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How to Become a Good Writer: 21 Awesome Tips Guide


Whenever people talk about a writer it is common to think that all writers must be creative and some people also think that all those who write and chose their profession to be a writer must be more into intellectual stuff. But that’s not true because everyone own their thoughts and their interest.

It is not that easy to be a writer and that difficult too. There is a possibility that some people believe in expressing their emotions through their words. And those who express it to reach the audience perfectly is called a good writer. Here we are going to discuss about how to become a good writer.

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How to Become a Good Writer

A Guide to Becoming a Better Writer:

There is a possibility that some people might not have it in them to become a good writer, but if tried one can be a good writer. There are several things that should be kept in mind if someone wants to be a good writer.

1. Be creative:

Those who are creative by nature can pull this off easily or else those who have an idea how to portray their emotions using few words can be creative with their own stuff. Therefore, if someone wants to be a good writer then they need to think of such material of writing which should be more creative. Moreover, being a good writer depends more on this material than a person who writes it. If writing material is good, then the writer is definitely going to be a great writer.

2. Try to read more stuff:

Reading a lot of good stuff can provide one great knowledge about necessary elements required to become a writer. It is necessary for all the writers that without knowledge and information about certain things, there is no use of writing anything. And that is why every single writer who wants to become a good writer needs to keep in mind that reading improves knowledge. And eventually this knowledge helps all the writers to write some good material.

3. Start writing anything which comes to mind:

Sometimes it is possible that thinking of the idea of topic can take much longer time than expected. That is why most of the writers just start writing without any idea, and later on they start thinking about their writing which needs to be good. Therefore, whenever a writer doesn’t get any idea about his writing, then he should start writing something. And then after writing, everything can be sorted out easily and creatively.

4. Add first and end paragraph at the end:

Writing a introduction paragraph of any topic or subject line can be tougher than ever. Therefore, it is advisable for all the writers instead of wasting time on first and ending paragraph of the whole material, it is better to start writing without the introduction and conclusion part. And once the writing is finished, then the writer can think about providing the introduction and conclusion for the material.

5. Try to read the great and established authors’ book:

There is a possibility that reading can improve knowledge about certain things and this can also provide one, confidence to write some good material. But instead of reading any book a person can start a habit of reading established authors’ book, so that they can follow their perception while writing some good material. Therefore, it is better to read good and established authors’ book for better scope and understanding.

6. Take down a list of ideas:

Sometimes while writing, a writer might not get any idea about his upcoming subject line. Therefore, it is better to take down all the ideas about subject line which can be used for the sake of writing. And whenever a writer requires some new ideas for his upcoming material, then he can just take a look at the list of ideas which he has saved for writing. Moreover, this kind of habit provides better space for new ideas.

7. Keep mind fresh and body fresh by eating healthy stuff:

It might seem a little weird in this discussion over being a good writer, but it is true that if a person need to think fresh then he must eat healthy and be healthy for his mind and body. Therefore, it is quite obvious to everyone that for better ideas and to think creative stuff, a writer need to be healthy which eventually helps him writing something interesting for his upcoming material.

8. Start with interesting and crazy sentences:

Some writers believe in attracting more and more readers for their posts and contents by just adding controversial statements regarding some of the major topics. Therefore, writing something interesting and controversial in the first sentence grabs more attention of all the readers. And that is why it is advised for all the writers that if they really want to become a good writer then they should provide crazy headlines for their posts.

9. Never use phrases like ‘ in my opinion’:

A writer delivers his thoughts and thinking through his words in a form of a book or a post. Moreover, writers write their views and expectation about certain things in their books. And it is not necessary that they have to use separate phrases like “ in my opinion”. Therefore, a good writer needs to understand the meaning and target behind his writing before creating something different which provides space for people to think of their opinion.

10. Fix a time to write:

Most of the time people have their own views about their active hours of the day. Some people consider working early morning, which helps them write well and also provide creative ideas. And some other people believe in writing late night as it helps them write some interesting and crazy stuff for their readers. Therefore, every writer needs to have a time of writing, which encourage him better than the rest of the hours of the day.

11. Try to be focused:

It is necessary for all the writers that while writing anything he needs to be focused more than distracted. Avoiding all sorts of distraction can help all the writers write some good material for their next coming books or posts. Therefore, it is necessary to be focused while writing. Moreover, distraction creates some sort of laziness among people and writers work on the basis of their provided deadline and within those deadlines they need to deliver their task with complete conviction.

12. Be honest:

There are different sources of things which can be used for the sake of communication and sharing. And these alternative technological sources creates some sort of craze among people. And this craze makes people believe everything they see on the internet. And that is why every writer in this world holds a responsibility that his material of writing is written on the basis of complete honesty. Therefore, being honest about one’s material provides success for that particular writer.

13. Avoid writing nonsense stuff:

Some writers express their views by writing some complete nonsense stuff for the sake of popularity. Therefore, it is advisable for all the writers that whenever they think of writing something they possess some level of knowledge over the subject before sharing their views with others in the form of their books and posts. Writing something complete nonsense on a platform where millions of people follow their views is not justifiable.

14. Try not to be offensive with words:

There are some writers who believe in creating chaos among people. For example, some people post their views on the internet for the sake of popularity among all the readers. And it is not wrong to post something crazy on the internet. But there are some boundaries for all the writers also. Boundaries in the sense writing something controversial without hurting someone or without deliberately mentioning their names on the posts or books.

15. Feel free to present your views:

In fact, all the writers are admired for their openness and honesty over their readers believe. And that is why a writer should be courageous with his words, and he shouldn’t be afraid of writing something which helps the common public to know the real truth of the world. Therefore, each and every writer should share their views publicly without any fear of anyone. Moreover, their courage, presented in the form of words gives strength to all the readers who believe in their words.

16. Plan before writing:

Planning a writing material even before writing is one of the considerable habit of a good writer. It is not necessary that a writer need to plan his material in another form. Actually, some writers plan their writing material in their mind, something like they create a painting in their mind and admire it first before presenting it to the world. Therefore, a good writer need to plan his writing material first, then try to use their words to paint a picture.

17. Try out some experiment:

Because of technology nowadays, anyone can try out any sort of experiment on the web page to figure out the readers’ response. There is a possibility that with these sorts of experiment writer might understand the need of their readers. Some of the writers ask for feedbacks in their posts and with the help of their readers’ feedback they create their new material which can be helpful for their readers. Therefore, experiment helps writers understand their readers more.

18. Proof reading:

Every writer needs to proof read his stuff before publishing it to the public using any form. Therefore, proof reading helps to rectify all the mistakes in the material that has been written by the writer. And by the help of those proof reading, a writer can make his material even better than before. Moreover, proof reading provides a better understanding about the grammatical errors committed by the writers and also provide learning experience for all the writers.

19. Never copy from another writer:

Not just publishers of the book or posts, even readers expect from their favorite writers that they should write their own stuff not copied words. Most of the while assigning tasks to all the writers, all the contracting companies clearly specifies one thing and that is copy scape free content. It means the material submitted should be original and shouldn’t be copied from anywhere. Therefore, it is the most important rule for all the writers that they should provide original content instead of copied.

20. Be opinionated:

It is a common expectation that each and every reader expect from the writer that he should be opinionated. Being opinionated helps in attracting more and more readers for the material. Therefore, it is necessary for all the writers understand that being opinionated brings out actual yourself. It breaks all sorts of barrier between you and your world. Moreover, being opinionated creates a new image of the writer which can reach their readers easily.

21. Try to bring in humor:

Most of the readers like, such material of work which brings out the humor in a person’s life. Therefore, it is advisable for all the writers that they should be humorous with their words. Moreover, the audience loves comedy than tragedy and that is why a fresher needs to bring out humorous writing in his material to attract more readers for his material of work. Once the humor works for their reader, then the writer can experiment new things for a change.

Finally, the bottom line is that to conclude this discussion over being a good writer, a person or a writer should have his own thought process which can change the world by use of his strong words. Therefore, to become a good writer interested people can follow all the above mentioned things and by use of those points mentioned, people also can figure out their space of writing which helps them connect more with their audience.

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