We all have read several information, regarding how you must prepare for your job interview or how you must prepare your question bank for an interview, but why do you need to do that?
It seems that it is one – way traffic, but it all depends on you how you change the course of the interview and make it a two – way traffic.
Instead of making it look like a question answer round, you can make it appear to be more of a conversation round where you both are participating in the conversation.
As an interviewer it would be better if you let the candidate speak as much as possible because that will allow you to know his or her talent and in case they have any question for you, then you will be in a better position to answer them.
You can be all decked up and ready with extra set of resume, but if you do not have your set of questions ready, then you are missing out the most important part of your interview and that might cost you your job too.
When you are appearing for an interview, it shows that how interested you are for the job, but to strengthen the thought further, you will have to come prepared with questions that you will ask at the end of the interview.
Most of us prepare the questions that we expect interviewer will ask us during the interview, but we forget that there is more to it than just that.
Importance of Asking Questions During Interview Process:

You do not want to sound immature and inexperienced when the interviewer asks whether you have any question for them or not.
If you do not come prepared for that, then you will be taken completely off guard and you will start wondering what questions you might have for the interviewer. Here is why it is important to have your own set of question for the interviewer.
1. It will show that you are engaged in the conversation, too:
An interview is held so that the interviewer assess whether the candidate is best suited for the job and for the candidate it is an opportunity to know how the company works.
It works either way and that is the reason you can ask them question in the middle of the interview as well or wait till the end when the interviewer will ask you whether you have any question for him. It helps in building the conversation in a correct format.
2. It helps in projecting your enthusiastic self:
It is completely fine to be excited about the job and to let your interviewer know that you are enthusiastic about the position.
But, doing that you have to keep in mind that you must not overdo that part, instead you have to check your tone and ask relevant questions which will reflect how enthusiastic you are.
3. It reflects your interest in the company:
You know that you really need the job, but how do you let the interviewer know that in a positive way without making you look desperate.
Moreover, when you are interested in something, then you will definitely have several questions in mind that you would love to get answered and what better way than getting your doubts cleared by the concerned person.
You can prepare the set of questions and bring it along so that you do not forget what to ask in the heat of the moment.
You have to arrange the questions that you want to ask in such a manner so that it makes the interviewer understand how much interested you are in getting yourself hired in the position.
4. You are all prepared for the interview:
In an interview the interviewer also comes prepared to face the question of the candidates, but if you have no questions for him or her, then it will be disappointing for the interviewer as well.
Therefore, when you come prepared with the questions, it shows you have come prepared for the interview.
You can ask these questions any time you want, it can be during the interview or at the end of the interview depending on your orientation. It also shows that you are serious about the position you have applied for and you mean business in every sense.
5. Helps in showcasing your knowledge:
You have gone through all the newspaper in the town to dig in information about the company and now is the time to show that to your interviewer.
If there is any major activity that the company has been part of and has been receiving some good reviews for that, then you can also mention that to showcase that you also keep a track of all the information related to the company.
If you have come across a small piece of news in the newspaper, then you can ask them about their feedback just to let them know that you are interested in every trivial issue of the organization.
6. Good questions mean better chances of getting hired:
You can get a list of good questions that you can ask during the interview, but if you haven’t done your research well, then you will not be able to frame the question correctly.
So, for coming up with good question you will have to do your research well, otherwise, nothing will work out the way you expected.
Moreover, you must not ask some silly question whose answer is readily available on the web.
The most important thing to remember while asking any question to the interviewer is that you will have to come up with the questions that are relevant to the job position.
Before asking a question you must keep in mind whether the question has any relevance to your role in the organization or not, otherwise even when the question is good, it will not be good enough for you.
7. Let the interviewer know that you are ready to accept the job offer:
Though the questions are mostly prepared to collate data about the company and to let them know that you have come all prepared for the interview.
But, it is not restricted to this only, instead you can let the interviewer know that you are really interested in the position and love to work in that position if it’s extended.
Any question regarding the culture of the organization or the expectation of the management is always welcomed, but it is better to stay away from the questions related salary and benefits.
8. Providing strategic edge:
When you have some challenging questions for the interviewers, then they really like it. Moreover, we all love to talk about ourselves, so when you provide the opportunity to the interviewer, then you are actually gaining a strategic edge over others.
9. Engages the interviewer:
As a human being it is quite natural to lose focus in the middle of the conversation. But you can get the attention of the interviewer back by asking them questions.
When you question them back you are actually opening up a two way communication and it also ensures that they are actually listening to your response.
10. Is a good way of getting feedback:
At the end you must ask whether you have all the qualifications that is required to fill up the position?
If the interviewer says yes, then that means a positive thing for you, but in case the interviewer says that “though you have all the skill set that is required for the job, but …” then it is important that you pay attention to what he has to say after the word but.
Don’t take in a negative manner, instead take it as a positive feedback that the interviewer is giving, so that you can work on it and the next time when you appear for any interview, you won’t have to listen to any but anymore.
Therefore, you must make sure that you ask this question when you are appearing in an interview.
11. Will provide you with relevant information:
If you want to know when to expect their call or when you can call them, then it is important that you ask them the question right away in the interview room only.
Once you are out of that room, time will be your biggest enemy because you might have to wait for a long period before they call you.
So, if you are not that patient and want to follow up with somebody, then you need the name of the concerned person and his or her contact number which will be made available to you by the interviewer only. Therefore, never shy away from asking questions in an interview.
12. You can clear your doubts:
In case you have problems in working long hours or during odd times, then you must clearly mention it at the time of interview to your interviewer. Because if that is the case, then you won’t be able to do so.
If you do not ask question, then how would you know what is expected out of you from this position and whether you can fulfill the criteria or not.
It is better to clear the air beforehand rather than cribbing and arguing later. This will also help both of you to decide whether you are a perfect fit for the job position or not.
11. It is not an interrogation:
Asking questions is important to make it look like an interview and not an interrogation. The interview is where both of you have full freedom to question each other unlike interrogation where someone is sitting there to grill you to death.
So, in order to have a business conversation you will have to do your bit of research and come prepared with the questions that you would love to ask your interviewer.
Else what will happen is that the interviewer will keep on asking you questions, but you won’t have anything to ask which will make you look dumb!
To Wrap Up:
It is always good to come prepared with your set of questions and reach the venue at least 15 minutes earlier. This way you will have enough time to settle down in the environment and also take care of the messed up hair and makeup due to the journey.
Take care of your attire and go through the list of questions that you have prepared for the interviewer, so that you don’t forget anything.