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How to Adjust to Change in the Workplace? 30 Best Tips


Change is inevitable, whether it is your personal life or professional. We tend to encounter change every now and then.

There are times when we get adjusted quite easily with the change that we have come across, but there are some times when we just fail to get accustomed to the change.

To be more specific regarding the change there are times when your workplace is changed. There might be reasons like a better pay, shift of location, better working conditions and so on.

These reasons make us switch from one workplace to another. When we work at a place for an evident period of time, it becomes tough for us to get habituated with the environment at new work place. Here are few tips on dealing with change in the workplace.

Change in the workplace

Here are the tips, that one must remember when he/she is facing trouble in getting adjusted to the change in the workplace.

30 Ways on Dealing with Change in the Workplace:

1. Accept the change:

This is the first and foremost step to remember when you face the change in your workplace. Accept the reality that the change has taken place and you cannot deny it.

Once you begin, accept the new workplace as your own then only you can work towards fitting yourself into the organization.

2. Be friendly:

One must keep a friendly approach towards the colleagues. Being friendly would not only help you in overcoming the awkwardness that you are feeling at a new place but also, help you in knowing people more.

Becoming friendly with colleagues will gradually begin to get attached to them and this will develop a positive feeling towards your new workplace enabling you in adjusting.

3. Be observant:

Try to be observant regarding your environment. Observe how rules of your new workplace are laid down. What are those rules, how are they followed, how are your colleges, how is your manager.

The more you will observe them carefully; the better will be your understanding. This will further let you decide what should be your approach and to what extent.

Being an observant person would also give you an idea about their nature.

4. Be cheerful:

Cheerful at work A cheerful face seems to be more attractive than anything else. No doubts, there must be trench of nervousness in you, an emotional turmoil also but, always be cheerful before them.

A cheerful nature attracts lots of people around it, helping a person to bond well at the new workplace.

You will feel the same love and belongingness everywhere if you remain to be cheerful irrespective of your place of work.

5. Open up:

Do not stay reserved to your new workplace. Remember, you have joined in new, not them. Therefore, you should be the one to interact. Talk about different things.

You can start conversation with them and even join them during the lunch break. This will give them an idea about your liking and disliking as well.

An extrovert nature is easier to get adjusted and accepted amongst the group members. Therefore, do not be a barrier in the communication instead facilitate it.

6. Be helpful:

There might be anger, nervousness, awkwardness or any negative emotion swarming inside your mind but never prevent yourself from helping people who are at your new workplace.

Helping your colleagues and staff gives positive vibes about you to them. Being helpful to them will make them feel good and grateful to you. Gradually this will reduce the negative emotions that your are facing.

7. Leading and cooperating:

Whenever a crisis arrives or any discomfort arises at the workplace, put an effort in leading them in a way out of this situation.

Take the lead and try to sort the problem out. If there are situations where you cannot lead, then be cooperative. Remember, cooperation is the greatest contribution in the team.

If you feel that an inappropriate decision is taken, then try to talk but never ever be a rebel.

8. Be positive:

In this phase of instability, you might come across lots of things that might demoralize you, discourage you but you must deflect yourself from all these negative thoughts.

Keep your mind entirely positive, filled with absolutely positive thoughts. Try to see positivity in every scenario that you come across. This will make you feel glad.

9. Listening skills:

communication Polish your listening skills as much as you can if you really want to adjust as soon as possible. Being a good listener has its own perks.

A good listener is most of the time problem solver which tends to captivate most of the people around you. Listening skills also show you as an intelligent person who knows what to speak and when.

Being a new comer to the organization, prevent yourself from getting into any argument with your co-workers or seniors. Always listen, think and then speak.

10. Gossips? No!:

Gossiping is supposed to be an impending part of any organization be it formal or informal. However, the more you are away from gossips, better it is for you. Keep your ears always shut!

Even if someone tells you something about someone, do not take it out at anybody else. You would never realize when you will get entangled by your own words creating a mess for yourself. Hence, say a bigger NO to gossiping.

11. Keeping in touch personally:

Do not come back to your reserved mode once the office hours are over. Try to go together on lunch with your colleagues, text them, talk about their problems and share your own experiences.

You can go on a trip with them or travel with them daily, if they stay nearby. This will help in strengthen the bond, making you feel good when you are surrounded with people who belong to your new workplace.

12. Understanding the functioning:

Each organization has different medium, mode and flow of functioning. Strive to understand that.

Once you begin to understand the ways of an organization it becomes a cake walk to get adjusted. Go through the rules and regulation laid down by the board.

Talk to people, and take their opinions and thoughts regarding the functioning and develop your own set of understanding towards the organization.

13. Socializing:

It is highly understandable that it is difficult for you to mingle with new people at your new work place; however a little effort can bring you at ease.

Socializing with them would help you and them as well in having an insight about one another.

You can attend the office events and function; you can also go on partying with them. The more you will open up and socialize the more, you will feel belonged to them.

14. Continue your work:

Keep working Irrespective of whether you are happy or not, irrespective of whether you are adjusting or not just continue to work.

The workplace might have changed but the work remains the same therefore keep working.

The focus and concentration that will be in your performance would eventually help you in getting adjusted to the changes that has taken place in your surroundings.

15. Keep your view broader:

Do not crib and cry because your workplace has been changed. See the fact that your work is the same; you are not unemployed at all. The change in your workplace might just give you better opportunities to deal with.

Therefore, keep your view broader and cop up with the change in a positive way.

You are unable to look at the broader perspective if you merely look at the workplace that is changed. Think about the career that is still intact to you.

16. Analyze yourself:

Spend a quality time on yourself as well. Put efforts in knowing your strengths and weakness.

Try to recognize what are your opportunities where you can take the ball in your court and earn praises and threats in order to know the areas where you are lagging behind and need improvement.

17. Channels for learning:

Do not enclose you in a cocoon. Learn to appreciate tasks that are accomplished by others. This will entitle you to learn more. Learning is a great way of adjusting.

Take up each interaction, each presentation and each task as a learning opportunity for yourself. This will lead you towards the longer way.

18. Do not stress and stretch:

Changes happen every now and then, sometimes they are bigger than your expectations too, but as long as you will hold on to them they will continue to bother you. Thus, free yourself from the stress that comes with change.

Once you begin to take it lightly and easily, without stretching it too much you will be able to embrace it and adjust yourself naturally into the environment.

Instead of getting anxious regarding it, you must keep yourself open and positive towards the change.

19. Share it out:

Share it out The feeling that you are going through when your workplace changes are quite natural and healthy. It is normal to feel nervous, scared, and awkward and consume time to accept the change.

Therefore, vent it out to your near dear ones often. Seek their support; there is no harm in that. The more you will share it, the easier it will become for you to cop up.

20. Lower down expectations:

Lower down your expectation from your new workplace. Expecting too much might dishearten and disappoint you, making you feel even more miserable.

If you begin to expect less, the chances of getting surprised are more and therefore lower down your expectation at every point of time.

Keeping your expectations less will make you feel contented and satisfied with the place that you are currently working in.

21. Ask questions:

Asking questions isn’t annoying at all if asked keeping the time and occasion in mind! Ask as many question as you can, regarding work and organization.

This will show that you are keenly interested in the organization and the functions, also that you do pay attention towards your work and duties that are assigned to you. Asking questions would solve your doubts and enhance your confidence level.

22. Keep calm and persistent:

Even if things are not going as smoothly as you wished them to be, do not give upon your efforts.

The persisting dedication of yours towards your work will pay off, you just have to maintain your patience level.

Do not over burden yourself with anxieties; keep calm as much as you can. This will help you in understanding things and have a better amount of focus in your work.

23. Pre planned and prepared:

Since you are already filled with nervousness and tension chances of things going haywire are higher. But, if you keep a proper backup plan into place, things would still stay under control.

A handy back up plan during your presentation or any event for that matter won’t just save your day but also boost up your confidence. Hence, be prepared twice.

24. Gain knowledge:

Gain knowledge Ensure that you gain more and more knowledge. Start reading more.

A knowledgeable person is always associated with intelligence which might certainly make you popular in your colleagues and a good employee in the eye of your boss.

25. Be punctual:

Change in your workplace wouldn’t be an excuse for coming late therefore, be on time. You got to stick to the commitments done by you adhering to the deadlines given to you.

Being punctual is a sign of being a dedicated employee. Keep in mind that value of time is highly valued by the boss.

26. Be down – to – earth:

Your humble and down to earth nature would take you the long way. Be humble to everyone in your workplace. It doesn’t matter how much worried you are, you should be down to earth before everyone.

This is an ultimate way of bonds with your co-workers. If you are polite to everyone you will get the same amount of respect without even asking for it.

27. Get noticed:

The greatest way of getting noticed is working smartly yet sincerely. Performing each and every assignment with great dedication will help you in getting noticed amongst your colleagues.

This is the same in the case of getting noticed in the eye of your boss. If your performance happens to be at par and above expectations, your value gets increased automatically.

28. Seek help:

Do not feel hesitant in seeking help from any of your co worker. If you ask them to help you, they will feel being valued by you. This will also give them a chance to know you more and help you in a better way.

Therefore, keeping your ego aside, feel free to ask for help when you are in need .

29. Old colleagues:

Keeping in touch with older colleges is as important as keeping in touch with the new ones. Old colleagues of yours might help you in your ongoing project when nobody bothers to help you.

Also that, they can comfort you in a better way when you are going through your troublesome time in adjusting at a new workplace, since they know you better.

30. Appreciate efforts:

Appreciate Efforts Like you there are people working in the same organization who are your co-workers, your juniors or seniors, you should appreciate them whenever you can.

People love to be liked and appreciated and hence appreciation is a magic bullet to seek a place in someone’s mind. Thus do not forget to appreciate them whole heartedly when they deserve the most.

To Wrap Up:

Basically, one has to accept the change before doing anything else in world. Once you accept the hang, develop a positive approach towards it.

Changes are bound to happen, sometime willingly and at times unwillingly, but one must keep doing the good work. The efforts filled with patience wouldn’t go futile. Just hang on to your new world place and gradually everything will settle down; including you!


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