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10 Best Careers for Free Spirits


What we want to become or which career we are interested in pursuing is the biggest question which is put up with all, as we grow up. Most of us have some or other plan for our future, but if you are still unsure and digging for answers, do not be upset about it.

In case, the reason behind your uncertainty is the fear of getting stuck in the cubicle or a 9 to 5 job, then in this post, you will come to know about some of the career options which you can opt for and still be a free bird in the core.

For unveiling all the doubts about the free-spirited persons and their prospective future, we have split the specifics into the following segments.

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Careers for Free Spirits

  • Who is a free spirit person?
  • Top career options for free spirit persons
  • Why even corporate wants to enroll a free spirit person?

So let’s figure out what your passion is and excavate what possibilities you have as a free-spirited person.

Free Spirit Person – Who is he/she?

The people who find it hard to follow a certain specified set of instructions and continuously approach life with out of the box thinking may be assumed as a free spirit person but this is not the only thought which can define a free-spirited person. So to clear the qualms, the following are the points which outlay the free spirit persons:

  • The persons like to make their own point of view for seeing things so they are keen on observing and collecting the details to make a judgment.
  • When others tell free-spirited people that what is right and what is wrong, they are not moved by others choices rather they make an unbiased free choice.
  • Free spirit persons care about knowing themselves and the world around them at par.
  • People may give hundreds of arguments to tell free spirit persons about what they should be supposedly doing but they cannot be persuaded with that. In fact, they would avoid being in the company of a judgmental or controlling person.
  • Words impossible, unimportant, or impractical are not in their dictionary. A free spirit person has the mettle to unlock life’s boundaries and limits.
  • They have a peculiar way of penning down life and the world.

Top Jobs for Free Spirits or Careers for Free Spirits:

Now when you know that a “Free Spirit” is an independent person who lives on their own terms and conditions, it must be easy for you to tell whether you fall into the category or not. If yes, then the following can be the best career options that do not obligate your flexibility.

1. Photographer:

If you have a passion for clicking every moment of your life and understanding of what a photo needs to be attracting. Then just get yourself a professional camera and pursue a photography course.

For being a successful professional photographer, one requires the knack of taking an apt photo. You can start working for your blog or for channels focused on covering nature or even a fashion portal.

2. Freelance Content Writer:

You may take content writing to make your living, If you just love to write and know how to play with words then create a content which is interesting or inspiring. You can opt to write web content for websites/blogs or do ghostwriting for other’s blog or autobiography.

There are unlimited avenues in freelance writing. One benefit of this work is that you can do it from any part of the world. You can easily get the work by signing in with different freelance content writing website like Upwork or through different content community pages built up on social media platforms. That way you can take up work as per your capability and you are not even tied to any employer and his tantrums. So you can earn a good sum of money and boost your creativity too.

3. Musician:

Creating good music needs a great passion for music otherwise, your music will lack soul and would not touch souls. A free spirit person is passion-driven; therefore if you have a passion for music just tame this passion for earning money. You can create music, or start career in movies or sing in a restaurant or bar to make decent money.

4. TV or Film Extra:

If acting is what drives adrenaline rush in you, you can take up an acting course. Getting a big chance as a lead on the silver screen or TV is not an easy job so starting to work as an extra and thereafter infusing yourself deep into the industry can be an option.

5. Getting into gastronomy:

Scrumptious food is one thing which cannot be made by everyone. But those who have the love for food making and can make even the bottle guard delectable (just an example) should definitely try becoming a chef.

Most of the restaurants take an inexperienced chef to assist the main chef or even to save many bucks in hiring an experienced one. Both ways you will be trained and get a chance to show your creativity.

6. Interior Designer:

Those who love making even the smallest space look beautiful in-home or office; it is the time that you earn by making a career in it. Doing an interior design course can further boost your skills and can help you make others home and offices beautiful and ergonomic while getting an attractive payment for that

7. Teacher:

This career option specifically requires the love for children, patience and great academic intellect. If you have this all, you have the chance to teach the kids with your creativity. Above all, it is the job which has earned much respect from all of us.

8. Travel nurse:

Registered nurses are always in demand, so if you are one of those you can make a good amount of money while traveling across the globe. Even under some programs travel nurses are required to move around from one location to another along with a housing facility. So by this, you are not only earning good but also get to satisfy the quench of exploring a new environment while serving the people.

9. Stunt performer:

Not many people have the guts to risk their lives and feel a pleasurably intense stimulation of feelings while doing a stunt on the motorcycle or car or via any other way. Stunt performer needs more focus to do free-spirited people and he shouldn’t be disturbed by other comments,

10. Be an entrepreneur:

When you start your own business, you set your schedules and rules to work and thus you decide your fate. Entrepreneurship is one thing which does not have a fixed way of working; it depends on business to business and person to person.

It can be a lucrative endeavor but how you frame success typically depends on you. You have lots of choices, viz. picking the type of business, start small and expand when you have enough capital, change the career without much harm and many other similar options.

Summing up, these are only a few career options to point out but the fact is that any career can be good for free spirits if it has less of restrictions and more room for freedom and flexibility.

Careers that allow the person to operate the steering and let them control and infuse creativity are the most viable options. But when free spirit person is so free-willed why is it that even the corporate world wants to hire them to let’s find out.

Why Even Corporate wants to Enroll a Free Spirit Person?

Free spirits cannot be attached to many rules and regulations and corporate works on stringent rules. These two seem to be worlds apart but still corporate is quite willing to have free spirits as personnel, why it is so has been explained below.

1. How to be passionate about everyday life can be best learned by the free-spirited people. They know very well how to find meaning to the everyday task they are doing.

The corporate world can be sometimes boring to be in which hampers the creativity of the employees working there. This is the reason many good companies nowadays are working towards boosting morale and letting them work their way. But this does not mean they are free from the rules and regulations and also the expectations which they require to fulfill as per the role they are in.

So why a free spirit person?

Actually, a free spirit person can think out of the box instead of getting stuck with the limitations. After reading the rules and regulation he has the courage to question and modify them. Thus making his life and others lives in office easy which will further augment productivity.

2. Innovations prosper when Free Spirits are on rolls

A lucrative job with many perks is good enough to soften the eagerness to disagree to anything which the company says. So if an establishment says that a particular thing is normal, it is quite common for employees to assume it as normal and work in the specified timeline.

But for a company to grow innovation is very much needed. This is the point where free spirits can be an asset. They don’t judge anything with the face value or predefined existence. They make a point to know the depth before agreeing to anything.

This leads to the discovery of new facts and figures by which the free spirits push the management to renovate for new possibilities. They believe change is the spice of life and they don’t hold themselves back in adding that spice, however tough it is; this is the root for innovation and free spirits bring it.

3. The vigor of freedom creates the ability to question, debate, disagree and move forward without carrying any pain in the heart.

Free spirit persons are not like adult babies which most of the other people are. They do not need approval for taking a decision for themselves as they are confident and love to be independent. For evaluating self-worth, they do not depend on others assessing capability.

Thus when it comes to making decisions in the corporate world their independence aid them to question everything without fear of what others would think. They are not affected by the rumor mills which are part of office politics and even the other negativity and cynicism. Therefore they are more focused towards work with positivity.

4. Free Spirits have a practical approach and know-how to actually handle work-life balance.

There are many seminars and meetings inspiring employees towards attaining work-life balance, diversity, and inclusion. But most of the employees just hear and applaud these buzzwords in the conference halls but when it comes to implementing those in real life it all seems vague.

On the other hand, free spirits not only hear these words but recognize them too. They don’t trade to work more on holiday and drain the possibility of vacation. They believe work-life balance is essential and they see happiness as an assured way to achieve long term success. With their zeal, they zest up fellow employees too and inspire them to take forward themselves with the company’s success.

5. Free Spirits believe in human connection more than the virtual connection and create a supportive holistic environment.

While others are just busy to add more connections in the social media platforms like LinkedIn, the free spirits would prefer connecting to a person internally. So others may be busy impressing others and orient their work according to that, a free spirit would work the optimum way and build real connections at the office by finding out ways that bring you alive.

This reduces the stressful environment and helps in warding off any hardships on the employees. When you have a free spirit person around, be sure to have joy and creativity juices flowing.

Free spirit persons are managed differently. They are more likely to love their freedom than being stuck at the same desk every day. But this does not mean that they cannot succeed in work, it is just the tactic of the managers of how can they employ their robustness.

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