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How to Get a Job Offer on the Spot: 11 Awesome Tips


Are you getting ready to go in for an interview for that dream job?

Worried if one would get the job offer or even that it would be good enough?

The candidate has enough skills to land the job, at the same time, one is not sure if that would be enough. He could also think that his resume is not enough to get the dream job.

job offer on spotMake sure to go for the interview thoroughly prepared and well-organized. This article would take the reader through some of the common steps to follow if they were looking for ways on how to get on the spot job offer.

Tips for Getting Job Offer on the Spot:

1. Research the Company:

Go on to learn everything one can about the company. Get on to search engines and read up about the companies. In the meanwhile, take a look at the sales figures, the prospective goals and the press releases about the company found at its website.

Once the candidate has an idea on what the company expects from its prospective employees, then one can handle the interview better than other candidates who have applied for the same post. Try and understand what is important for the company and the impact it has had on the people.

2. Talk about oneself at the interview:

Have a mutual discussion with the interviewer. Tell the companies and the recruiter/ hiring staff about one’s achievements in life and on earlier jobs, as well as about other success stories in life.

Meanwhile, one would need to inform the company about the short term and long term goals and how that could come in handy in the growth of the company. Let the company know about the lessons that one has learned from his past work experiences.

3. Practice what to say in the interview:

First and foremost, one needs to have a fair idea on what to say to the recruiter or the HR manager of the company. Prepare for the interview well ahead of time. Practice what to say, properly.

Get one of your friends to act as the potential employer and ask questions. Let them know what questions needs to be addressed as well as how to go about asking it.

4. Dress smart in formal wear to the interview:

One has an interview to attend and they seem confused as to what to wear? The best option is to go for formal wear for the interview. Go on to wear skirts with smart formal shirts or blouses for work.

Meanwhile, one could also opt for suits to wear. One thing to make sure is that casual clothes are best avoided. Hence, never wear shorts, short skirts, shirts and jeans for any interviews. One mostly prefers to wear natural makeup, whilst going for interviews.

5. Be punctual for interviews:

Be punctual for the job interview. Make sure that one is 5 to ten minutes ahead of time for the interview. One needs to understand that punctuality is very important, while attending interviews. One does not want to give the impression to the employer that one would be late for even an office, if hired.

At the same time, it is better to not go in too early for an interview, that is about fifteen or so minutes early, because then the employer would be busy in some other appointment or interview.

6. What to ask the interviewer:

Get to know about the work culture or working atmosphere at the company. See how the recruiter likes working at the particular company. In case, the hiring manager has any issue with recruiting the person, one can go on to address the issue first and foremost.

Keep the talk about salary, vacation details, benefits and other perks to the second interview. These factors help the candidate even as he finds ways on how to get a job offer on the spot.

7. Ask for time to consider the offer:

When one gets the offer in a jiffy, talk with the employer. Never accept the job, offered on the spot, at the interview. Always be aware of the companies that offer the job, in a hurry, while at the interview. Find out as much as about the company, the job offered, the role to assume and many more.

Consider the reason for sudden desperation to close the deal. Try and find out the number of candidates interviewed. Try and get time to consider or even discuss the offer with family or friends.

Consider all the options, thoroughly before committing to an offer. However, do not take too much time to consider the options or the company would fill the role, within that time. Even if a company or the recruiter shows any kind of desperation to close the deal, it does not in any way mean that the person cannot join the company.

Only thing is one needs to think properly before deciding to go. At the same time, to see if one knows the company that offered the job, make sure to take time, even as they consider the offer and company before committing to it.

8. Ask for salary and other offer packages:

Enquire about the offer packages that are to be had by the recruiter. One can also try and get most comprehensive details about the salary and its breakups. The candidate would need to understand how much is the base salary even as they go on to be aware of other benefits or perks offered.

It is better to make an effort to get the proper salary breakups as well as added benefits in written format signed by the hiring manager. Make sure that the offer is more firm and solid.

9. Inform recruiter about other offers:

Be honest with the recruiter about the prospective job offers. Stick to the truth, whilst at the interview with the company. Tell him very thoroughly about the various job offers received.

Make an effort to learn on how to get a job offer on the spot. In the meantime, never try to mislead the recruiter. Go on to even give enough details, so that one would sound authentic about the alternative job offers.

10. Legal obligations:

The candidate would have to take a look at the legal obligations that one has with the current employer. Strive to understand the contract that one signed while joining at the company. Make sense of the contract, as it stands.

At the same time, if one has a thorough knowledge about the start date for the job offer at the company, then one can go on to put in papers for the present job within the stipulated time.

11. Other preparations for Interview:

Before you begin the interview, make sure to have two copies of resume. Go on to hand over one to the employer, even as the candidate keeps the second copy to oneself, so as to have a look at the achievements and skills that are mentioned in the resume of the candidate.

Positive body language is a must for a job interview. Never come across as anxious or unfriendly to the recruiter at the interview. Keep a balance between the achievements, skills that one has. One would need to send an email or thank you letter or even make a phone call to the recruiter after the interview.

Let them know that one is keen to join the company. After the interview is over, continue to follow up with the employer, in case it takes time for the company to revert back with a reply.

What to do when offered a job on the spot:

One thing to understand is that not all the jobs that are offered in jiffy are genuine ones. There are lots of scams on jobs to be seen. Follow with instinct, see if the interview for a job done via the instant messaging or social networking sites is genuine.

Most of the job interviews are normally done either in person, via video conferencing or even through phones. One thing to be careful of are offers that come without even mention of an interview. It is better to avoid these job offers. Most of the scam does not offer any information about the company, the job offer, responsibility assumed and so on.

In the meanwhile, one of the main things to consider is that if one is not able to find details about the company, online, then it’s a fraud company and one needs to beware of such offers. When offered a job, go with the gut feeling. In case, you know all about the company and are done with the interview and happy with the offers, salary or benefits then go on to accept the job offer.

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