chances are you won’t be called for an interview.

show multiple positions on resumeTips to List Multiple Positions on your Resume:

1. Using bullet points:

In today’s day and age, time is money so no one including recruiters has the time to sit and read through a long and badly written resume. In order for them to take an interest in you, you have to prove to them that you are exactly the kind of person they need at their company. So to present each of the positions you have held at various points in your career history, the best thing for you to do is to comprehensively present the data through bullet points, to make it easy to understand.

2. Give a brief overview of the positions you have held:

Giving an overview of introduction to the kinds of positions that have been held by you would really give the recruiter an idea of what exactly your field of expertise is ,if you have a very broad range of experience than this, it certainly increases your chance of being hired in that particular company. People that are multi dimensional and are able to do a number of tasks commendably are exactly the kinds of individuals companies look to hire when recruiting.

3. Things these positions had in common with one another:

It is of paramount importance to show how these multiple positions which you held were in some way linked to one another, so that the company recruiters do not get the idea that you are a kind of drifter who shifts from one field to another at will. After all ‘A Jack of all trades is a master of none’. So it would benefit you to make sure to alter your resume to fit the kind of job that you are applying for. Too many random positions at various companies could send out the wrong message.

4. The ways in which they differed:

Though all your positions should have something in common however a little bit of diversity as well as difference is not just natural but inevitable. After all no two job positions can ever be the same. So it is of paramount importance to state how each position differed from the next. These differences to some extent will work in your favor, to silently communicate to the company recruiters that you are someone who is able to look into a variety of tasks.

5. The time frame for each of these positions:

A great way to show various positions held in your resume would be according to the times at which you held each of these position. This comprehensive timeline of sorts will not only ensure than all the information is presented in a clear, concise as well as comprehensive manner but at the same time another purpose which is served is that you will not forget about any jobs that you might have had.

6. Categorizing all jobs of the same kind in one group:

It is of paramount importance to remember that in this day and age a resume is not a simple statement of educational qualifications as well as work experience it is a powerful marketing tool which should be put to use as best you possibly can, so as to further your career. The same kinds of jobs could always be placed under common categories so that the recruiter knows the fields in which you have tried your hand at in the past.

7. The responsibilities you had to over look for each position:

For showing the multiple positions which you had in your resume you must ensure that you mention the responsibilities which you had for each kind of position. Needless to say that your resume should not be to long otherwise chances are the recruiter will lose focus by the end of it however at the same time you must ensure that you do take brevity to a whole new level. After all the more responsibilities you were able to tackle, bears testimony to your capabilities.

8. The nature of projects managed:

Every job position comes with its own kinds of projects to handle. Companies like to hire those individuals that have experience in handling projects so that they are used to getting things done and working under pressure. If there are any well known and renowned projects which you were able to successfully manage then you should make it a point to mention it in your resume. The more success stories that you are able to recall for each position, the more weightage you are able to give your resume.

9. The various accomplishments for each position:

If it so happens that you won any awards or certificates while holding a particular position then you should most certainly mention it in your resume. Any laurel which you have been able to successfully procure is surely able to silently communicate to the recruiters of the company that you are someone who is indeed likely to be an asset to the company and who will be able to work hard, and give your one hundred percent so as to take the company to even greater heights.

10. The skills and expertise required for each position that was held:

Every company spends a ton of money so as to advertise and market their products, In that way, resumes can be viewed as marketing and advertisement tools where the product being marketed is you! You must make it a point to mention each of the skills and expertise you had to have so as to procure that particular position in your previous place of work. Needless to say that any company will choose to hire those individuals who are skilled and have high qualifications.

12. Use concise and formal language:

When preparing a resume and making note of all the various positions which you have held, you must make it a point to surely use clear as well as comprehensive language so that there is no miscommunication of any sort. In an attempt to sound erudite and too professional you might not be able to get your point across in a satisfactory manner. State it in simple terms the things that each position had taught you and expanded your horizons.

13. Try putting across how each position was a step ahead from the previous:

Making a resume is not something that can be done in a short span of say fifteen or twenty minutes. You should try and put as much effort into it as you possibly can so that you do not end up losing a great employment opportunity because of your carelessness. You should try to put the point across about each position that you held (whether in the same or a different company) was one step ahead of the previous one to show that you are certain, not one to regress.

14. As bearing testimony to the fact that you love to try out new things:

When making your resume you should present your multiple positions in such a way that it silently communicates to the recruiters that you are one to try your hands at new things without shying away or feeling afraid. Companies look to hire individuals that are not afraid to take calculated risks. Because after all it is only those people who dream big and try new things that are able to achieve success.

Nowadays companies prefer to hire those individuals that have a lot of experience as well as those that are able to think on their feet and come up with simple solutions when any adverse situation might present itself. So having a number of positions mentioned on your resume will prove to be in your favor especially because it shows that you have it in you to improve with time and that you are also a loyal eager worker who is able to make it from the bottom and head to the top.


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