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How to Know if you Picked the Right Career? 30 Awesome Tips


Most of the time, career development counseling sessions talk more about the type of ‘job’ that helps an individual to ‘grow‘.

What does that mean to you?

Job is a means of utilizing your skills and knowledge that you had gained in your academic life and utilizing those skills that is required for the job or the work to be executed.

The term ‘growing‘ means by utilizing those skills and knowledge it brings benefit to the organization whereby it allows an individual to gain better pay scale along with promotion.

Here are few tips to discuss when you choose the right career.

Right career choiceSome people stick to their job waiting for better improvements while some switch over to other organizations in search for greener pastures.

Hence, the choice of good job is in the mind set of person who judges with his/her rational approach combined with emotional judgement.

It’s observed in general that many pursue a job career which they don’t know about or which they are not well versed in.

So how one knows that they have picked the right career path?

Many people have found their career path after years and years of working in it and molding themselves to the type of work given.

What Career is Right For You – How to Know?

1. Job description:

The job description is one having a list of tasks that needs to be executed by the person during tenure in the organization.

The job description also determines the competencies required with objectives.

Most of the companies get a consent on the job description to be able to measure their performance during their yearly appraisal.

Well, if you find you are able to perform the task with ease and able to handle it well, it means that you fit into this job and can move ahead.

2. Job satisfaction:

Our souls needs to be contented at the end of the day. No job will be giving a perfect 100% satisfaction to our mind. This aspect is a trivial matter that needs to be handled within our mind.

Most of our work throughout the day deals human emotions and principles that we have adopted. It’s sometimes referred to as Ethics.

Once the ethics are tuned into our lives then this factor will definitely help a person to derive a job satisfaction.

3. Balance between work and family:

Most important of all job selection is whether you have time for yourself and the family. This criteria is to help maintain a balance between work  life and personal life.

If you are having time allocation for your loved ones then the career chosen is suitable to move ahead. The goals set by the organization allows space for personal development means that the organization is concerned for their employees.

4. Cultural tolerance:

Most of the organizations are globally oriented and requires tolerance of individuals towards the others cultural background.

In case such cultural space is accommodated within the organization, then you have made the right choice.

5. Financial commitments or considerations:

Some of the organizations do not fulfill the needed criteria for career advancement through financial means.

Timely incentives are very much required to motivate staff working and help them improve process. If the job provides the necessary benefits that helps to maintain your personal development then the choice is right one.

6. Empowerment:

Empowerment Empowerment is to help individual to grow by allowing them to take decisions in day to day work schedules that may be required.

Empowered individuals feels they are the boss of the place. If you are allowed to make decisions for the work that has been imparted then you have made the right choice.

7. Passion:

This desire to do the work or learn to do the work arise from within which is the main cause for many successful entrepreneur.

8. Training provided:

Many organisations provide training for the employee so that the job is executed with the right attitude and right manner.

Depending on the performance of the employee, training is provided which helps the employee to advance for promotions and better positions.

9. Organization or company itself:

The Company that has missions depicting high values and respect, their employees are mostly sought after.

The factors that needs to be looked at are its leadership, its quality of products, its location, size of the company, its values, its corporate its commitment towards environmental concerns, its image, its contribution towards society.

10. Challenges:

Most of the jobs offer challenging assignments to evaluate the performance of the employee. Do you love taking challenges then your choice is right.

Challenges in work assignments allows a person to us their brain power and allows them to grow as well.

11. Suitability to your personality:

If the job requires you to be outspoken, and you have a nature of being around people, then your choice was right.

Being an introvert and not speaking out where the job requires you to be public-speaking will only jeopardise your growth.

12. Motivating people:

One very important criteria in a working environment is to have people around who are inspiring and motivating. People who clash frequently with you will only cause distress and the work cannot be executed properly.

13. Monday fever:

Monday fever Every one of you would have heard of dreadful Monday mornings when you have to approach the office with the same routine. In case you are enthusiastic about Monday morning or in fact every morning to reach office and start off your day, then you have picked the right career.

14. Proud of your work:

When you describe your work to your friends and take pride in the work that you execute shows how much you care about the work rather than the pay cheque.

15. Coping up:

Coping up with the situation that may arise though you could be under qualified or you may be over qualified, means you have rightly proven that you could handle any situation. This will allow the individual to make mistakes while learning to cope.

16. Abilities:

These traits develop from childhood and we practice them as our hobbies. These creative thoughts help us to grow in our field of work.

17. Self assessment:

Many organizations allow individual to conduct a self-assessment of themselves to know if their attitudes are suitable for the organization. The self-assessment helps individual to rectify their weaknesses.

18. Trying to learn:

Pursuing to move ahead in organization triggers a person to learn new skills and this mean that person intends to continue in the organization.

19. Taking risk:

taking risk

Assignments sometime involves engaging risks and if the person is ready to take risk while execution of the tasks, it shows that he/she are ready to go ahead in their career.

Risks can be in any form like foregoing their previous position and /or relocating.

20. Looking out for opportunities:

Every moment will have opportunity in it and if the person identifies the opportunity within the assignment then he /she will know how to make progress in their path they carry forward.

21. Being creative and innovative:

Being creative in the work area will allow person to create new ideas. This not only helps a person to move up the ladder but also helps to be satisfied with his own innovations at work arena.

Such ideas when appreciated will only help to generate new ideas and innovations. Also freedom of expression will help to generate more new ideas.

22. Reliability:

Executing tasks with accuracy and reliability will help a person to be confided on with time. Many high budgeted assignments will be awarded showing the retention of the employee.

23. Execution on time:

When a particular task or work assignments is completed within prescribed time frame it shows the interest the person has towards the job.

Mostly any person would be happy to complete the job on time to show his superior that he is capable of doing it well enough.

24. Provision of resources:

Having the right resource at right time for being able to execute the task will only motivate an individual to put in their efforts.

25. Interest to work:

Any tasks given for an individual can only be done if there is interest to work or else the work will not be executed with perfection and sometimes with involvement in work, innovative ideas flow.

26. Healthy mind and body:

sick Sometimes an individual may face stressful situation at work and with prolonged exposure to stressed situation it could lead to health disorders that may slow down the tasks that needs to be completed.

27. Sharing about your work:

We would have seen some people always sharing their views of the work they were assigned and talking about it most of their times at home ,which shows that they have interest in their work and look forward to pursue their career.

28. Being able to afford:

Mostly when the person is able to afford whatever he dreamt of having in his life shows his commitment to his career. After all everyone works to make their lifestyle of higher standard and improve their surroundings.

Through this job they are able to make their lifestyle change which means he/she will definitely love to work for the organization.

29. Feeling of ownership:

Often we would have seen people who recommend others to join their company which shows that the company provides the necessary benefits and resources.

30. Want to work extra hour:

Sometimes a critical assignment could not be completed during working hours and requires extra hours and the person is willing to put in extra hours of their time shows their diligence and interest towards their career.

From the above points discussed it is clear that our instincts help us to judge the career path chosen.

When you wake the next morning with a bang and look forward to starting your day with positive mind is an indication of positivity and enthusiasm rather than who wakes up with a slopping head and having a deep sigh.


Most of the factors described above are interlinked and one factor is dependent on the other or leads to the other. It’s all in our attitude towards life and keeping a positive approach towards every moment that we face.

Our mind in collaboration with emotions decide on how long we would be able to continue in an organization. Finally we can say every career has its pros and cons but with a positive look , and open mind, trying to learn new aspects will help to move ahead in life.

If we keep an objective that we must learn something new everyday then definitely all career will be perfectly in sync with us.


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