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Effects of Positive and Negative Attitudes in the Workplace


Well, having positive and negative attitudes at workplace could have several effects.

In this post we are going to tell you about the several pros and cons that comes with having different attitudes at work and how you can control and handle them to improve your workplace.

Always remember that your behaviour at work really matters. How you react with others could really determine your future at work.

So go ahead and read this post to find out how bad and good attitude can affect your office surroundings.

Four attitudes that are important in workplace:

1. Respect for other
2. Infectious enthusiasm
3. commitment to the job
4. Innovative ideas.

Effects of Negative Attitude at Workplace:

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Negative Attitude Effects at Workplace


Here are some of the biggest effects of having a negative attitude at your workplace.

1. Undermines relationships with all co workers:

We all understand if your day isn’t going all that well and if you’re going to wear a bad attitude for very long, your relationships are not going to work after a point.

Negative attitudes after a point can really drain you down and drain those around you.

When your relationship with others at work has been undermined, the connection with others at work will begin to suffer.

You will begin to feel left out and excluded from groups and communities inside the office. Also when you start feeling the outs, you will feel like your bad attitude is making things difficult.

Search for some common ground with the co workers and then you can bridge all gaps and repair damage.

2. You don’t get any perks:

If you continue with your bad attitude, you will lose out on several opportunities.

If there is something new going on at work, you will not be able to become a part of it. Neither will you be the first choice for most people.

Apart from that, you will miss out on all the small recognitions from the people at your workplace. So don’t ever lessen the effects of your job by having a bad attitude all the time.

3. Hinders advancement:

Apart from losing out on all the good times, you may not even be chosen for a promotion.

The negative effects of having a bad attitude could lead to having a very bad impression. Also employees may not want to give you any important jobs and duties but you can still change that if you have good attitude.

Employees are always in search of people who have good skills and those who have technical know-how or posseses an attitude which is needed to have a great deal with people.

4. Risk your job security:

If you continue with your bad attitude, you may actually end up losing your job. People who sour things at work by behaving badly will not be able to do a good job at all.

Employers who need to have people will be able to pull themselves together and overcome all situations that doesn’t effect their work at all.

Eventually, those who have a bad attitude will not be able to secure anything good in their job. The manager will have no choices left but to take action against those.

5. Performance level tends to go down:

The thing with bad attitude is that it tends to spread which is the reason why you must take care of the problem and address it as quickly as you can.

Having a bad attitude can have a huge effect on the business or the workplace that you are in. Bad attitudes may also trickle downwards.

When you have a cranky manager, it will ruin the whole atmosphere at work and everyone who people supervise. Plus negative attitudes always have a bad effect on the performance that will cause employees to become unhappy and pathetic.

Mistakes will show up more often and the output will also be low.

6. The problem of identification:

There are times when one person could become the biggest cause for problems inside an organization. There are other times when you have to see the causes for such discontent.

In case you enforce unreasonable deadlines and be mean to your workers if they don’t meet deadlines, you will obviously have resentment building against you.

Even though you must expect the best from such people, you must never make them work too hard and test their loyalty. Plus when you have a bad attitude as a manager, you will not be supported by your peers.

Effects of Positive Attitude in the Workplace:

Positive Attitude Effects at Workplace

Here are some of the effects of being positive at work!

1. No stress:

To start off, it is much healthier for people around you to be themselves.

When you are a positive person and are spreading positivity around you, several things are going to change at your workplace in a better and more positive manner.

Several studies have started to show that stress can really bring about life threatening diseases, fatigue, insomnia and mental problems which could damage and ruin your body with time.

Not just that, stress could rip you out and lead to long term side effects as well.

So its actually better to have a positive atmosphere and that can only happen when you have a good attitude.

2. Your peers will be happy:

The stress level at work will definitely reduce when you are at work. Your peers will be happy with you and begin to help you with your thoughts and ideas as well.

Whether you are scattered or simply cannot organize your thoughts or send mails, if you lash out in anger, you will never be able to make others happy.

But if you have a positive attitudes and behaviours at work, automatically your peers will be happy with you and will want to be around you more often.

Happy people also makes others happy. They can really help the company grow in the future.

3. Makes you more secure:

One of the best and wonderful benefits of having a positive attitude at work is that it provides you with job security.

You are never going to get fired for having a good attitude. In fact it is the positivity that will shine and help others see the good side of you.

Plus when you are nice, kind and generous to others, you can actually create a very good impression and make yourself eligible for promotion at your work place.

So don’t ever make the mistake of showing off a bad attitude! Be nice and kind to more people and it will pay off.

4. More cooperative:

Having a good attitude is not just good for healthy body and mind but also something that you need for a better life. But for this you will have to take steps to get to the happy place you want to be.

You might not get the career you have dreamt of if you have bad attitude. It will not help you reach your goals either.

You shall be pushed down and people will not want to be with you since you are not cooperating. But if you do the exact opposite, your life will show some drastic changes and help you reach goals as well.

5. Empowering:

Finally, a positive attitude can really empower you and help you do much better at work.

There can be times when you probably have to deal with several tasks that you really don’t like or meet deadlines that are ridiculous and work way too hard than you ever expected.

But if you can still maintain a positive attitude regardless of that, you could really go a long way.

If you aren’t able to do a task well or perform, we understand it is not easy but showing positivity will really prove to be a beneficial thing in the future. Those who are positive at workplace will understand this point.

6. Better control:

You must always remember that this is your life and that you control your decisions, your path and your life.

So there is no need to be more afraid of the job you are doing and search for something better.

Apart from the difficulties you share with others inside your office, make sure to be forthright and rational. There are several people who will be wanting to meet you because of good behaviour.

So let them know by showing your actions to them. There will always be an HR department if you find anything else failing.

Safety Attitudes in the Workplace:

It simply refers to the employee tendency to respond in a good or a bad way towards a safety goal, plan,idea, procedure,prevention or situation. safety attitudes influence employee choice of responses and actions to challenges, incentives and rewards in the workplace.

For an accident free environment a positive workplace safety attitudes are essential which ensures things like

  • Higher efficiency
  • Best quality
  • Saves budget on cost of accident
  • Raises employee morale
  • Business profit
  • goodwill

Components of Workplace Safety Attitudes:

  • Feelings or emotions – it is driven by mental states
  • Opinions or beliefs – It is driven from self faith
  • Inclination for action – It is driven by opinion
  • Positive or negative response to stimuli – lead by actions

Aim of Positive Workplace Safety Attitudes:

  • Safeguards properties and employees
  • Prevent all types of accidents and near misses
  • Prepare for the emergencies
  • Improve work environment and morale


This brings the post to an end. If you have found some help and benefit from the article and would like to tell us more about it, do let us know in the comment box below. We would love to help you.

Also if you have any questions regarding positive and negative attitudes at work, you could drop them down below. Even though we can’t promise to take care of all of them, we surely can help you with a few things. On that note, good luck with work.

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