What is an Interview?
An interview is a process where interaction and question answering is been done between a job seeker and an interviewer from the organization. This is mainly on the purpose of knowing whether the job seeker can be hired for their organization.
Job interviews are considered as an important part of the selection and hiring process. The suitability of the applicant can be clearly assessed through this process.
The interviews form an important step in the process of recruiting. This is because the process of the interview also includes many other steps which help the interviewer in identifying the better person, so as to get the best output.

Image Source: Forbes
Why is Interview Important?
The interviews are important because they help the experts know who is efficient and who is not.
Not just this, but also you get to know the other different traits of the applicants, thus helping in judging better who will be able to be good in the particular field.
So, there are some other reasons like:
1. The assessment of the employees:
The employees are assessed through the process of interview and that assessment is considered one of the best ways to know one’s potential.
So, this is one of the reasons why the assessment of the employees is essential through the interview process.
2. No other procedure:
There is no other selective procedure better than the interviews. So, this is the reason interviews form a vital part in the selection process.
It is one thing which helps in linking the interviewee and the interviewer.
3. It forms a bridge between the sender and the receiver:
The process of interview acts as a bridge as it conveys what the sender has to communicate while the receiver gets to know about the sender. So, it bridges all sorts of gaps.
4. Speaking skills:
The person can be evaluated well by the manner he or she communicates. Their good speaking skills obviously cannot be known through their writing, but through the way one utters.
So, this is also one of the reasons of knowing the importance of the interviews during the recruiting process.
5. Check the confidence level:
An individual may have to present in front of other people in the office and if he or she comes out to be shy and less confident, then it won’t do any good to the company.
This is also obvious that the companies require efficient people for their own benefit but this also holds true that the employees have to give their best to earn the best.
So, to know whether a person is able to speak up in front of a number of people, the interviews are conducted.
6. Social behaviour is analyzed:
Another benefit of taking interviews is that the social behaviour of the individual is analyzed. When a person speaks, his body language, the words he or she make use are assessed and the basic etiquette are counted.
So, among many others, this is also one of the important reason.
7. The body language and the smartness of the individual:
How smart is the person and also how he or she presents himself in front of others i.e the body language of the person is witnessed through the process of interview.
8. Quality of answers is tested:
When we talk normally to our friend, then also the way we pronounce and speak is taken into notice smartly and at times interrupted on saying the wrong word at wrong time. So, if being with friends can be noticed then why not such thing be noticed during the interview.
Of course, it is done, so, in order to know how well a person can pronounce and to examine the quality of answers delivered by the person, the process of interview is essential.
So, these are some of the points which clearly states that the process of interview is important to all the organizations, no matter the size and the type of enterprise.
Why Interviews are Conducted?
The interviews are conducted almost by every small and large organization.
This is not just for the evaluation of intelligence and other credentials of an individual but also because of many legal reasons, the interviews are conducted:
1. Legal approach:
Every organization or the company is a statutory body in itself. it is independent of the individual who owns it. Or we can say the company is an individual entity.
So, every company has some rules that it needs to follow as per the legal approach given by the country.
2. Excellent way to whittle down large mass:
This is the only way by which you can allow end number of potential candidates to work and at the same time whittle down the non-deserving candidates.
3. Promotional benefit:
Every company benefits directly or indirectly through the process of interviews. This is because if your interview goes fabulous even if you are not hired, you are promoting that company by sharing your good or bad experiences.
So, this way it is beneficial for the company itself.
4. Way to connect and increase the connections:
This is one way where you get to meet the number of people whom you have never ever thought of.
So, this way the process of interview is not just profitable for the company but also the applicants.
This is because when you talk to the number of people sitting with you on the same bench waiting for the interview turn, then you ought to end up either by sharing Facebook id’s or contact number. Hence building contacts with others.
5. Mind and the presence is known through the verbal test:
The presence of mind is tested through verbal methods. The speed by which you can answer correctly and at the same time how accurate you can be within the shortest span of time assist the interviewer to recruit the individual.
So, for this reason, too it is essential to conduct interviews.
6. Additional information can be gathered:
One can even gather additional information about the candidate as sometimes people do not measure how much they speak and in that contest only they fail to know what is to be spoken and what not.
During this process, many people tend to reveal their secret information to employers.
So, sometimes the interviewees intentionally are very friendly with the applicants so as to make them utter everything.
7. Intellect and knowledge is judged:
Through interviews, one gets to know one’s intellectual level. The knowledge one possesses also comes to the forefront which simply helps the panel to take a decision of whether to select the person or not.
This can be judged through the written test also but conducting interviews is easy and less time-consuming.
This is because the written test has to be set first then checked and then the results are announced, unlike interviews.
8. The expectations of the applicant are known:
The expectations of the applicants are known as the expectations in terms of salary, what the employee is expecting from the company’s holiday policies and rules, the allowances, the perks and the work hours etc.
All such expectations can only be known through interviews and verbal communications.
9. Also, the interviewers can explain their job requirements:
The process of interview is beneficial not only to the applicant but also to the interviewers as they are able to talk to the individual personally and ask what they wish to.
Also, they can present their expectations from the candidate.
10. Clarify everything beforehand:
Also, the interviews are conducted to clarify everything beforehand between the employees and the company.
It is always better to clear the air before it causes any sort of misunderstanding.
During the interview, one can speak out his or her heart but not in any other method like writing and all. So, when you speak, you need to say all that you have in your mind but not in the case of any other method of interacting.
So, for these above reasons, it is vital to take and conduct the interviews. These are the assessment criteria which needs to be known otherwise the non-efficient employees would take the lead leaving behind the efficient and deserving ones.
Importance of Interview in Selection Process:
The process of interviewing is essential to all like the employees, the company and even for the selection process itself. The several reasons for proper selection of employees are:
1. Selecting a suitable person:
The company runs well when the candidates who are working in there are suitable for the company.
If not, then the company throws them out of the company. So, before reaching to such a rude level, the companies prefer not to reach to such level and prevent this situation as it is both embarrassing for the company and for the employee.
So, to prevent all this, interview plays an important role in the selection process.
2. To verify the facts and figures:
The panel is able to verify the important facts like the date of birth, the educational qualifications, the experiences if any in the field, the bank details and identity of the person and many more things are taken into account before providing jobs to the candidates.
So, in order to verify the facts and the figures, the interviewing is necessary in the whole selection process.
3. To gather all the information:
Verbal communications are best to know everything in detail. Also to know the person personally, the verbal communications are best to engage in.
So, the companies find it easy to talk to an individual and know everything than going in the complexities of writing everything about the person.
Only in the rare cases, sometimes the written test is conducted by the companies but not every time, it is the case.
4. Know about the enterprise:
In order for the interviewee to speak and know, he or she is given a chance to ask queries related to the company.
So, this is also included into the process of interview. This is also important because if the individual himself will know less about the company then nothing could be expected from the people who are outsiders and not the employees of the company.
5. To raise opinions:
Through the process of interview, one also gets a chance to raise one’s own opinions related to any scheme of the company or any suggestions if you think are better than what already company has done.
So, this is also one of the point that an individual gets a chance to raise and put forth one’s opinions and views ahead.
6. To evaluate the performance:
This is one of the simplest methods by which other person can evaluate one’s performance. This is because a person is known through the way he or she presents.
As when a person put forth himself, he or she not just proves body language but also the way of speaking, social attitudes and the ways to handle the issues and awkward situations.
All such instances are there where the interview proves fruitful and no other method can do good.
7. To get the best output for the company:
The company will be able to get the best output only when the employees are capable of achieving the targets.
So, if the employees themselves are not capable of doing the work the company demands, then how come the company will survive in such a tough competition in the market.
Now, to make the company efficient enough to fight and stay in the competition, it ought to choose the applicants who are capable and able to work hard.
For that, the proper selection process is required and also includes the question and answers round which is “interview”.
Qualities of a Good Employee Candidate:
The recruitment process of an organization, be it of any sector would always like to hire the best candidates as their employees. As the market is flooded with a lot of capable candidates, toughening the entire hiring process is the only solution to pick the right candidate for the organization.
Therefore, many new forms of screening processes have been developed. Though there are many rounds and stages in the recruitment process, every stage and process has its own importance and purpose. Out of them, the personal interview is the initial stage where the candidates are analyzed well by the employer.
Some of the traits that an interviewer would like to see in an interviewee are
- Communication skills
- Presentational skills
- Analytical skills
- Behavioural
- Proper body language
- Professionalism
- Attitude
So, above are some of the points which says that interview is important in all the stages of the recruitment process. It is as important as the importance of employee selection process.
This is because all around the world, it has been stated as the best and most used methods to get the job one wishes to join.
Without clarifying this step, you will fail to get employment. There are different types of interviews.
Not all companies adhere to personal interviews, rather some also reach out to the Skype interviews, group interview etc. Whatever is the type, the purpose remains the same for all the types.