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How to Help a Friend who lost their Job: Top 20 Tips


Losing a job is very disappointing to everyone who actually goes through such a phase. When a person loses his or her job, he or she should not let the negative thoughts ruin the happiness of life.

Losing a job caters to a small part of the life and one should not get depressed on such a matter. Moreover, if you are talented enough, you may get the best ahead. So being positive in such a situation is advisable. The steps on how to help a friend are as follows:

friend lost their jobHow to Help a Friend?

1. Be there for the support:

You know your friend lost the job; it’s your role to support your friend in such a distressed situation. The kind words and the generous gestures of calling quite often can make your friend feel better and positive.

You and many others might have ridden on the sudden job loss boat and you might feel what it looks being bowled over the tidal wave of the sugar coated and the condolences in those bad days.

2. Be happy and make him feel happy:

At the time of distress one may get depressed, so you will have to prevent your friend in reaching that depressing condition.

Make your friend happy over the small things and try not to let him think of the bad time he had gone through. Make sure your conversation does not wallow in ‘what went wrong’ again and again. Just change the topic if you feel it is going at the depressing note.

3. Positivity and the right attitude:

You should show your friend the positive attitude and motivate him to see the positive even in the negative situation. You should try your best to find him a suitable job with your known contacts. Go and search for the contacts which you think will benefit your friend if you talk to him.

4. Talk to him or her on regular basis:

Calling and talking about the positives of what happened all on a single call should not be done. You should call the person on a regular basis as it will make him or her feel someone is there for him or her. So try and get a little time out from your daily busy routine to be a real support in the time of sadness and grief.

5. Encourage him or her to connect with the family:

In every bad situation there always is a silver lining which gives us a hope to person to be happy. So, this is one of the situation where a person can find time that too enough, to connect with the left out one’s like the family and the friends. Otherwise, you may not get the time to talk and spend quality time with the near and dear one’s, then why not now. Take the advantage and let the things go with a flow.

6. Do not loose interest:

You should remain in constant contact with your friend. Do not loose interest in them and talk to him quite often on a regular basis to give them the moral support. Keep pushing the person to try for something new instead of crying over the same matter again and again.

7. Tell your friend to believe in himself:

You have to be a positive pillar and a spirit of hope for him instead of demotivating him over what happened. You should tell your friend to believe in himself and try hunting for the new job. This will give him or her the confidence to believe in their inherent talent.

8. Do not be jealous:

You are a friend and not an enemy and your duty is to help your friend at such a situation. You may get jealous of him or her of getting a better job, but this should not be the case in actual. You should be happy and make others happy of aspiring for a better job the next time. You should instead tell him or her that you are jealous as you cannot have a little free time and have to work allot.

9. Not to lose confidence:

You should make your friend confident that they will get a good job ahead and should stay confident in all sorts of situation. Ask and advise your friend to see the positive things even in the negative or the unmanageable situations.

10. Trying will certainly help:

Sitting idle whole day pondering of what has happened will never do any good to your friend. Help your friend to try for the new jobs, giving interviews at various places and only trying the things out will prove helpful. So, move out instead of sitting in a monotonous room the full day and search for the happiness of your own.

11. Meet new people:

Ask your friend to move out and meet new people, make new friends and talk to them. By talking to new people, you will forget for a while about all what happened and maybe you get to know vacancies in different companies, where you could apply for a new job. So, step out and seek for the opportunities yourself.

12. Be a friend first and then a professional:

You are a friend first and then a professional. Talk and comfort your friend on all what she or he wants to discuss about. Discussing on the other topics than on the same thing about how it happened and what happened again and again will be better for you as well as your friend also. So why not discuss on the plans for next trip together.

13. Have a break from the job:

Having a break from the job will be helpful to your friend. Go for a short outing together. It will help you feel relaxed from the career brain storming, so go out enjoy certain good moments together. It will give a relaxed state of mind, though for a few minutes, but it will be entertaining although.

14. Help your friend see what he is and the situation:

Sometimes a person is talented enough, but the situations are not perfect enough to suit the condition. So make your friend understand that it’s not every time a person’s fault. Sometimes the situation is also difficult enough to handle. So do not let your friend blame himself for all what happened.

15. Forget what happened and focus on the future:

You should make your friend understand that one should not think about the past and spoil yourself, instead one should focus on the future goals. Losing a job forms a small part of life. One must stand again, even if a person falls, only then you will be able to move ahead in life.

16. Motivate him or her to enjoy the present:

One should see the positive in all what is happening and motivate to enjoy the very best moment of feeling free though for a few days only. You should ask your friend to enjoy the very moment instead of crying over the spilt milk. Take time to wipe the tears and smile over what may come next as a beautiful part of the life.

17. If possible you may ask your boss for any vacancy:

What would be better than this. If you feel like your company has a vacancy suitable to your friend, why not talk to your boss in order to help him or her. This would be a blessing in disguise for your friend in the toughest time of his life. So, if you feel it is possible for you to take such a bold step, then go ahead for such a good cause. Your friend will be always greatful to you.

18. Cheer your friend:

Cheer your friend by little things like going out for a little shopping, eating or dining at some good place. You may talk about all the good times you spent together and also cherish the present time with your friend. Make sure you talk all the friendly nonsense with your friend so as to cheer your friend up, to make him or her forget the bad times he or she had gone through.

19. Emotional as well financial support:

You can provide an emotional support to your friend and if possible give the financial support also so that your friend feels safe and secure. Spreading happiness will be your duty in such a time and making forget the old bad times will be another good you could do.

20. Understand the potential within:

You should make your friend know the real potential within and try to find a good job, according to what he or she expects and had not reviewed in the previous job. Sometimes a person fails to know his or her potential in the bad times, so at that time, you should be the lighthouse to your friend’s dwindling boat during the high tide.

Finally :

So, above are the tips which you can follow to help your friend at the time of losing the job. Bad times can come to anyone and when it will come, no one knows. So during those times, the near and dear one’s are expected to be there to help out which makes him feel good and confident.

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