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How to Write Salary Requirements in Cover Letter


The most complicated thing during job search is to ask for the desired salary. You don’t want to be underpaid nor do you want to lose a job because of asking higher salary. In such a competitive job market, one does not want to miss out on an opportunity. But if it gives a lower start then further reduces the chances of higher increase in salary.

As always it is that trick question to answer that can make or break a deal. In fact, before writing a cover letter and mentioning about the salary in cover letter it is good to sit back and think how to mention salary part in it. If the hiring manager has asked for the salary to be mentioned in the cover letter only then one must mention about it, otherwise it is good to play safe and not to discuss the salary in cover letter.

Another important point is the salary part should be mention in about the end of the letter and not in the beginning since it will portray a wrong image to the hiring manager.

salary requirements in cover letter

How to Include Salary Requirements in Cover Letter?

The following mentioned are few cover letter tips on making a cover letter and cover letter guidelines and also tips on how to list salary requirements in cover letter.

1. Write just a page:

Keep in mind that a professional cover letter for a job should not exceed more than a page. It is important to understand that no one has time to read everything, therefore, writing clear and crisp in one page will be more than enough to get attention of a hiring manager. If a person sees cover letter to be of more than one page then the chances of not reading it increases.

2. Address the letter to the hiring manager:

Always address the letter to the hiring manager, since he or she is the first person to read your letter and that is the first person to screen out or screen in your letter. It is an impactful approach to get noticed during the initial stage for job selection also it helps to create a connect to the reader.

3. Start with the information:

Start the cover letter for job with how you came to know about the job. Is it from their website, or through a head hunter, or if somebody has recommended you then do mention that person’s name. This will help the person reading about the source from where you got the information also a way to start a conversation.

4. Create a connection with the employer:

The letter should be written in a formal language yet it should be sophisticated. The reader should feel as if they know you and can easily connect you. A bit of emotional touch will create an interest in the reader hence easy to discuss on salary part. But avoid using informal or slang language or the way in which we talk to our friends. It is important to maintain the level of professionalism in the letter.

5. Mention your past achievements and experience:

Before mentioning about the salary part, do mention briefly your previous work experience and achievements. How your efforts brought benefits to your previous organizations. Again it is important to remember that these information should be mentioned in few lines and well written.

6. Mention how company will benefit on hiring you:

Another main question a hiring manager generally ask to every job seeker. As to why they should hire the specific person. Mention how your experience and knowledge will bring benefits to the organization. In fact do a brief research on the organization and the job you are applying and then mention about the difference you can create to that company.

7. Why you are interested in the position:

Another answer that hiring managers tend to look for is why one is interested in that particular job to understand if one is looking for a better opportunity or if they have been fired in a previous job. It is good to answer this question in the cover letter itself and let them know what motivated you to apply for the job.

8. Avoid direct statements:

Another important thing is not to be direct in your words. For example, talking about the salary like I want this amount of salary. It might sound as a great approach to talk directly, but as mentioned in the previous point it is important to make a connection with the employer which will further make the life easy when talking during an interview. A bit of diplomacy will never hurt.

9. Research:

Before talking about the job position or salary. It is good to do some research beforehand, visit various job seeker sites which mention the salary history or salary range for the specific job position or talk to people on similar job profile and enquire about the salary range.

10. Be realistic:

Discussing salary is the crucial aspect of any job hunt, it is the only point which can make or break a deal. hence it is good to be realistic while mentioning the salary. For example, if your current salary is $ 20,000 then asking for $50,000 is unreasonable.

Understand what the growth percentage of the salary or what is the industry pay for that specific job role. Unrealistic demands will harm the deal and one might be on the losing end.

11. Mention the required salary in a range:

Another smart step is not to mention the specific number of the salary, always mention it in the required range. For example, $30,000 to $40,000, as it is easier for the hiring manager to consider on it. Keep in mind that you mention the standard salary pay in the range and go just a bit higher than the norm, do not go overboard or else it will be harmful for the deal.

12. Mention possibility of negotiation:

Mention the words flexible and ready to negotiate for the salary. Again keep a range of salary, since you do not want to lose a job also if your hiring manager is interested in you then he also don’t want to screen you out on the basis of salary. A flexible approach will encourage the employer to talk to you.

13. Avoid aggressive language:

Do not go overboard in your language, it is good to portray the aggression but avoid using too direct or aggressive language. It is important to present a positive approach in the letter but it is equally important to maintain a level of diplomacy in the letter.

14. Always mention the salary part in the end:

Salary discussion should happen about in the end of the letter, after a connection is established with the hiring manager. Also by then the information about you is shared with the reader hence understanding the reason for the salary asked for. If it seems reasonable and impresses the hiring manager then your letter will be going to the next level.

15. End the letter on a positive note:

The closure in the letter should be equally impactful and positive as the letter in whole. End your letter with a positive note and hope to meet in person with the employer. Again do remember that not to use casual or slang language in it, for example, goodbye, take care. You can easily establish a positive and friendly note about yourself without using these words.

When to Include Desired Salary Requirements in a Cover Letter?

The direct answer to the above-stated question is, mentioning the salary expectation is fine but only when the employers ask you to do so.

Usually mentioning the salary expectation or discussing about the salary during the job application can be considered as negative. It can also pass out a negative vibe to the hiring team.

Moreover, the job seeker can lose out the chance of getting a better salary if the mentioned salary is less than what they would offer. Another instance is that, if they feel that the mentioned salary is too high then the employer might reject them.

So the best solution to it is that, follow the instruction posted by the employer. If the employer wants the candidate to mention the salary expectation then it would be better to mention a salary range rather than a fixed solid number. Also following the instructions gives the employer a positive impression about you.

Sample Cover Letter in Response to Salary Requirement:

Example -1:

Your Name                                                                                      Date:
Your Address
Your City, State Zip Code
Your Email


Hiring Manager
Company Name
City, State Zip Code


I’m writing this email to convey my solid enthusiasm for the Web Design Specialist position posted on LinkedIn.

I have experience in structuring client-centered health-related sites. As i have good experience in the business world, I comprehend the social estimation of the non-benefit division.

My duties have incorporated the structure and advancement of the webpage’s publication voice and style, and the everyday content developing and creation of the site. I worked intimately with social insurance experts and restorative editors to enable them to give the most ideal data to a customer group spectators of patients and human services experts.

Experience has shown me how to manufacture solid associations with all divisions at an association. I can work inside a group just as a cross-group.

My compensation prerequisite is in the $75,000 – $90,000 range. Also, I am ready to negotiate on the above-stated salary range.

Waiting for your response.

Thanking you.

Example -2 :

As the job role’s nature and my skills match perfectly, I would like to range my salary somewhere between $60,000 to $70,000. Also, I am open for discussing about the salary structure, based on other extra perks like insurance benefits, paid holidays or additional welfare things.


Standing out different in the job cover letter is a way to catch the attention of the employer but with the correct measures and steps, this might not be a task in itself. A positive approach and right words increase your possibility of getting hired with the desired salary.

In such a competitive market, sometimes people tend to undersell or oversell themselves. It is important to understand that both of these measures will harm your future prospects in increment or job opportunities.

Even if you are desperately looking for a job, don’t portray that in your letter and underselling yourself communicates the same. Also presenting yourself in an unrealistic light will also not help to get a job. Hence it is important to be smart and sell yourself right.



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