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How to Ask for a Job without Sounding Desperate?


The greatest challenge of a job seeker is to beat the whole competition and make it through the several rounds of the job interviews. The job market is getting worse each year. There are fewer jobs and countless job seekers each year. Finding a good job has now become extremely challenging.

how to ask for a jobDue to all these reasons, it has become extremely important to fare well in all rounds of the job interview. From the moment you enter the interview room, you need to make it a point to create a positive impression in the minds of the interviewers.

If the recruiters ever get a hint that you are desperate and in extreme need of a job, it is sure to have a negative impression on them. They are seeking candidates who really want the job inspite of having other options and alternatives.

They are looking for candidates with a properly developed choice and who are aware of their abilities. Here are some simple tips that will prevent you from appearing desperate.

How to Ask for a Job During Interview:

1. Do Not Apply for Jobs Simply Because You Are Jobless:

It is not easy to get the job you deserve and seek as soon as you start looking for it. Often it takes a sufficient amount of time especially if it is your first job. Even when there is a break in your career, finding a job can be quite tough. When you do not find a suitable job for a long time, you may become desperate. This may prompt you to apply for jobs that are not related to your field too.

When you apply for jobs that are not related to your field, the interviewer can easily make out that you are desperate and urgently in need of a job. Companies are usually keen to hire people who have a sound choice and who have opted for the job because they are good at it. They do not wish to hire candidates who lack focus. It will thus weaken your profile if you apply for any irrelevant job.

2. Just Apply for Jobs You Really Want:

There are several individuals who get beguiled when they see a very promising opportunity. They get extremely carried away and forget what they actually want from their career.

While they may be competent in one field, they may struggle to get into some career that is not at all related to their skills. The interviewers can easily gauge that you do not belong to the field you have chosen.

Instead, when you apply for a position where you have the skills you need, things become much simpler. Remember that any field you choose, you need to prove to the interviewers that you belong to that field.

So when you say you wish to be a writer, be prepared to answer questions related to English, grammar and other aspects that point to a good writer. If you are passionate about the field you have chosen, the initial rounds of the interview will be a cakewalk to you.

3. Stick to the Industry Standards, Do Not Stoop Low:

It is quite possible that the job hunt process has been on for a long duration and you have still not managed to find a suitable position. It must have become difficult and you may be finding it tough to manage the routine expenses.

Even inspite of all this scenario, you must still not get so desperate to accept anything that comes your way. Keep track of the job market trends. Try to find out the usual salary of people who have your qualifications and knowledge.

When you are asked about your salary expectations, do not stoop low and stick to the standard salary expectation. This applies a lot more when it is your first job. A wrong salary at the start will reduce your possibility of growth a lot. Even when you struggle to find the ideal job, do not lose hope.

Be confident while stating your expectations as the industry standard. Job satisfaction can be achieved only if you get a job as per your qualifications. So you must not compromise during salary negotiations and desperately accept what is given to you. Maintain your stand and you will sooner or later land up in the right job.

4. Sharpen Your Skills in the Free Time:

The job-seeking process can be quite annoying. Do not while away your time at home when you are not getting the right job. Instead, use this god gifted time to sharpen your skills related to jobs.

Try to acquire other additional skills that may add strength to your resume. You may even pursue some additional course to help improve your skills and abilities. There are several short courses that give you knowledge about a certain field.

The benefit of the additional study is not just limited to improving your profile. It also helps to keep your mind engaged and diverted. This prevents you from getting desperate. It also keeps your mind sharp. Since stress doesn’t build up and your memory stays sharp, your mind works better.

5. Modify Your Cover Letter As Per The Job Application:

Cover letter is often attached with the resume that you send for a certain job application. People who apply for a job occasionally have unique cover letters created for each job application. When you are desperately applying for multiple jobs daily, the scenario is quite different.

An applicant who is desperately applying for jobs may have the same cover letter for multiple jobs. If the cover letters reach the firms directly, it is a different scenario but if the cover letters reach recruiters or job consultants, they are going to strictly ignore copy pasted cover letters as spam or insignificant.

If you really wish to get the job, make it a point to create separate different cover letters for different types of jobs. Such unique cover letters customized to each job application is sure to create a greater impact on the interviewers.

6. Limit Your Conversation with Job Consultant on Telephone:

Appearing desperate to job consultants is also equally bad. Job consultants make calls regarding job openings and they try to understand the candidate during their conversation. They seek ideal candidates so that they get pay and appreciation for the candidate they have found for the company. If you sound desperate, it is going to create a negative impact.

When a job consultant calls you, do not sound extremely excited. Ask in a professional tone regarding the details of the vacancy. Make it a point not to ask too much or appear too desperate. Ask only about the vital things and leave the rest for the actual interview process.

7. Dress Well and Always Look Confident:

Desperation shows not just on the face but also on the way you dress for the interview. Individuals who are confident and satisfied with themselves make sure they dress well for the interview. They have a certain self image which they wish to portray during the interview process.

A desperate person is so preoccupied with his own feelings, fears and doubts that he is unable to pay attention to trivial matters like dressing and grooming. There is usually a careless attitude in the way the person wears an attire or combs his hair when he is preoccupied. Do not let these things show your level of desperation. Make sure you stay well dressed and maintained when you head for an interview.

8. Avoid Signs of Desperation During the Interview Process:

While a candidate may try several means to avoid revealing his true state of mind, his desperation is sure to show up in some way or the other. The greatest signs of desperation always show up in the way you speak to people and in the way you present yourself. Here are some simple body language tips that will help you avoid showing your true mental state and desperations:

  • Make sure you maintain an erect posture when you are appearing for an interview.
  • Drooping shoulders are a strict no while appearing for an interview.
  • Avoid gestures like biting your nails or scratching your head while in the interview room.
  • Greet your interviewers with a brisk handshake. It shows your politeness as well as confidence.
  • Wait for the interviewers to complete a question. Take sufficient time to think before you phrase an answer.
  • When you do not know the answer to a certain question, feel free to accept it openly. Do not make up answers that you are not sure of.

9. You Can Get The Right Job Only When You Are Not Desperate:

The major drawback of getting desperate is that you miss out on some really good opportunities. Stress and tension prevents you from putting in your best. When you are stressed, your mind is not free to think in a unique way so you need to make sure that even during your joblessness, you never become desperate. A sound mind is a vital component of all successful people’s success story.


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