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How to Improve your Job Search Results: 12 Best Ways


Some people manage to bag the right jobs soon after they begin their job search process while there are others who get frustrated but see no positive results. Often the difference in approach is what makes one get a job soon while the other lags behind.

how to improve your job searchIs your job search process taking too long to be completed? If you are feeling the frustration of having to fill one job application after another without any positive result, then you need to rethink about the way you are searching for a job.

A few simple job hunting tips may help you alter your job search process and see positive results. Some of the ways in which you can speed up your job search process are mentioned below for your knowledge and reference:

How to Improve your Job Search:

The following mentioned are few top tips on career search and finding jobs.

1. Register with job listing sites:

In the past, job search meant dropping into companies with a copy of your latest resume and trying to find out whether there is a relevant job opening or vacancy. Things and times have changed since then. So you need to change with the times.

There are numerous job listing sites on the internet which offer details about thousands of job offers across industries and functional areas.

By registering with one of these job search websites, you can get a steady flow of information about job vacancies. It will save a substantial amount of your time and make job hunting easier than before.

2. Be more active on social networking sites:

Make use of social networks to take your  search for jobs to the next level. Finally, everything happens when you get in touch with people. You can join social network groups dedicated to your particular field.

These groups usually have job listings and posts on vacancies for freshers as well as experienced candidates. There are many such groups on Facebook.

LinkedIn is a social networking site which has been exclusively created for professional use. By interacting with people who are your connections, you can get valuable details about existing vacancies. LinkedIn also helps you get a lot of information about your industry.

The recruiters get a detailed picture regarding your abilities and interests through endorsements on your LinkedIn profile.

3. Make your resume more presentable:

Once you have created your resume, go through it a couple of times and make use of the best words which highlight your achievements in the best way possible.

Words such as ‘advanced’, ‘accelerated’, ‘boosted’ can help you create a good image of yourself in the minds of the interviewer and increase his interest in your profile.

You may even use graphical apps to create an infographic copy of your resume to post on social networks and similar groups related to jobs.

You must also make sure the format of your resume is proper and organized. You need to include a subheading to denote every distinct aspect of your job resume.

If you are a fresher seeking for a job, try and highlight your qualifications in the beginning. If you are an experienced candidate, it is best to list your experience in the descending order showing the most significant role you played first.

4. Revamp your social media profiles:

Just as the new age jobs have found new media for their employee search, new age employees have also realized the significance of social networks in attracting the right job opportunities.

You cannot have a boring and dull social profile that makes you look like a person from the 1920s. You need to match the present trends in social profiles.

There are many jobs that require you to possess good social networking and marketing skills.

If you have a low social media presence, you will simply not be considered for such job options.

You may also update the different social networks on your mobile phone and tablet devices. This way you will be updated about information regarding the latest job options even while on the go.

5. Acquire an in-depth knowledge of prospective employers:

One of the common ways in which HR managers check the suitability of candidates is by checking their knowledge about the company they have applied for.

So, you might be asked questions regarding what you know about the organization, the industry it is into and your reason for a job change.

To have the best answer to these questions, spend some time going through the website of a company where you have applied for a job prior to the interview.

If you are applying for a higher job position, you may have to take two or three days’ time to conduct an in-depth research regarding the firm’s history, progress, profit per year and experience in the industry.

You must change your job only if you are sure the company will be able to provide you with growth opportunities that suit your qualifications.

6. Get in touch with peers whom you have known for long:

Staying in touch with people whom you have known for years professionally can give your career the much-needed boost you require.

Your old co-workers can provide you with valuable insights which can boost your career and provide you with the perfect boost to help you move up the corporate ladder.

It is a great idea to create alumni groups where people from the same college may interact. People from the same college develop a kind of bond that proves useful in the long run. They are always willing to help their college mates in finding the right job opportunity.

7. Create a career portfolio:

Though a portfolio is normally used by candidates with creative job profiles, it can help you to display some of your best works till date. It will showcase your learning and accomplishments in previous organizations and help you retain the interest of the interviewer throughout the interview.

It is a great idea to create a portfolio but make sure you know how to get traffic to it. Very often, people create online portfolio but do not know how to drive traffic to it. This often causes the page to expire after a short duration without any visitors or updates.

8. Have your cover letter written by an expert:

Cover letters mattered most in the times when there was no internet. The advent of internet has not entirely eliminated the significance of a cover letter.

There are many employers who still expect a cover letter with the resume. You may seek professional help to design an appropriate cover letter.

Cover letters that look dull or clichéd can spoil your possibility of landing up in the dream job that you wish to have.

Therefore, to avoid such a situation, you can take the help of a firm offering professional cover letter writing services.

Their writers will adopt the right words that match with your career skills to make sure that your cover letter lends a perfect finish to your resume.

9. Work on your body language:

Body language is one thing that matters greatly but most employees do not pay much attention to this aspect while preparing for the job interview.

Body language can actually decide the future of your job and so you need to make sure your body language is perfect and has no flaws.

Body postures can give a perfect indication of your confidence level to the interviewer. Therefore, check personality development related websites to find out the correct postures that are suitable for an interview.

It will make you conscious about your body language and help you send positive vibes to the interviewer.

10. Look for opportunities everywhere:

If you are in search of a new job, you must be willing to go that extra mile in searching for jobs. There are often meetups held that guides employees and freshers to improve their chances of landing in the right job.

There are also meetups and crash courses that help you advance your skills in the industry to land up in a better job.

There is no hard and fast rule that you can find details on job vacancies in recruitment related job sites alone. You can get valuable updates from co-workers, friends or relatives.

Therefore, keep your eyes and ears open wherever you go. Finding a job should be your prime goal and you should be thinking about it all the time.

11. Use career quizzes to get over an identity crisis:

Most professionals face an identity crisis at one stage of their career. Taking part in career based quizzes can help you bring about a marked improvement in your approach to work and make you a more valuable asset for an organization.

12. Challenges in a Job Search Process:

There are many challenges that job seekers face every year because the demand for job is much more than the number of vacancies.

People are willing to work at lower salaries and put extra effort. In such a scenario, finding a job that offers job satisfaction and a good salary is very difficult.

Other challenges include finding a job in the vicinity so that you may not lose out valuable hours in traveling.

Very often, job seekers compromise on some aspect of their job choice simply so that they earn a living.

Tools to Supercharge Your Job Search:

Not having a job is one of the toughest phases in one’s life. Being unemployed is truly a setback and the effects of it are unimaginable. The biggest reason why most of the people do not opt for jobs which they like is because of the unemployment consequences they need to bear.

After going through all of this, they take up the job which is offered to them, without even thinking once. Though some stick to it as an alternative, till they get their dream job, others continue to go along with it leaving their interest and passion behind.

Job search is truly a tedious phase of life where the right choices at the right time can turn your career into a successful one. So to boost up your journey of finding the right job, we have got a few tools that can help you supercharge your job search. Though you can find many tips on how to find the job you want (110) or how to find your perfect career ( 90), make use of these job search tools to get favorable results easily.

  1. Google Docs’ free resume templates
  2. Social media
  3. Good resume builder sites
  4. A work diary
  5. Few company review sites
  6. contacts app that reminds you to follow up
  7. Salary comparison sites
  8. Career finder
  9. Field-Specific Job Boards
  10. Job explorer sites
  11. Finally a strong professional network



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