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16 Easy Tips for Making Difficult Decisions at Work


No man on earth is perfect. Everyone tends to face a situation where a really tough decision is required to make and the fear of rejection captivates their mind to take a step ahead. Even when you are a boss, you cannot let your subordinates know your deep fears inside because they are the ones who are looking up to you and take that decision which they are scared to take.

It is important to stand by your decisions and prove them right. Taking a decision-making step at work is generally an opportunity to prove oneself as a leader, wherein it showcases your ability to prove your efficiency at work and catch the eyes of your seniors. Hence, if an opportunity comes, be confident and never let it go. Below are mentioned tips to make difficult decisions quickly at work.

making difficult decisions at work

Tips for Making Difficult Decisions at Work Under Pressure:

1. The idea of right and wrong:

While making a decision the mind plays its own tricks. One always have doubts to the decision and thinks what if this turn out to be wrong one. The confusion is a constant companion of mind and this is the real challenge to deal with.

Until and unless we take a decision one will never know if it is right or wrong. Hence, having such doubts leads nowhere so it is best to keep the confusion aside and do the best.

2. Be clear:

Before proceeding to make a decision at work, know why this step is required. Clarity of thought helps solve lots of issues related to a decision-making process.

Know the reasons related to it, factors affecting it, possible future consequences and what result you are looking for. Answering these simple questions will make your job not only easier but also you as a reliable person.

3. Stay away from emotions:

Be rational and logical while making a decision. Emotional attachment or bringing heat into the matter of work generally clouds the decision-making process. No matter how good the things were but when it has to end for a larger benefit then the strong step is to be taken.

For Example, if you need to fire the employee then it is good to proceed it with no emotional baggage. It is essential to understand that this is just a job and not life, hence if the person has been really good to you but when duty calls, it calls.

4. Take advice:

It is good to take advice from one of your trustworthy senior or your mentor. It could be a possibility that you might be new at your job and might not be fully aware how does it function.

Therefore, a senior will help and guide you to look at a better side which will make your work easier. Many people do not prefer taking advice from colleagues, but it is good to know everyone’s perspective before proceeding to the final decision.

5. Be confident:

Before implementing the decision one will never know about the possibility of it being right or wrong. Be confident about the decision that you take and stand by it. Rather than waiting for a decision to be right, it is best to make it right with your efforts.

Confidence is key to success and it will make your life easier. Acknowledging the commitment towards your decision will be worth it in a long term.

6. See the bigger picture:

There is always a short term benefit and long term benefit. Before making a decision know if you are looking at short term solution or long term solution, how your decision will benefit others. A clearer and bigger picture is better than a smaller benefit.

It is good to list out the pros and cons of the decision on a paper and then go through it. This process will help you to see the possibilities to find the best solution.

7. Listen to your instincts:

Nothing can beat your gut instincts. There is always that inner voice which keeps on telling you what to do and what will work the best hence it is important to never ignore that voice.

With so many suggestions pouring in and with so many possibilities that one can see that inner voice is the one which can clearly show you the path. Hence, it is important to pay attention to your instincts.

8. Know the factors it will effect:

Get the complete information about the issue, the factors affecting it, the needs and requirement to take these decisions. A complete information is always helpful in proving the knowledge in all its aspects.

The right knowledge of the situation will lead to the right decision ahead. In fact, knowing the possible outcomes will help you guide to take a better decision at your work.

9. Know the alternatives:

There is always an alternative to a certain situation. The best way to deal with this is to develop the alternatives of a single situation. If in case, your first decision does not work out then rather than waiting to rework on it, an alternative plan can immediately put into action.

10. Ask critical questions:

What if this is the last chance to get something in your life? How many people will be affected by your decision? How many people are looking up to you? Will it help to solve the crisis?

These critical questions, when asked, may give you answers which can provide you an insight of the queries. It is important to give time to the concern and go though its pros and cons before concluding it.

11. Prevent yourself from assumptions:

One might not know what is there in future, but ensure to avoid assuming a certain situation while making a decision. Think about a time when your decision worked against you or worked in your favor.

Understand the factors which made it work for you or against you. A reality check helps one to keep their eyes open and let them decide on a rational basis. Avoid overestimating a situation because if it doesn’t work out in your favor it will create troubles. So ensure to leave some room for a possibility to work in future ahead.

12. Think twice:

When making a decision avoid taking hasty steps. Do not implement it until and unless you are totally sure about it, if possible look for a mockup impact or the results that might lead to it.

It is always suggested to think twice over it before proceeding. Giving a breathing space to your difficult decisions will provide you a clarity of thought leading to a better answer.

13. Avoid risk involved decision:

Be moderate in your approach and avoid unnecessary risk. It is important to understand the impact of your decisions on others and one cannot experiment with it. It is advisable to follow a moderate path which involves lesser and lesser risk so as to reduce the negative impact on others.

Avoid major risk involving decisions and follow a safe path if in case it doesn’t work out then not much of the damage will happen.

14. Meditate:

With so many thoughts in the mind, with so much information on hand figuring out the best possible decision is not easy. It can further add up to the stress level hence it reduces the possibility to handle and get the right decision.

The best way to tackle stressful situation is to meditate, close your eyes and take few deep breaths and every time you exhale imagine that you are letting out your stress with it. This will help you making the difficult decision that you were fretting about.

15. Are you satisfied?:

Another important point to note while taking a decision is to know if you will be happy and satisfied with it. There is no point in carrying it out until and unless you are not happy with it. Before proceeding to take a decision do not leave any room for doubt in your mind, since if it gets into your mind then it will hamper your decision-making capability.

16. Do not give in:

Another important thing to remember while making a decision at work is to ensure not to be swayed by superiors or your colleagues.

Sometimes in the process of decision-making people with power or who are looking for personal benefits tend to give unnecessary information and suggestion. If you know you are right then it is important to stay with it and avoid getting swayed with others ideas.

Conclusion :

Decision making is also a process which one can learn with time and experience. It requires patience and a great deal of understanding of situations which can easily lead to great results. It is important to understand even if your decision does not work out in your favor then one should never give up on it easily as it is a part of learning a process of becoming a leader.

One cannot predict the future results, but one can surely stand by the decision and work towards in making that work for the benefit of everyone. It surely requires courage, but it will pay off in the long run.

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