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Career Change Ideas at 30: Tips for Choosing Best Careers


It is difficult for many people to find out their calling in life as soon as they begin with their jobs. They are involved in some routine which they think pays them well and then they find it difficult to come out of it. Though this can be a difficult thing to think about, career change must be the ideal thing which you should look out for when you have actually found out the calling for your life. However, this process can be a bit difficult and demanding at the age of thirty. Not only you have to answer yourself with a job but also other’s questions as to why did you opt for such a thing at this age? All this can be managed if you follow some of these career ideas systematically:

Career Change Ideas 30Tips on How to Make a Career Change at 30:

1. Find out your passion:

This may be the right time to come out of the closet and declare your passion to your friends and family. At thirty, the possibilities are higher that your earnings have sky rocketed and thus you can utilise them better in fending you and your family off till you find something else that you like. Your passion finding needs to be that impactful enough though. It must be so that when you decide to go along with it, you will be answerable to yourself and family members. Thus, it can be pretty pinching to the pocket but you need that dedication and readiness for it.

2. Your contacts would be better than your earlier times:

At 30, half of your professional field would be knowing about you. Though they may not have something specific enough to tell you but you can always ask them for suggestions. When you ask your colleagues who have reached a better age of their lives, likelihood is that they know much better about what is going on around. Thus, with their friend circles and acquaintances it would be possible for you to find something that you like to do in your life.

3. At 30, you are going to be anything but pliable:

The age calls for maturity, broad-minded approach and sturdy decisions. Thus no matter what you do, if you have decided that you would need a best career change in your life, you will work hard to pursue it. The idea behind saying this is that every opening will be taken up as a challenge by you. Thus, even if the job may not pay that higher or leave you a little stranded, that focus and straight approach which you would have gathered through your previous work will come easily to you. This sincerity which you would show to do things right in a continuous manner may might as well impress your employers.

4. Seek exclusive information from renowned careers experts:

If you thought going to a regular book expert or approaching some class will solve your problem, then that will not be it. If your close friends are of no avail then approaching a sober and level minded person will only tell you how to go next about with it. Reading good and well written books on this matter and surfing up some online resources for getting good information about prospective and interesting career choices at 30 can be a big way to start. As this is the process of transition, you might just well take that good break for yourself. There is a platform called TAEN (The Age and Employment Network) which offers an excellent resources section. This is the best way through which one will be provided information about various things like age and even employment issues. Registering yourself on this and trying to do a little study can be of some help.

5. Take out some time for yourself:

In the available time of youth, you could have spent your entire time working, earning money and in everything else that was essential. Now that you take such an important decision to change your career at the age of 30, it is necessary that you think wise. For that you will need some time for yourself. This helps you understand your skills better. For example :- If you always thought music was something you liked doing and wanted to invest your career in, that peace time with yourself will enable you to know how to start with that. At 30, as you would have known some good friends or people who have done well in that field, you may just want to take classes from them for some months to tune up your music skills. All this would finally shape up your career much better.

6. Speak to people around whom you know:

Why this should be considered is because they would know you much better than you know yourself. These friends and colleagues of all ages which you have developed solid affinity towards after all these years of experience will make you know so much better about yourself. It will be possible for you to get some back stories of how they got to where they are. You can also ask them about their choice or preference of some previous and current roles which may just provide a good inspiration for you. They will even give you a pep talk at the right time if you feel demotivated and will help you to rule out the career paths that aren’t quite right. They will thus be the required mentors for you at the right time.

7. Make a note of your transferable skills:

This may be all that was required for you. It is necessary that you should do this right at the beginning of your job hunt. By now, after having made so many copies of your resumes and applying to jobs for finding your required new career, you would have at least made note of 5 basic skills that you have. Out of that you should try to narrow down on at least three and then try hard and concentrate on which one was the best for you. Taking a note of your transferable skills will give you a solid grasp of what will set you up in your new career of choice. This is going to help you only when you do it with diligence and sincerity. Do this and you would understand what are your positives and negatives. After having done this, your transferable skills would be right out there in front of you. You will easily make that career shift as focus will be clearer to follow.

8. Adult education:

It is never too late should be the principle followed. There can be two ways in which you can see this part :-

  • Learning your specific niche: – You can do some part time classes to know exactly what you require from your job. Learning and understanding your niche can help you a lot in this time. For example, if you now understood that it was making sculptures that finally were your calling and now struggling in law, then maybe you will do that more voraciously by joining classes. You will be an adult who will be educated in the niche that you always wanted to do.
  • Getting basic education: – There would be times when it was not possible for you to have completed your 12th, higher studies or studied a language. Now it is the time to do it. As you were not able to do it before, you will try all the more hard to accomplish that goal now in this time. You will learn and get a basic graduate degree for yourself due to which you will be able to have a better scope of getting a good job. . Any start thus can be a good start.

9. Internship:

This can be a good way to steadfast your process of doing something nice. When Chandler in series of Friends decided that he would have to do an unpaid internship, he did not say no. When an activist like Paraksh Amte geared up to give up his medical routine job to help in social service, it was not too late for him. Thus, trying to do what you like at whatever age may be a little difficult but will be a good start. It will just heighten your chances of getting selected and being known among your probable employers. This is going to be a very good thing as far as meeting and hanging around people who will be associated to your new calling is concerned. By acing in your internship you will be able to prove to them that you are the best and you do not require to be considered any lesser only because of your age.

10. Conclusion:

Such opportunities hardly come. If you have understood beneath down there that this is your calling then you must go for it and forget all worries of your age. You have to be that Chandler who will own up and make the difference. Life is lived once, so why not attempt doing something which may be challenging and different. Choosing a career at thirty can surely be a really nice way to start with and thus believe in it too.


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