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Steps after Hiring New Employee: Onboarding Guide


After hiring new employee, once the new employee gets on board the ship, it’s mandatory for the organization or the company to ensure that they are being given all the information that is necessary for them to know about the rules of the organization.

It’s like entering a college as first year. Being a first year student in college, you will be taken through all the necessary requirements for getting to be one among the students of the college.

The same is expected for new employee as well but with wider responsibilities. So let’s have a look at what they are.

Steps after hiring new employee

New Hire Checklist:

The hiring manager and the HR department work together for onboarding a new hire in the organization. The proper onboarding procedure of the new hire needs to be done in stepwise order so as to make it successful.

Essential New Hire Checklist Steps:

  1. Providing a job requisition form to the HR department to make it official
  2. Proper background checkup of the candidate
  3. Prepare a schedule and make them understand few job basics
  4. Explain the job descriptions and duties
  5. Process all the hiring formalities
  6. Introduction with your team members
  7. Arrange a good workspace
  8. Schedule the training program

Hiring New Employee – How to Onboard New Hires:

1. Completing the paper work:

The most crucial part after a hire is the paper work or the documents that are necessary for record keeping. The records of new employees are to be filled up which include their educational details and their previous work experience records.

It is necessary to get them before the employee starts their work in the specified department.

2. Reporting about the new employee:

Sometimes the company may be situated in one place and the main or the reporting office is at some other city or another continent.

Then it is very important to report about the new employee so that there are no miscommunications, and records are maintained properly.

3. Get registered:

Once the reports are created then it is essential to get him /her registered so that their identifications are created. This will help to maintain proper records and link up their records with payroll functions.

Most of the companies have their own inbuilt system of unique identifications which is being used throughout all the sections in all system related works.

4. Introducing session:

introduction session For a new employee to get their work flow to be smooth, it is necessary for the HR to have a formal introduction with all the other department heads.

Generally, depending on the position of the new recruit, the HR should make necessary arrangements for the new employee to be introduced to the others in the company.

Sometimes, a program schedule with date and time slot is created wherein the new employee is taken through all department heads or supervisors who tell about their work functions.

5. Explain the Mission and Vision:

The most important function of HR is to elaborate on the mission and vision of the company or the organization to the new employee.

The mission and the vision have to be part and soul of their work. This point is to be elaborated to them and explained in simple words.

Sometimes, the new employee would be part of a mechanics team or could be the Manager or part of the pantry team. Whatever be the position, it’s the HR who has to make it understand.

6. Discuss the safety issues:

In industry or production unit, this is a serious issue when it comes to new employee introduction to the team who is always on shift rotations.

In such instances, the supervisor would not be always having a face to face interaction every day.

Hence, the new employee must undergo a safety orientation program held by the Safety head to ensure that the new employee is aware of all the safety zones, fire drill procedures, emergency procedures, emergency exits, and safety equipment to be used, where the first aid boxes are placed, and safe working procedures. This is a crucial aspect of the work place in a large production unit.

7. Norms to be followed:

Usually, in any work place or college, there are certain norms to be followed to keep uniformity. Some of the common norms observed are dress code, time of punching, time for breaks like lunch or coffee, assembly places etc.

8. Access rights:

Only after formal introduction within the company and proper orientation, the new employee is given rights to access to his area of work and/or specified desk.

In case the employee is required to work on a PC or laptop then with proper approvals and security he/she should be given access rights which may include passwords or entry to files.

9. Specified task location:

task location All employees are usually required to carry out their work in their own specified place or designated place. In case of Managers, the rooms are assigned to them along with the key to the doors.

Most of the times, there is an executive to take care of that, hence it will not be a hassle. Another category of staff would be specified their desk or cubicles.

10. Performance:

This is an aspect that any new employee is always made aware about – his/her performance based bonus. Some companies have a specified calculation linked to the profit of the month.

This way all employees are credited with certain percentage bonus at the end of each month based on the profit the company generates. Hence, it is important to disclose about such schemes if any to the new employee.

11. Any legal issues:

Legal issues pertaining to the Law, Police departments etc. There could be issues that may be related to the labour law and other issues that the company is dealing with. Such issue should be highlighted to the new employee.

12. Disciplinary actions:

There is a need to highlight about the disciplinary actions that the new employees will not be aware about.

The disciplinary actions are mostly interlinked with late coming during work time or after a vacation or normal leave.

13. Know about the industry or work:

A new employee should be made aware of the industry he/she is going to work and what are the products that the industry makes or has. They have to be sure about the type of industry they are involved with.

As they could be the brand masters, the orientation should include in detail about the products that the industry has.

14. Health check-up:

work health checks It is better for the new employee to have a record of the health check-up done.  This will help in case of undue mishaps that he/she may encounter.

HR needs to know about the general health of the employee for example case of personnel with hypertension, diabetes, asthma etc. Timely aid could be given in case there are circumstantial situations arising.

15. HR schemes:

New employees are to be told about HR Schemes that the company or organizations follow or implemented.

It could be related with helping an employee with loans from banks, or general health insurance benefits, or helping out with car loans, or educational loans, medical claims in case of accidents within the company, etc.

16. Enhance motivation:

This is an aspect that all new employees must go through. The motivation of a new employee is at a lower level as he/she is entering a new environment.

It’s usually the HR who is the foremost member of the company who drives the employee’s spirit up and they are required to motivate them. This motivation will be a great inspiration and support for them.

Such motivations are required to boost up the confidence and also show that they can approach them for any queries.

New Hire Checklists for Employers:

Here we are providing the checklist for new employees which the employers need to perform for the first year.

First day:

  • Run a job orientation program
  • Providing the work schedule and working hours
  • Explain about work ethics and code of conduct
  • Explain about all the safety and security company policies
  • Review about the compensation and extra benefits
  • Providing employee handbook
  • Explain about the job role
  • Help them up with required resources

First week:

  • Schedule initial assignments
  • Check with them regarding any initial difficulties
  • Schedule performance assessment and set goals
  • Evaluate the candidate performance in the probationary period
  • Make sure that the equipment provided is working well or not
  • Asking the employees to meet with important key players
  • Request the employee to join social media accounts

First month:

  • Provide feedback regularly
  • Answer the questions if asked
  • Evaluate past tasks
  • Review the assignments that need to be scheduled
  • Make sure the employee is coping up with training
  • Clear all the doubts regarding employee payroll
  • Engage them in all important meetings

Past 3 months:

  • Have a performance review
  • Evaluate the past tasks and works
  • Set performance goals
  • Feedback exchange
  • Evaluate the employee progress
  • Ending of the probationary term

Past 6 months:

  • Have a 6-month performance evaluation
  • Assess employee tasks and works
  • Review future goals and tasks
  • Make sure that the employee training was successful

Past 1 year:

  • Have a yearly performance evaluation
  • Acknowledge their first anniversary in the company
  • Have meeting regarding future goal and tasks
  • Sharing feedback
  • Talk about Salary hike policies


After recruitment, the new hire is ready to make a great start and make an impression. What are they required to do? Where are they to start their work? These are a typical question that goes on in their minds. By having a quick recap of the points above, it is a guide to make a proper induction program for them.

The first few weeks that the new employee is going through will make an impression about the company they are going to work for. Proper induction training will orient the new employee to take the correct pathway for his/her career growth.

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