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Top 13 LinkedIn Profile Tips for Unemployed People


If you have just graduated and are currently hunting for a good job, LinkedIn could be the right place for you! Though there are over thousands of profiles found in this website, your chances of landing a good job is not too hard if you really know how to make yourself visible to the crowd.

We understand how difficult it might be for you right now to come up with something clever and creative. But since we are here to help, you have nothing to worry about. In this article, you will know few LinkedIn profile tips for unemployed or just a graduate

linkedin profile tips for unemployed

LinkedIn Profile Tips for Unemployed?

The following mentioned are few best tips to create a linkedIn profile  unemployed people also require this to get a job.

1. Relax!:

First of all, relax! This is just the beginning and life has definitely not come to an end if you have just lost your job. Always remember that there are plenty of opportunities out there and all you have to do is keep trying till you find the right one. Sometimes it gets a little annoying but do trust us when we say this, you will thank our team when you land the job of your dreams.

2. See what you want to do with your life:

The second thing you should do is check what you really want to do with your life. Assess and test your personality. Think of all the things that make you happy. Never choose a job just because you think it will keep you stable and secure.

Go for something that draws a smile to your face. And even though it sounds a bit too clichéd, knowing what to do with your life can really help you set up a good profile on LinkedIn.

3. Come up with a business card of your choice:

A third tip that should really help you in this case is coming up with a business card of yourself. Now this one is a very unique idea and can really take you far in the industry. All you have to do is set up a business card where your name, desired title, contact number and other relevant pieces of information is given. Your email address should also be added. Once you have done all of this, simply link it to your profile here and get it done.

4. Show some multimedia:

If you add a little multimedia to a thousand words and those adding photos, videos and other different kinds of presentations can always help your profile summary look better. This could also be a great way for you to articulate and show what you are all about. It will speak a lot more than words and attract more clients to your profile.

5. Mention your ‘unique skills’:

Of course you are expected to mention your experiences and the things you’ve done in the past, but if there is something unique and professional at the same time, you have to add it to your profile. Do you know more than five languages?

Do you play a special sport and have excelled in it? Have you volunteered in any organization or participated in any big event? If yes, then mention them on your profile. This could be a great way to show your skills and experiences and hopefully you will be making a difference among thousands.

6. Use Blogs and Other Writings to Promote Yourself:

A smart way of promoting yourself on LinkedIn is by writing blogs and adding them to your profile. Another thing you can do is become a writer and mention your opinions and what you think about this particular field.

Not only will this be a fine opportunity to show off your writing skills but also a fine way to get noticed by some recruiters. Many people have landed jobs like this and maybe it will help you as well. But if you are thinking of writing a blog or something, wordpress would be ideal. It will look better on your profile and get you more views in that way.

7. Add past experiences and achievements:

Making a list of past experiences and achievements can really take you a long way when it comes to LinkedIn. People will actually begin to show a genuine interest in your profile if your profile is complete.

So do take out some time and put some effort into it to make it look good. Get hold of all the things that you have done and achieved in the past. Put them in points on your profile. Also make sure your vocabulary is good and your English is strong.

8. Ask for one recommendation every month:

If you are smart, you will do this. Every time someone recommends you for doing a good job, ask them to give you a recommendation. It always works wonders. Also remember that if the recommendation you received is not all that great or maybe it is written very poorly, you can hide that easily. All you have to do is go to the edit section and press the hide button. That solves everything.

9. Make some connections and participate:

If you want to find something soon, make sure you are networking enough. You must know people who belong to the same field as you do, if you want work. And that can only happen if you really go out there and participate as much as possible. You can join as many groups as you like and keep in touch with people on a regular basis.

Having regular discussions also helps you to get noticed. Also there is a reason why we are stressing you to join so many groups and participate. First of all, if you have joined very few groups the recruiters will think you are paranoid and don’t want to meet people and that technology scares you. So if you don’t want to make that impression, participate as much as you can.

10. Always keep your profile updated and on point:

It is important to keep your profile upgraded if you want to get a better job. So make sure to make regular changes. Also if you have a very boring photograph, we would ask you to remove it right away.

Replace it with something better. Get a photoshoot done from someone who knows you. Click a few photos of yourself where you are smiling. It should look professional and enthusiastic. It always makes a good impression.

11. Be as welcoming as you can:

When you are writing your summary, please do not forget who you are addressing this to. Please give them an opportunity to know everything they can about you. Your first impression is important so don’t make the mistake of giving a speech that sounds too arrogant or rude.

They will begin to think you are a fake person. Another mistake could be writing it as third person. Please do not make that mistake either. And it will be a little hard for the reviewer to get a hold of your persona. So what you need to do is be a little more warm and welcoming with your words.

12. Your endorsements are important:

You should also remember to manage your endorsements if you want people to like your work. It is the best way to show off what you are capable of. In this case, all you have to do is keep all your skills updated on the profile.

Get rid of all those that are outdated and try to come with those connections that are important and that gives you maximum coverage.

13. Stay positive and excited:

Our final tip to you would be to stay positive and excited. Being positive is always a good thing and always bears great results. The same thing goes for being excited. You have to show on your profile how fun loving and enthusiastic you are as a person.

In this case, you may use your status to announce what you have been doing recently at work or in life in general to keep yourself amped up and charged for the future. Also don’t forget to share some really interesting news and articles. It always makes a good impression you know!

Finally :

This brings the post to an end. If you have been looking for a job and are new to LinkedIn, then these tips will surely help. In case you have some feedback to post about the article and would like to ask some questions. Please feel free to comment below. We will try our best to answer all of them. And before we sign off for day, we want to wish you good luck with your future and here’s hoping that after taking some of the tips here, you will surely find something that suits you best in the future.


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