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10 Signs of a Desperate Job Seeker: 5 Steps to Avoid Acting


Being able to bag a job in the present economic condition is a tough feat indeed. There are many people out there who try hard as they are unable to get a good job and because of this, they are forced to just settle for anything which happens to come their way. The manner in which you conduct yourself during your interview will determine whether or not you will be able to bag a job. So continue to be confident and never lose hope. Given here is a list on signs of whether you are a desperate job seeker or not and also a list on how to avoid acting in such a manner.

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Being able to bag a job in the present economical condition is a tough feat indeed. There are many people out there who try hard as they are unable to get a good job and because of this they are forced to just settle for anything which happens to come their way. The manner in which you conduct yourself during your interview will determine whether or not you will be able to bag a job. So continue to be confident and never lose hope. Given here is a list on signs of whether you are a desperate job seeker or not and also a list on how to avoid acting in such a manner. The signs of a desperate job seeker 1. He or she is a yes man no matter what it is that you say You can immediately identify a desperate job seeker by the manner in which he or she will be carefully listening to whatever you have to say and nodding in agreement to every term as well as condition which you happen to put forth. A person who is not a desperate job seeker will listen to what you have to say and go ahead to analyze the pros and cons of accepting the offer. However a person who has no other alternative will have to accept any and every job which comes his way, so that he can be able to keep his head above the water. 2. He or she will say that he is willing to do any kind of jobs No matter what kind of job description you might give, a desperate job seeker will be willing to do it all without even a peak. He knows that if he offers even the slightest of resistance then this might not sit very well with the recruitment. However, if you present yourself as someone who is a desperate job seeker then the company people are bound to exploit you and even take advantage of your position. So no matter what, you must ensure that you reveal no signs of weakness or vulnerability as that is bound to cost you. 3. He or she is desperate to please A desperate job seeker knows that one of the only ways in which he can be able to bag the job is by getting on the good side of the person who is taking the interview. So at such a time, they try their best to please the interviewer and go out of their way to create a good impression. Behaving in such a manner or even resorting to flattery is something which is not desirable at all because recruiters are skilled and experienced professionals who know every trick in the book! 4. He or she has no inhibitions about groveling One of the main signs that someone is desperate for the job is when he or she will resort to a kind of begging saying that they will do anything for the job and might even go so far as to break into tears when you say that they have not made the cut. Being in such a situation is most certainly unfortunate and many a time even people with the best of qualifications are unable to bag a job simply because luck is not in their favor. Keeping one’s eyes as well as ears open at all times is vital, so that you do not miss out on good opportunities that happen to come your way. 5. He or she will claim to be able to do any job No matter what, a smart job seeker will make tall claims to be able to do any kind of job. If you are someone who is a recruiter then you should ensure that you keep an eye out for such Jack of all trades who will eventually prove to be a liability to the company as they will be a master in none of the trades. Be sure to only hire those individuals to the company who you are absolutely sure about because if you make a wrong decision then it could cost the company heavily in the long run. 6. No matter what salary or perks you offer will be acceptable to this individual A person who is desperate to bag a job will accept the job simply because it is a means of employment and will not even ask too many questions about salary perks or anything of the kind. For such a person, getting some salary at the month is better than not being able to look forward to any money. No one is a desperate job seeker by choice, it is a compulsion for many people who try as they might are just not able to bag any job. It is only when the economic condition is better that such things can stop. 7. He or she will not ask about vacation details or perks A person who wants to just bag the job under all costs will not even come prepared to ask any questions to the interviewer or recruiter; rather he or she will just try his level best to get the job. Things or luxuries such as these do not even matter to this individual and he just wants an opportunity to prove his worth and to show that once this opportunity has been granted to him, he will prove himself to be an indispensable part of the company. So this is a sure sign that the interviewee is a desperate job seeker if he or she doesn’t counter question you in any way at all so as to not antagonize you. 8. He or she will send resumes to all companies A desperate job seeker is someone who is finding it tough to make two ends meet and because of his need to bag a job he even resorts to sending resumes to all companies in the hope that he will be able to hear from at least one or two of them at the earliest. He does not even look to send his resumes to the top companies or the best in the business, rather his prerogative is merely bagging the first job which comes his way because he is well aware of the fact that he is someone who most certainly cannot afford to be picky or choosy. 9. He or she will keep mailing a company or making trips to the office In addition to sending the resume, a desperate job seeker will keep contacting the various companies to ensure that his resume has reached and even to inquire whether or not he will be called upon or contacted any time soon. In addition to this such a desperate job seeker who is currently unemployed might even go so far as to make trips to several offices to find out in person if there are currently any job openings which need to be filled immediately. After all, desperate times do call for desperate measures. 10. Will not be very confident A person who is a desperate job seeker will not be very confident as he knows what personal worries he has because his financial position is not very stable. It is all these worries that will be bowing him down causing him to have a worried look in his eye and might even cause his confidence to flutter a little bit. He is well aware of the fact that with each job interview he has so much on the line that he cannot afford to make even the smallest of mistakes, lest an employment opportunity will slip through his fingers. How to avoid acting desperate during a job interview 1. You say whatever is on your mind No matter how eager you are as a job seeker you should ensure that you speak whatever is on your mind and do not agree with everything which is being told to you. You have the courage to put forth your convictions without having any kind of qualms. Companies are always willing to hire those individuals who are bold and confident about their feeling. They put forth their views in a respectful and coherent manner, causing other to sit up and take notice of them. 2. You are confident at every step of the way As mentioned above a sheer sign of someone who is a desperate job seeker is that he or she will be lacking in confidence, so it is important that you do not let your confidence levels to go down at any cost or this is bound to create a negative impression in the minds of those who are taking your interview. You should ensure that you try your level best at all times and leave the rest up to fate. There is only so much which you can do when you go for an interview. Worrying is not going to help you in any way rather it is going to negatively impact your performance. 3. You do not accept all terms presented before you A way in which to show that you are not someone who is a desperate job seeker is by not accepting terms which you are really not okay with. If you feel that there is something which you are not willing to do then you should just go all out and say it, this is better than making promises which you will not be able to keep. Being a yes man and agreeing to everything is not merely desperate but it might cost you your job at a future point in time. 4. You take your time to make your decisions A desperate job seeker is someone who will not even take a moment to soak in all that is being told rather he will just give his consent. One of the signs to show that you are someone who isn’t desperate is by taking your time to take your decision thereby keeping the company on their toes. The moment you start putting up your price then the company people will automatically get the drift that you are someone who is sought after and if they do not act fast then a good employee like you might even slip through their fingers. 5. You ask questions pertaining to salary and perks Only a person who is bold and carefree will ask questions pertaining to salary and will be willing to negotiate with the company rather than just accepting things as they are. In order to really raise your own value in the eyes of the company recruiter you have to be able to put on a good show. No matter what your condition is you must never stoop to any low levels to be able to bag a job. However this being stated you must ensure that you do not go over board and end up looking like someone who has an attitude problem and does not respect authority. So these are the points which explicate on what are the signs of a desperate job seeker. What you must remember is that if employees see that you have such signs of desperation then they will not be willing to hire someone like you. It is up to you to hold your own at all times so ensure that you conduct yourself with grace as well as dignity so that at all costs you always have yourself respect as well as dignity intact. So accept things as they are and never do something which might go ahead and tarnish your reputation.

The Signs of a Desperate Job Seeker:

1. He or she is a yes man no matter what it is that you say:

You can immediately identify a desperate job seeker by the manner in which he or she will be carefully listening to whatever you have to say and nodding in agreement to every term as well as a condition which you happen to put forth. A person who is not a desperate job seeker will listen to what you have to say and go ahead to analyze the pros and cons of accepting the offer. However a person who has no other alternative will have to accept any and every job which comes his way, so that he can be able to keep his head above the water.

2. He or she will say that he is willing to do any kind of jobs:

No matter what kind of job description you might give, a desperate job seeker will be willing to do it all without even a peek. He knows that if he offers even the slightest of resistance then this might not sit very well with the recruitment. However, if you present yourself as someone who is a desperate job seeker then the company people are bound to exploit you and even take advantage of your position. So no matter what, you must ensure that you reveal no signs of weakness or vulnerability as that is bound to cost you.

3. He or she is desperate to please:

Desperate job seekers know that one of the only ways in which he can be able to bag the job is by getting on the good side of the person who is taking the interview. So at such a time, they try their best to please the interviewer and go out of their way to create a good impression. Behaving in such a manner or even resorting to flattery is something which is not desirable at all because recruiters are skilled and experienced professionals who know every trick in the book!

4. He or she has no inhibitions about groveling:

One of the main signs that someone is desperate for the job is when he or she will resort to a kind of begging saying that they will do anything for the job and might even go so far as to break into tears when you say that they have not made the cut. Being in such a situation is most certainly unfortunate and many a time even people with the best of qualifications are unable to bag a job simply because luck is not in their favor. Keeping one’s eyes as well as ears open at all times is vital, so that you do not miss out on good opportunities that happen to come your way.

5. He or she will claim to be able to do any job:

No matter what, a smart job seeker will make tall claims to be able to do any kind of job. If you are someone who is a recruiter then you should ensure that you keep an eye out for such Jack of all trades who will eventually prove to be a liability to the company as they will be a master in none of the trades. Be sure to only hire those individuals to the company who you are absolutely sure about because if you make a wrong decision then it could cost the company heavily in the long run.

6. No matter what salary or perks you offer will be acceptable to this individual:

A person who is desperate to bag a job will accept the job simply because it is a means of employment and will not even ask too many questions about salary perks or anything of the kind. For such a person, getting some salary at the month is better than not being able to look forward to any money. No one is a desperate job seeker by choice, it is a compulsion for many people who try as they might are just not able to bag any job. It is only when the economic condition is better that such things can stop.

7. He or she will not ask about vacation details or perks:

A person who wants to just bag the job under all costs will not even come prepared to ask any questions to the interviewer or recruiter; rather he or she will just try his level best to get the job. Things or luxuries such as these do not even matter to this individual and he just wants an opportunity to prove his worth and to show that once this opportunity has been granted to him, he will prove himself to be an indispensable part of the company. So this is a sure sign that the interviewee is a desperate job seeker if he or she doesn’t counter question you in any way at all so as to not antagonize you.

8. He or she will send resumes to all companies:

A desperate job seeker is someone who is finding it tough to make two ends meet and because of his need to bag a job he even resorts to sending resumes to all companies in the hope that he will be able to hear from at least one or two of them at the earliest. He does not even look to send his resumes to the top companies or the best in the business, rather his prerogative is merely bagging the first job which comes his way because he is well aware of the fact that he is someone who most certainly cannot afford to be picky or choosy.

9. He or she will keep mailing a company or making trips to the office:

In addition to sending the resume, a desperate job seeker will keep contacting the various companies to ensure that his resume has reached and even to inquire whether or not he will be called upon or contacted anytime soon. In addition to this such a desperate job seeker who is currently unemployed might even go so far as to make trips to several offices to find out in person if there are currently any job openings which need to be filled immediately. After all, desperate times do call for desperate measures.

10. Will not be very confident:

A person who is a desperate job seeker will not be very confident as he knows what personal worries he has because his financial position is not very stable. It is all these worries that will be bowing him down causing him to have a worried look in his eye and might even cause his confidence to flutter a little bit. He is well aware of the fact that with each job interview he has so much on the line that he cannot afford to make even the smallest of mistakes, lest an employment opportunity will slip through his fingers.

5 Steps to avoid looking desperate in a Job Interview:

1. You say whatever is on your mind:

No matter how eager you are as a job seeker you should ensure that you speak whatever is on your mind and do not agree with everything which is being told to you. You have the courage to put forth your convictions without having any kind of qualms. Companies are always willing to hire those individuals who are bold and confident about their feeling. They put forth their views in a respectful and coherent manner, causing other to sit up and take notice of them.

2. You are confident at every step of the way:

As mentioned above a sheer sign of someone who is a desperate job seeker is that he or she will be lacking in confidence, so it is important that you do not let your confidence levels to go down at any cost or this is bound to create a negative impression in the minds of those who are taking your interview. You should ensure that you try your level best at all times and leave the rest up to fate. There is only so much which you can do when you go for an interview. Worrying is not going to help you in any way rather it is going to negatively impact your performance.

3. You do not accept all terms presented before you:

A way in which to show that you are not someone who is a desperate job seeker is by not accepting terms which you are really not okay with. If you feel that there is something which you are not willing to do then you should just go all out and say it, this is better than making promises which you will not be able to keep. Being a yes man and agreeing to everything is not merely desperate but it might cost you your job at a future point in time.

4. You take your time to make your decisions:

A desperate job seeker is someone who will not even take a moment to soak in all that is being told rather he will just give his consent. One of the signs to show that you are someone who isn’t desperate is by taking your time to take your decision thereby keeping the company on their toes. The moment you start putting up your price then the company people will automatically get the drift that you are someone who is sought after and if they do not act fast then a good employee like you might even slip through their fingers.

5. You ask questions pertaining to salary and perks:

Only a person who is bold and carefree will ask questions pertaining to salary and will be willing to negotiate with the company rather than just accepting things as they are. In order to really raise your own value in the eyes of the company recruiter, you have to be able to put on a good show. No matter what your condition is you must never stoop to any low levels to be able to bag a job. However, this being stated you must ensure that you do not go overboard and end up looking like someone who has an attitude problem and does not respect authority.

Final Words:

So these are the points which explicate on what are the signs of a desperate job seeker. What you must remember is that if employees see that you have such signs of desperation then they will not be willing to hire someone like you. It is up to you to hold your own at all times so ensure that you conduct yourself with grace as well as dignity so that at all costs you always have yourself respect as well as dignity intact. So accept things as they are and never do something which might go ahead and tarnish your reputation.

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