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Job Search Tricks: The Good, Bad and the Ugly Truths


Getting noticed to get hired is one tedious task to accomplish. People tend to do various crazy job search tricks to get noticed to the employer.

With the job market getting competitive day by day it is becoming difficult to provide jobs for everyone, only the best survives in the market.

job search tricksBut what are the ways with which one should get noticed and hired, while what not to do that the employers start avoiding you completely.

Job Search Tricks:

It is a calculated risk to take for future, though a challenge in itself to figure out the dos and don’t s for these risks.

The important thing is to know your employer and the company you are applying for, it is essential to understand the job profile and prepare accordingly. Below are the good, bad and ugly job search tricks.

What is Good in Job Search?

1. Creating a website:

It is good to create a website showcasing your previous achievements, skills and interest. It is also good to mention what best you can do for your prospective employer and how you being hired is good for business.

This do help for the prospective employer to understand your ability to matching as per their requirement.

2. Keep clean and interesting CV and cover letter:

CV and cover letter are one of the basic and essential part for job requirement, use good typography and keep subtle colors.

Mention your skills maximum in two pages and keep it short and simple. Smart CVs and cover letters help the employer to read it quickly and gets the message of the person being capable to do the correct job.

3. Do background study:

Know about the company, its history, achievements, vision and goal.

Also be sure for the job you are applying for, also try knowing who is going to take your interview, since it will be helpful to interact with them and give you a clear idea about how to approach them.

But ensure that it does feel as if you were stalking the person.

4. Connect through social networking sites or LinkedIn:

LinkedIn is a platform where almost every professional is available. It is good to connect few employees there and know the structure of the company, interact with them and make them aware of your presence.

It is one of the best way to make them remember about yourself hence you will be standing out in the crowd.

5. Dress to impress:

A good dressing sense work wonders with the employers. Depending on the field you work in, know how to dress accordingly.

For example, if you are working in a corporate atmosphere then it is good to dress simple and clean, avoid carrying grungy look or unkempt dress. This will not go down well where discipline and simplicity is required.

ON the other hand, if you are in fashion industry, it is good to wear styles and colors in trend as it will tell the employer about you being up to date on fashion trends.

What is Bad in Job Search?

1. Sending food:

There are few instances where people send cookies and food to the prospective employer, this seems as a step ahead approach to win hearts. But on the bigger picture other than enjoying delicious cookies it does not ensure job.

This can work best if the place where you are applying is bakery or has something to do with cooking.

2. Trying to be cute:

There are examples where people tend to send colourful, using casual language for writing cover letters to impress the prospective employer. Also, few tried to dress up funky for the interview.

All of it looks good, but it is important to note, you might be interacting to your future boss and surely that’s how they might not be looking at you.

3. Become a job yourself:

Work is definitely an essential aspect of one’s life, but avoid becoming a poster of a job. Everyone has an individual personality which goes beyond a certain job profile.

Maintain your individuality of self, and avoid behaving as if you are all about work or there is nothing which makes you fun.

4. Tattoos:

Tattoos are the cool form of expressing your individuality. It also communicates a certain attitude of the person, but not necessarily impress the employers.

There are lot of chances that many people might not appreciate these tattoos. In case you have any, best is to hide them while going for an interview.

5. Experimenting too much with your CV:

Have an interesting and simple approach, rather than too much experimentation.

For example, printing your CV on some material which might not be easy to read, like on a canvas shoe. Innovation is good but again know your limits.

Also, using heavy materials like fake leather or fabric might not go down well with employers since no one is keen to put extra effort in managing it. Best use paper only and work around it.

What is Ugly in Job Search?

1. Becoming a stalker:

It is good to know about your prospective employer and do some research on it. But it should not lead to stalking, i.e. knowing if they are married or not, how many kids they have or indulging in their personal lives.

In case if you tend to find out about it, ensure not to let your future employer know about it during interview, as it might scare them from hiring you.

2. Behaving as a crazy:

Some people tend to look for crazy ways for a job, instances like standing in the road wearing a costume with your details.

This is definitely a crazy idea and depends if one can get a job from this or not. But it can also keep away the right employer from you.

3. Being over friendly:

It is effective approach to know people from a company, but do not try to behave as if you are interacting with a close friend. Knowing the right limit is a challenge, but if understood well can be highly effective for future results.


Finding that dream job in such a competitive market is surely a hard task . But knowing the right path is a real challenge.

Best way is to learn from other achievements and mistakes. Know what they did which made them successful and what made them fail in their attempts.

Along with it remember to keep working on your skills and update yourself with what is happening around.

Even if one gets the job, many are not able to keep up with its increasing work pressure and demands. The real achievement is not getting a job, but staying in it, committing to its work and becoming successful in it.


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