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How to Write a Japanese Resume: Excellent Tips


Like numerous other affairs, Japan hosts a unique approach to resume writing than what other nations follow.

Most of the hiring in Japan is carried in two major seasons – the late summer and the early spring.

Therefore, if you are planning to become a part of Japan’s work culture, then you must now start working on your resume.

The cv or resume Japanese format is rigid and most of the companies prefer handwritten resume than the computerized one.

If you are confident about your kanji skills then you may consider filing your resume out by your hand.

But, if you consider that your kanji skills are not up to the mark, then there are few websites, which allow you to fill in your information and get a print for it.

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Japanese Resume Format:

The resume format for getting any employment in Japan is simple and easy if you follow all the instructions step by step. The ‘Rirekisho’ type of resume format is mainly preferred in the Japan work culture.

There are various Japanese resume templates available online that you may consider to create an impressive resume for yourself.

No matter which type of Japanese cv format you select, it starts with the following steps on how to write Japanese resume:

1. Filling the Basic Information:

Your resume must provide all the basic information about yourself. You have to fill details regarding your name, date of birth, gender, phone number, stamp, and address.

The major thing to remember is to write your complete name in furigana. Below that, you have to write your name in the Japanese language.

For names belonging to foreign nations, katakana is also acceptable.

2. Date of Birth:

Writing the date of birth can be confusing as it utilizes the conventional Japanese imperial way of demonstrating the age.

Use kanji to select from in the section displays the emperors’ eras.

You may opt between Showa that spans the years 1926-1988 and Heisei that spans the years 1989 and onwards. For instance, if you were born in 1992 then you may opt to write your birth date in Heisei.

3. The Gender:

It is extremely vital to mention your gender in the resume. The format for this is simple, as you just have to circle your gender.

4. Education and Work History:

The second section in the resume format is to mention your education and work history. You need to mention details of each school you attended in a systematic chronological order, with the respective dates of admission and graduation.

For universities, you have to be little specific and no need to mention the name of the branch or special awards or certificates that you gained while attending the school. Just as the school history, you need to write the work history in chronological order.

Unlike other foreign resumes, you do not have to elaborate on your job responsibilities, previous job requirements.

After mentioning your complete job history, you need to mention that you are finished with this section and have to provide a small working note that you are still writing the resume.

5. Accomplishments:

Mentioning accomplishments is the next essential thing in the resume format. You can write about certificates, licenses or other awards, which you have achieved over the years. This even includes mentioning about the driver’s license.

It is because in a few cities, like Tokyo, numerous individuals do not drive. However, they pass the driving test to mention that as an impressive fact in their resume.

6. Reasons for applying to the Job:

It is the trickiest and most arguable section in the entire resume format.

You may consider it is an excellent opportunity to be creative and truly appealing to the company by highlighting your special interests or skills.

If you are applying for more than one company then you may use the same Japanese letter format and mention the same skills.

7. Field of Work:

It is a small section of the reasons for applying to the job. You can mention your past skills, experience, and illustrate it as relevant as per the requirements of the present field.

The remaining part of this section asks for personal information like travel time, specific knowledge in a particular domain, marital status, number of dependents, and more.

8. Desires, dreams, and hopes:

It is an interesting section in the Japanese resume format that includes you to describe the salary that you desire to earn.

You can also write for salary negotiation or face-to-face discussion in this section. Otherwise, if you have a set amount of stipend then you may feel free to write it down.

9. Legal guardian information:

Lastly, you need to mention the complete information about your legal guardian, if you have any. It must be the last section of your resume.

The essential thing to remember during filling up information is that you should write in a polite language.

Japanese Resume Photo:

Most of the time many job seekers get confused about whether they need to attach a photo on their resume or not.

But in Japan, the basic rule of thumb for taking a resume photo is to click a passport size photo.

1. Professional and Presentable photograph:

The more presentable and professional you appear in the photo, the higher your chances are of getting selected for the interview. The photo must be pasted to the top right corner of your resume.

2. Clothes:

Men in a black color suit with a conservative tie are most acceptable as the interview clothes for attending an interview. There are numerous photo shooting centers, which are expert in clicking photos that are perfectly right for the resume.

These photo centers are even able to hide any facial blemishes or redness, and hence, can offer you with impressive photographs for your resume.

3. Finding photo booths:

To avail professionally appealing photos you need to search a reliable photo booth. There are reputed photo booths on the district’s streets as well as on subway and train stations.

You may even find photo booths near your locality. Just make sure that the booth service providers are proficient enough to click the perfect photo for your resume.

4. The CV photo size:

The resume picture size is another essential thing to consider when you need to apply for an interview in Japan. The preferred photo size for resumes is “Rirekisho”.

5. Look your best:

Just make sure to look at your best while getting clicked on the photo for your resume. If you are facing any troubles with the seat height or feeling nervous, then take your time and always go for a photoshoot with a relaxed and calm mind.

Japanese Resume Template:

When you are applying for a job in Japan, then you have to write your resume in the Rirekisho format.

It is a Japanese traditional format for resume writing that does not require any additional cover letter. It is a standard 2-page form that has more of your personal information than the list of your talent. This rirekisho template is almost everywhere acceptable in Japanese organizations.

You have to fill this form in your handwriting. It is because, as per Japanese belief, they can know better about a person through his handwriting. This technique is similar to graphology, which used in France.

If you don’t have a good writer, then you may ask anyone else to write it for you. But, if you get it written from anyone else, then you should mention that in your resume, to avoid meeting any future complications.

The vital element that this Japanese CV template requires is your marital status, nationality, gender, age, and qualifications. No need to mention again, your photo is a must.

Tips to Write a Japanese Resume:

1. Always use a photo:

There are chances that you may have applied to big or even biggest organizations in various parts of the world, without a photo on your resume. This, however, cannot be the case, if you want to get a job in Japan.

A resume without a photo is simply unacceptable. It would be great if you can get that perfectly clicked photo for your resume.

But, in case you are not, then paste any of your impressive passport size photos to not encounter a straight rejection in Japan.

2. Mention your date of birth and gender:

While some companies don’t even bother about this, mentioning your date of birth and gender on the resume is compulsory if you are applying for a job in this country.

If in case you forgot, then your resume will be straight away rejected and even they don’t give a second chance to a candidate.

Japanese are quite strict about the resume format, resume style and vital elements of the resume.

3. Japanese resumes double-sided:

Wasting paper is another non-acceptable thing in Japan. So, if you belong to any other nation and want to impress your Japanese interviewer right away then make sure to get the print of your resume on both sides of the paper.

Japanese resume double-sided, and hence, most of the time it is a single page resume for most of the candidates.

4. Don’t mention your previous work responsibilities:

Mentioning your previous job responsibilities or job accomplishments is not going to impress your interviewer at all.

Even they consider it a waste of paper and time. Japanese simply not interested in what all you have achieved in your previous job.

Rather, they are keener to know what all you can do with your present job, which offered by them.

5. Always attach a cover letter with the resume:

Lastly, a resume without a cover letter is not going to get you even an entry to the job profile.

You need to attach a cover letter with your resume. It is professionally important for Japanese work culture.




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