We are back! Yet again with an interesting topic that makes us all liven up to read up this exciting article.
So why do we need a job?
We need a job to fend for ourselves, to take care of our family, to live a decent standard of living etc.
Now there are some reasons why people want to leave their jobs and stay back without another job or may be find another best suited job.
Let me now introduce to a certain economic theory, which I thought was fun and an interesting learning for us. This theory deals with people and one of the reasons as to why someone would quit his or her job.
So it is called the backward bending supply curve of labor.
Initially, when the wages of a laborer increases gradually, the number of hours that he wants to work to earn the increased wage also increases.
But after a certain period of time, even though there is a rise in the wages given, the laborer will now substitute work with leisure.
The key to this situation is that, the laborer will now start to analyze the amount of satisfaction he gets while not working against the satisfaction he gets when putting in that extra number of hours.
He prefers leisure now than work. This phenomenon is also known as the ‘labor-leisure’ tradeoff. Having discussed this economical theory, let us now delve into the practical logistics of people and why they tend to quit their jobs.
Why Employees Leave Their Jobs?
The following mentioned are few reasons why employees quit their jobs. Some of them are,
1. Low Income:
This is a natural phenomenon that happens to all employees. When you start working at a certain firm for a pre-decided amount of wage, you don’t feel anything initially about the pay.
But when you continue to work for the same firm without any appraisal, you tend to lose focus and you begin to get distracted. This is because; you are performing your duties diligently and efficiently without any increase in your pay.
This reduced income starts to take a toll on your decision to leave the firm and join elsewhere, wherein you could get a 20-30% hike on your current salary.
2. Relationship with the Management:
We need to realize that we spend more than half a day at our work place. This means that we need to like the place and be happy in the place we are working in. That is exactly why relationship with your management must be healthy.
Sometimes when the relation is soar or you don’t strike on the right chord, then going to the office becomes a challenge.
It so happens that the management is biased. Sometimes they lack clarity in their goals and decisions.
It is an every morning struggle and a feeling of discomfort, because you feel the lack of warmth in your workplace. This is a very common situation that is prevalent in most places.
3. A boring job:
What more? You have a boring job and you feel unchallenged.
If you feel like you are empowered to be an executive officer but you are stuck doing a clerical job, then it is quite clear that you may not want to be associated with this job.
An employer must make sure that his employee must be empowered with the 3 E’s that is feeling engaged, energetic and excited to perform his duties at the work place. After all he spends one third of his day doing this job.
4. Team mates:
Team mates play a very important role in your life. If you are stuck in a team who doesn’t acknowledge your presence, effort, time and commitment then you are bound to feel low. A situation as such is very common.
In fact in some places team members get as cruel as they can, they begin to boycott a new member of the team, tease them for their weaknesses, not help them in their training processes etc. This provokes the victim to quit and look out for another job.
5. Opportunity knocks at your door:
When new and exciting opportunities come your way, one tends to drift towards those opportunities which let us utilize our skills and abilities.
If an employee finds that his career path is not growing or is not strong, then the goal of optimization is not met, which would then lead to a change in job.
6. A firms’ financial status:
When a company is in the eye of the media for all the wrong reasons, it worries the employees of that firm.
Reasons like lack of production, decreased number of work hours or if the company mergers or if it’s purchased by another firm then employees find it very difficult to stay in that firm.
7. Promotions and Recognitions:
It hurts quite a lot to see another employee who doesn’t deserve to be promoted or recognized but instead it was you who put in hard work day in and out. Such folly appreciations may force a genuine employee to quit.
On the other hand, appreciating and recognizing everybody at the same time and at the same level is also going to drive an ambitious man or woman out of your firm. When recognition is not customized it doesn’t serve its purpose.
8. Work-life balance:
This is a common feature of today’s fast growing world. Everybody wants to be the first in race. This makes the firm to stress its employees to work harder and work forever. They forget that the employees have a personal life too.
Work-life balance seems to have gone under the carpet and nobody knows how it feels.
Simply because the work you do is so much more demanding than the life you spend outside the work atmosphere. At one point in time the employee will get vexed about everything and will quit.
9. Training:
Sometimes when you are not adequately trained by your team, you tend to under perform. But this is not your fault.
The firm needs to invest a good amount of time and energy to make you feel responsible enough for your job. And not leave you half-way through the process.
Under trained employee feels the pressure of not performing wisely and this could affect the team as a whole. Eventually leads to the employee quitting.
The other practical reasons could be as follows:
10. When a woman quits due to her maternity reasons. She may choose to make a comeback or not.
11. When the spouse has to relocate to another domicile due to business needs, then the respective partner tends to quit.
12. When you feel the need to quit and spend time with family, or your retirement age is just around the corner or maybe you want to take a break for health reasons.
13. Sometimes when work is too rigid or not flexible.
Now that we are all acquainted with the different reasons as to why people quit their jobs, it is our turn to fill in the gap. Do leave in your comments and feedback about this article. If any one of us have something more to add and share experiences, that would be a great idea. Let’s hope that people who are in such tricky situations do get a better opportunity and worthwhile job.