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How to Find a Part Time Job Quickly? Complete Guide


Don’t get upset that you are not getting a full-time job. You can think about a part time job. But when you think about ways to find a part time job, there are lots of options available. There are lots of key areas such as sales and marketing, literacy, hotel receptionist, hall staff at restaurants and many more. You will get hourly wages for your work that may vary as per your location and work. A survey held by JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization), indicates that approximately 76% of international students having the “college student” status are working part time.

how to find a part time job

Tips to Get or Find a Part Time Job:

1. Discover your skills:

One of the most difficult part is deciding which career path to pursue. Figure out what you’re great at. Take a serious look at available job options and then circle out those things you like the most. The second thing is what hobbies, activities or tasks occupy your full attention. Take a moment for self-reflection and ask yourself “what do I think are my greatest strengths.” List out these things.

2. Time management:

Prepare a time chart suiting your time that can be manageable. Make an analysis about your working capability so that you manage your time and work. As you know you have to submit your work on time so, don’t set unachievable goals.

Anything that makes you weak physically, intellectually, and spiritually, reject it as poison’ said by Swami Vivekananda.

3. Begin to apply:

As you are aware that handwritten application letter have been replaced by online applications or you could send your CV to organizations through specified mail id’s, the processing of applications are now faster. You would be called up for an interview within few days or few minutes.

4. Pay attention to time:

An interview for a job is seen as a very important appointment, and showing up late for your appointment is absolutely unacceptable. If it is very cold outside, it would be wise to be in the venue at least ten minutes before your appointment so your handshake is not cold bringing in a sense of unpleasantness. Try to be at least half an hour early at the venue, as giving excuses for late coming like traffic, weather conditions etc. sounds bad and creates a bad impression.

5. While facing the interview:

Before an interview try to rehearse as interview sessions are a combination of getting to know about you as well as your skills set. The people interviewing you will not only pay attention to what you say, but also to how you say it. Based on your body language, interviewers will decide whether you are confident or not. Besides, it also gives an impression of whether you are telling the truth or not.

6. Take challenges:

If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there you must go beyond them.” said by Bruce Lee.

If you don’t do well at the interview, don’t get upset from your rejection. If you don’t get success once then it doesn’t mean you quit. Face the situation, challenge yourself and start applying. Life does not end there.

7. Resume tips:

Try to boast about your education and work experience. For today’s job market, amend your resume to list any degree you have earned, any certification you have gotten, any endorsement you may have, any professional license you hold. List your community services and also list your contact information such as mobile phone number, Email address, home phone number, address and website.

8. Search small business houses/work providers:

Usually, big profit-seeking industries are less interested to work with zero experience. So start applying for small businesses. Learn the culture of workplace because it will be useful in the future. Start searching job in small areas like museums, theaters, art agencies, churches, temples, libraries, bars and clubs. Create a network among your friends so that they can provide you more options.

9. Cover letter:

Start with your name, postal address and the date of your letter underneath your contact details. Add the contact details of your address in next line but on the left-hand side of the paper. Add job title of the addressee, add the company name and address this is on the left-hand side of paper. But add a few important skill set in short from your C.V.

10. Be enthusiastic:

Don’t be nervous as you have no experience. The job requires skills that you are yet to learn. So be an enthusiastic about your future and you would surely learn and excel.

Your ability to discipline yourself, to set clear goals, and then to work toward them every day, will do more to guarantee your success than any other single factor” said by Brain Tracy.

11. Landmark judgment:

Never fake about your hobbies. Candidates get sometimes rejected because of their fake statements about hobbies in there C.V. or resume. The interviewer usually ask about hobbies and many a time candidates are not able to prove their fake statements are true. For example, a candidate would have mentioned singing as a hobby though he/ she can’t sing.

12. Stick to your goals:

Once you have set your goals as per your time, and needs, try to achieve them. Though you may not have the experience, make attempts to learn from mistakes and improve on it.

Real knowledge, like everything else of the highest value, is not to be obtained easily. It must be worked for, studied for, thought for, more than all, it must be prayed for.” said by Thomas Arnold.

13. Don’t wait for opportunities:

Opportunities don’t knock at your door often. Learn to recognize opportunities that arise right in front of you and grab it immediately. There are various ways that opportunities could arise. Work on it and make your dreams come true. Do all you can to, make your dreams true.

14. Follow your passion:

Emphasize your strengths on your resume, your cover letters and in your interviews. It may sound weird, but you’d be surprised how many people simply list everything they have done. Convey your passion and link your strengths to measurable results as employers and interviewers love concrete data.

15. Love your work:

It’s just people who recognize you for your work. They will love you for your work and they will judge you for your work. Would it be awesome when someone refers you or quotes you! Love the work you are doing. If you don’t love your job, it implies – you haven’t worked a day in your life.

Part Time Employment Statistics Data:

Around 51.8% work in food and beverage and with the second-highest portion of around 25.5% in sales and marketing. In earlier days, countries like America, Australia, New Zealand, Japan were those that have access to online part time jobs but now in India too.

Income reference of part time jobs:

  • McDonald’s – 850yen to 950yen per hour
  • Restaurants – 900yen to 1000yen per hour
  • Convenience – 900yen to 950yen per hour

This shows that these areas are best option for you to earn in your available time.

List of Online and Offline Part Time Jobs:

  • Computer support/web designing
  • Consultants or freelancers
  • Online/offline teachers
  • Health care services
  • Call centers/radio stations
  • Pet services
  • Restaurants staff/retail store staff
  • Receptionist
  • Data entry/data processing/blog designing/copywriting etc. Online
  • Universities/educational institutes
  • Childcare services

Disadvantages of Part Time Jobs:

Many a time, the main reasons for quitting a job is – boss pressure/ behavior, discrimination conditions arising in workplace or promotions due to favoritism among bosses. But here you need not worry too much about promotions as this is not a main job. Search for job where the environment is free and where you can work freely without pressure. Don’t compromise on discrimination. If you are not getting deserved pay scale, then check out best options at other workplaces.

Usually, part time work is based on hourly wages which could be less than normal working time. So you need to try choose one which would fulfill your main basic requirements. But for that sake don’t pressurize yourself too much. There are many like you – about two million people are there who leave their jobs due to misbehavior of boss, over workload, unsuitable timings etc.

Advantages of Part Time Jobs:

Part time jobs are actually more beneficial than full-time jobs as you can use your quality time. If the working hours of a day is 15-16, then we consider to utilize part of the time for other useful work. A survey conducted in America found that the big business owner in reality utilizes their time in doing only one job. It’s true that we can manage time for performing the fundamental task and also perform other necessary work, side by side.

Remember these Disadvantages of Part Time Jobs too:

During the economic crisis, part-time jobs have no secure future as there is no security of job. Besides many companies opt for part-time work as they need not have to spend on health insurance, retirement benefits of employees. Sometimes online job options don’t make deserved payments.

Though there are many loopholes, it is a good method to earn money for your small needs. Earning online at home is also a convenient method of household ladies, school going students, college students and for those who are not able to get full-time jobs.

Many industries are nowadays getting online work so you could consider it as a good market now for everyone. There are millions of people doing part-time jobs and it helps them to pay their extra tuition fee or other medical expenses.

Best Ways to Find a Job Online:

1. Research about company:

Special attention must be paid while selecting online works. Most of the links and sites are fake and these sites mainly don’t exist and get work without paying.

2. Unexpected remuneration:

Many scams are associated with online jobs claiming to give remunerations in return for easy projects but in reality mostly you won’t get paid.

3. Generous clients:

Try to search generous clients and consider only trustable sites in order to find jobs. Usually online services are paid at low prices which are not appropriate.

4. Registration fees:

Be aware of fake sites that promises you to give work and talk about paying you later only after you submit registration fees. These sites usually take your money and never give you work. If you intend to join, don’t pay any amount unless you find them reliable.

5. Trustable sites:

Choose trustable sites over millions of sites before sharing your personal details. Though there are millions of scam cases arising, be careful. You need to be worried about fake job providers. Make note of the details of the website before embarking to registering for them.

6. Complete verification:

Before completing tasks by online job providers prescribed to you, verify all details including the payment methods, last paid amounts to others for task completion. There are testimonials that could be genuine. If you find everything satisfactory then you could consider yourself for the job.

Getting a Part-Time Job While Working Full time:

No matter how good you are paid, you will never be satisfied with your salary. This is common among almost all employees. Moreover, the salary would be one of the reasons why many employees quit their job and look for better offers.

If you are an employee working for a fixed time say, 9-5, what would you do the rest of the time. Though maintaining work-life balance is very important, but turning your free time a little productive would be even better.

Doing a part time job apart from your full-time job would do no harm. This not only helps you earn money but also can turn your free time more productively. The opportunities for part time jobs are vast, and the best part is that you can choose any, which you are good at or which interests you.

Some of the top part time jobs you can try are:

  1. Freelancing
  2. Contract work
  3. Turn your hobbies into a job
  4. Food industry
  5. Follow your interests or passion
  6. Seasonal work
  7. Data entry
  8. Tele-calling
  9. Sports coach
  10. Being a tutor
  11. Teaching cooking

Where to Look For Part time Jobs?

This is one of the common questions which most of the candidates especially freshers have in mind. Now if you want to secure a part time job but do not know where to search for, then don’t worry as you are at the right spot.

Though there are many ways to search for a part time job, some of the smartest way is to search at the following places.

To start with,

  1. Walk into an office with your CV and asking
  2. Ask around your family members or friends
  3. Recruitment agencies
  4. University schemes
  5. Social media
  6. Search online
  7. Try job portals
  8. Attend a job fair

Top Companies for Part Time, Remote Jobs:

Finding part time jobs is not so hard nowadays but to get the one which interests you can take a little time. Many aspire to get a part time job which helps them earn good money. You can find not only students but most of the full-time employees trying their hand in searching part time jobs.

Also, remote jobs have increased a lot in the last few years. The best part is that one does not need to waste time commuting but can work from the comfort of the home and still earn money.

Though all this sounds good but the one mistake which most people make is knocking the wrong door and getting trapped in the name of part time jobs. So it is very important to find the right source by ensuring its legitimacy.

Now if you are looking for a part time job or a remote job then here we have listed a few top companies that help you get the right job.

  1. Modsy
  2. Purdue University
  3. Crimson Education
  4. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt – HMH
  5. Aviacode
  6. ADTRAV Travel Management
  7. Magellan Health
  8. Equivity
  9. LanguageLine Solutions
  10. FlexProfessionals
  11. University System of Maryland – USM
  13. Walden University
  14. Lionbridge
  15. CLASS100
  16. Yelp
  17. Profit Factory
  18. Independence University
  19. K12
  20. Strayer University
  21. Kaplan
  22. Rosetta Stone
  23. GreatAuPair
  24. Robert Half International
  25. Supporting Strategies
  26. Cozymeal
  27. U.S. Department of Commerce
  28. Grand Canyon University – GCU
  29. VocoVision
  30. Landi English

Sample of Part-Time, Work-from-Home Job Listings:

As per the US national salary data from payscale ( here are few jobs along with average salaries. Jobs Salaries (per hour)
1 Writer $20
2 Virtual assistant $16
3 Travel consultant $18
4 Speech language pathologist $39
5 Social media manager $16
6 Online ESL teacher $20
7 Recruiter $17
8 Graphic designer $17
9 Editor $20
10 Accountant $20
WordPress Table

Advantages of professional part time jobs:

Here we have listed down few benefits of having a part time job and they are,

  1. Follow other interests which don’t come under your profession
  2. An extra income mode
  3. Help you make savings
  4. Network with professionals
  5. Making your resume advance and growing
  6. Help in exploring new niches and industries
  7. Advance your career
  8. Provides you time to take up a new course

Best Part-Time Job Sites and Search Engines:

If you want to make your part time job search effective then you need to find the right sources. Some of the top sites to find part time jobs are provided below

  1. Upwork
  2. SnagAJob
  3. Rideshareapps
  4. Monster
  5. Indeed
  6. FlexJobs
  7. Craigslist
  8. CoolWorks
  9. CareerBuilder

How to Prepare for an Interview:

  • Recheck the contents of CV and resume. It must not contain any fake information and have spelling mistakes.
  • While facing interviews focus on your vocabulary. Learn to pronounce words correctly and speak with correct grammar.
  • Give priorities to your assigned work don’t forget to mention them. It can create bad impression.
  • Try to learn ethical culture at the workplace, as it will be helpful for you in the future too to find a part time job easily.


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