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How to Find a Career You Love: Guide to Pursue Your Passion


Carrying out a job in the everyday life of an individual is important, as it helps them earn their income. But the person may not be completely satisfied doing the job they are doing.

The person may be enjoying with their friends and their family on the weekends. But come Monday, the person will go back to their same schedule and may not even have the satisfaction they want.

So when the person may not have the career they love, then they start getting nervous and anxious with their current situation. And so with this, they even start getting very exhausted every single day of their work life.

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How to Find a Career You Love

It is a Tricky Concept:

The person should know that their discontent with their job is a very tricky concept. The person who is self aware of such a situation will know that the answer to what they want will come from within them.

But for a person who cannot decide between money and happiness to the job will be confused and start wondering. Whereas for certain professionals who have been working for a long time for their goals, they need to start being self-critical and need to start seeing whether they are really happy with their job.

Know That you are Not Alone:

Do you love your job or not? Many people keep asking themselves this question. Such a question may only arise if they are going through a certain obstacle or are having second thoughts on their career. At this time the person will be very lonely and isolated as they are thinking alternatives for their career path. But the fact is, in the world just over a quarter of people are satisfied and engaged with what they are doing now.

But for a person to find a job they love doing will be very difficult and they will have to make a lot of changes in their life. There are certain steps which need to be followed by the individual and they are mentioned below. But everything needs to be followed step by step and incomplete order.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Find a Career You Love:

It is always better to follow your passion for the profession, as when you choose a job you love or to pursue a career you like, you would do it with full confidence and happily. The following mentioned are few career guidance and tips on how to find your passion in life and find a job you love.

1. Starting with an Introspection:

When the person starts telling themselves that they need a new career, then they need to stop anything that is reflecting in their current career. First, the person should try imagining themselves whether they can enjoy their current career that they are doing.

If they can imagine them but have some problem with their management only, then they can consider switching careers to pursue at a later stage. But if they can’t imagine such a thing, then they need to start being proactive and identifying which career, role and organization will suit them in a much better way.

The person needs to ask themselves certain questions and they will start getting their career ideas on their own;

Q1. If money wasn’t an issue, what would the person be doing now?

Money is the basic source of income for every individual. Some people are satisfied with what they are earning and some are not. So career satisfaction and the money earned are very much distant from the other.

Q2. What kind of a role or a mission would the person be excited by, when they tell it to their friends and their family?

There might be a job going on in the person’s head for a very long time. They may be very passionate about the job. So they also need to think about how they will react when they share it with their close friends and family members. And in turn, even think how they will react.

Q3. What will make the individual most curious?

There may be many things or career opportunities which may be going on in the head of the person. But they will even get an answer to where their level of curiosity is the highest.

Q4. What is done best by the person?

The thing the person does to the best of their ability will be the perfect fit for them. And hence they can move for a career that they love.

Q5. What the individual is most passionate about?

When the person looks for doing a career which they really and truly love, then they will have to know what they are most passionate about. When they are passionate about a certain career passion then they will know that this is the career which they love.

Q6. What are the projects that the person has enjoyed the most working so far and why?

The person may have come across certain projects carried out by them from time to time. These projects may be directly or indirectly related to their job or maybe something even other than their current job. So if they understand in which projects they had fun and why they might get a better understanding of which career they would love doing.

Q7. Which kind of environment is best suited by the individual?

It will help the person knowing whether the job they love doing involves a single man environment or a collaborative and teamwork involved environment. Will a certain clear and organized structure be needed or can the environment be scrappy, etc.

2. Do not have a lack of clarity:

Whatever the person may be doing or may want to do, ensure that there isn’t any lack of clarity involved in it. It will create an obstacle in the individual’s life when they look to move forward.

Have the right amount of clarity as well as having the right knowledge. Having the right knowledge will help the person in making an appropriately educated guess. They will understand which job they love doing and which activities they prefer carrying out.

3. Know what will motivate you:

The reason that the person isn’t enjoying their current job or wasn’t enjoying their previous job maybe because of some motivational factors. These factors would be the person’s greatest, mainly for emotional reasons such as pressure, guilt, disappointment, fear or shame. Even at times, it could arise due to the economic pressure if the salary was more but no love for the job. Or even for a reason because the person kept doing the job for such a long time.

4. Knowing the direct motivators:

Direct motivators are certain motives which are directly linked to the work. Such motivators help in bringing out the best performance from the individual and help them in knowing whether or not they love their career. The person should know that the closer their reasons are for their working job, the better and more engaged will they be when carrying out the actual job.

The main direct motivators are as follows:

a. Play:

When we engage in a specific activity or a job it is just because they enjoy and love doing what they do every single day of their lives. So taking the everyday job as fun and playful, they will reap the rewards and benefits that they deserve.

b. Purpose:

The purpose is for the time when the individual will be one step away from the actual work that they are doing. They should know that their motive isn’t just carrying out the work itself. But it is on what the outcome is going to be. The purpose motive is mainly felt by the individual when their values come in line with the impact of the work carried out by them.

c. Potential:

And further away from having a purpose for the work, is to what potential the person can reach while carrying out their job. The person knows that they work so that they can achieve something in their life. This is as important as a long term goal in the career of the individual. When they find a career they love, then they need to make sure that they can reach the highest possible potential.

While the individual is exploring their various career opportunities, then these three P’s will help them in a better way. These P’s will function for reasons which help the person realize their true passion for life and get to know what they are curious at. They will start realizing whether or not this particular role will help them in realizing their actual career goals.

d. Paycheck:

This is also considered as another P, but it is taken negatively. If the person does accept a job merely for this reason, for the pay what they are about to get then it will hurt them. Skipping all the above-mentioned P’s and then directly moving here would just end up the person back where they began.

5. Developing a personal brand:

The personal brand of an individual is their professional brand. This is considered as an important concept when a person starts to see themselves in a career that they love. It is similar to the way, the brand of a company shows a distinct identity of their uniqueness.

The personal brand of an individual will show their best interests and what they are expert at. For doing this the person needs to keep updating their work profiles along with ay other blogs or websites if they have been out of the market for a while.

6. Identifying a “Board of Advisors”:

At first, some person would advise the individual to go out and seek a mentor for better career advice. But know that never entirely rely only on a single person’s advice. And if they do so just relying on one person, then they may entirely burn their mentor out.

So the individual should create a group of people who are associated with a variety of different perspectives. They should choose individuals who they trust, respect and can rely on whenever needed. Building up such strong relationships with other experienced people will help them in their career.

7. Building a strong network:

A strong and powerful network is always helpful in finding out the right opportunity for the individual. It is known that almost 3/4th percentage of jobs is known to people using networking. This is because any company recruiter or manager would rely on their networks as well as any past interactions for giving someone a job.

A strong network will allow the person with the following things;

  1. It helps in gathering any necessary intel about any available job opportunities.
  2. It helps the person in getting any face-time with the people who are looking to hire.
  3. It helps in building the individual’s brand.
  4. It can act as a connector with important key players in the industry of choice of the individual.
  5. It helps the individual in learning how they can grow their career and its different skills.

8. Tuning up the elevator pitch:

The person should develop a 30-second elevator pitch so that when they have to talk about themselves, which they can have people around to help them. While conversing with the others, they can share their strengths and passions they possess. Even if they have found out what role they wish to carry out, then they can share it with them.

9. Gaining any relevant experience and skills:

This helps in improving the resume of the individual. This is important especially for the people who do want to switch their career paths. Any kind of additional experiences such as any additional volunteering work, any freelance work or any other skills or active participation and membership will help the person in knowing the true career that they love.

10. Don’t Compromise:

Always remember and ensure that the individual is truly committed to every step in the way. All of these steps require a huge amount of energy both mentally and physically.

If the person has already been putting in these energies, then they are already one step closer in reaching their goals. But if they do not love what they are currently doing, then considering unemployment would be best even though both processes are torturous. They must then look forward to jobs which they love doing.



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