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How to Improve your LinkedIn Profile Strength: 15 Easy Ways


You are very familiar about using Facebook or Twitter.

Are you familiar with LinkedIn?

It’s just another social networking website which is specifically designed for businesses around the world to get connected.

The basic membership is free where the members are allowed to get connected through its registry whom they trust professionally and have a pre-existing relations with each other.

improve linkedin profile strengthImproving LinkedIn Profile Strength:

In a LinkedIn Profile basic information of the member like their education, employment history, professional achievements are the prime contents.

Moreover, through this website, members get connected to professional groups where like minded thoughts are being shared and discussed. It’s very helpful in developing oneself for their own career enhancement.

Hence, to be popular during SEO (search engine optimization), there are certain facts that needs to be improved for your profile to be prominent. Let’s review some of them.

1. Complete your profile:

Many of us don’t ‘complete’ the details that is mostly required. Anything half done is half incomplete.

A completed profile stands more chances for identification compared to the half-filled ones.

In case, you are not sure whether you have done it completely, you could use the tracker in the profile section indicating the percentage completed. This will be helpful in filling up specific areas that needs more information.

Also do not forget to link you updated picture and honours and achievements. Post a professional picture of yourself. So, prioritize and complete it.

2. Use keywords in profile:

Keywords are words that can be easily identified during a search in the websites. But you need to take care in using the right keywords.

The words should not pertain to those that will be used in other websites.

It should cater to those that would be used by potential client or employer inside LinkedIn internal searches. Use basic words that targets the employers search.

3. Expand your network:

Networking through LinkedIn usually connects with people of same profession or same groups.

Mostly connections are done to gather information or to enhance their career path. While using SEO features, LinkedIn displays links that are at the second or third level.

The chances for being picked is more probable. Initially connect with co-workers, managers, clients and then improve on making links with new contacts who have same qualification and professional interests as you.

Networking not only creates new connections but also create new clients, meet dynamic personalities!

4. Engage in groups:

If you find that getting new contacts is not easy then try out connecting through professional groups or LinkedIn groups.

By just connecting yourself to group does not showcase your talent. You need to participate and make contribution in the group.

Through positive contributions, you are likely to boost your overall profile activity.

5. Create in bound links:

Your LinkedIn profile that gives description of you can be promoted in other ways as well.

Like you could link up LinkedIn profile with email signatures, Facebook, google+, Twitter etc. Doing so your connections would like to review the contents and also helps in search for job.

6. Get Recommendations:

Recommendations are basically comments written about you in relation with the work executed and how it was done.

The effectiveness is described in those comments. There is option in LinkedIn for getting recommendations based on the skill sets or professional levels.

But most of the time your co-workers or supervisors commend on your skills and provide attestation on your skills.

So take time to recommend your colleagues or co-workers so that you in turn will be reciprocated. Most of the time, recommendations are notified through e-mail.

7. Collect endorsements:

Connections or networks are very much required to endorse your skills. By being able to collect endorsements, you only prove your skills are being recognized by the right professions.

Your professional file is enhanced more through list of endorsements. The more the endorsement the better are your strengths.

8. Self-promote:

Don’t be ashamed to self-promote your new project or your new work. The chances for increasing your visibility in the searches is promoted through self-proclaiming your abilities.

It could be writing books, publishing or even blogging. Chances for SEO is higher.

9. Update regularly:

Having written your profile and filled up information relevant to your experience and skills you gained is not the end to being recognized.

It’s very relevant to update and keep updated. Especially if you are into groups, there must be follow-up on the comments or contents you have given or received.

An updated status shows that you are always informed on the trends and know about the updated relevant topic. It could also mean that you are strong in your connections.

10. Recognise important events:

You could be a promoter of key events in the professional arena. By linking or recognizing yourself with events that would enhance your professional makeup, you have more chances for strengthening your profile and also participate in the events.

11. Congratulate:

As LinkedIn is more about connections and networks, you have to come out and congratulate your co-workers or endorsers for their achievements.

Make time for yourself to review their work and congratulate them. Make sure to use appropriate words.

12. Sharing others contents:

If you find the content sponsored by your network interesting and worth sharing, do share it with your connections.

Contents relevant for professional knowledge and for career enhancement is worth sharing. Sharing is the way for showing your appreciation to them and is one form of social etiquette.

Sometimes it is considered showing a sort of solidarity. But do take care on the type of contents you would like to share so that you do not hamper your image.

13. Thanking others:

Most of the time people are often too busy to say a ‘thank you’ for their support. You would be receiving small notes of concerns, wishes for your new projects, comments on your articles, remarks for the achievements.

You must dedicate time to thank your fellow networks for making those suggestions or remarks.

These characteristics only depict that you review all the contents carefully and take time to reciprocate others as well. This quality is sign to maintain goodwill.

14. Post relevant articles:

Through LinkedIn media, you have the privilege of posting articles relevant to your professional growth.

It would be ideal to post articles relevant to the subject and topics into groups of your choice.

The articles should relate with the skills you possess or the subject you are handling. The likelihood for your chances on visibility is further enhanced.

15. Create your headline:

Most of the time search option uses the related URL. Hence, it is advisable to use appropriate keywords that is easy for you to be recognized.

It could include key words of your experience and profession. As LinkedIn has option of making edits to the headlines, use that option to select the require words for the title.

Its helps in advertising your career level and competencies. You could also include your brand message.


In today’s business world, not having a LinkedIn profile and network means you are not up to date. You are nobody without a professional network in LinkedIn. It’s like not having a name to call you.

But little do many know that having a good profile in LinkedIn is essential to create networks and search for good job. LinkedIn is smart in using certain set of algorithms to prioritize profiles and given an edge in getting the right services.

To be recognized and picked up it is very relevant to have a strong profile wherein besides your skills and educational qualifications, certain other qualities also help. Take care with your updated profile in LinkedIn and happy networking!

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