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Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years? Best Ways to Answer


To produce the best answer relating to dreadful interview questions, one must first understand the motive behind asking such questions.

The candidate should analyse what exact information, the recruiter wants to extract from him and what basically is the motive behind asking such questions.

Frankly speaking, as a fresher, one doesn’t really know what he wants to become and may not be able to answer questions like ‘where do you see yourself in 5 years‘, because they are still living the exiting phase of college and studies completion.

But this is the real time to prepare yourself for a motive, a goal in your life.

Each and every answer leaves an impact on the employer and he judges the personality of the candidate according to his answer because the employer knows the thought process behind answering in such a way. The answers also depend upon the post you are being interviewed for.

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where do you see yourself in 5 years

How to Answer Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?

An answer to this type of question can be framed keeping in mind certain objectives related to your personal self:

  1. Level of Interest you are having for the job
  2. Your strengths and core competencies.
  3. Goals and missions of your professional life.
  4. Your year wise goals.
  5. Your career is of utmost importance to you.

An employer wants to hire someone who has the vision of a great career move with this position and will give full service to work with tireless efforts.

Hiring managers cannot entertain people who have already set goals after five years and are planning to leave. So, it is smart for you not to advertise this fact in the interview even if you are having other different career paths.

Most frequent ways of framing the answers given by the candidates and the impact it creates on the employers are listed below:

Some Example Answers to “Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?”

1. I definitely see myself employed in this company five years hence as my values match with that of the company’s and I would strive to get them to a superior level:

Your answer shows your interest in the job you are being interviewed for. It is important to structure yourself with an idea of interest you are having for the job.

The interviewer is not interested in your personal aspirations. He needs long term commitments.

This answer shows the excitement you have for working in the company today and in the next five years as well.

2. I like to work with a company having career growth and work opportunities to enhance my core skills for assisting in the growth of the company. Such opportunities are a common occurrence in your company, so I can now foresee that I shall be possibly working with you for and beyond five years:

This is an in depth answer. It reveals that you have gone through previous research and somewhat interest is revealed for the company.

You are willing to work with this company because of the nature of work it offers. You are happy the way company works and willing to adjust with the work conditions.

This answers shows that you are looking forward for such kind of an opportunity and that you will be willing to enter into it.

3. Since I am commercially aware of the industrial climate and the ongoing development, I will strive to work with my next employer to secure my role with the organization. I would like to increase my commitment with the company beyond five years also:

This answer shows that you are aware of the market conditions and the lack of job opportunities.

Since you have got a chance to be interviewed, you feel fortunate about it. Your interest reveals that you want stability in life as you have striven hard in searching such kind of jobs.

In such a case, the employer is confident that apart from any unforeseeable situations, you will have least interest in leaving the job because you have undergone the pain of living vacant for a period of time.

4. I see myself assuming superior level responsibilities which go with the available position:

For example, if you are being appointed a post of accountant, you can say that five years hence, you see yourself as a senior accountant with added on responsibilities indicating them  about the plan you are having in executing your job in an efficient way.

This shows your focus on the job. And the urge to get promotions. Generally, people who aim for promotions have to work extra hard to achieve it.

And seeing that he is determined in working as per the requirements is a good sign of the candidate.

5. I would try to exceed the expectations you are having from this position. After securing my positions well, I will look forward to enjoy the responsibilities and leadership qualities of being a part of the management:

This answer reflects your attitude in a positive way. It shows that you are aware of the reason the company is hiring you i.e. for its growth, prosperity and solutions to current scenarios.

The management only wants an answer of what best and unique you can do for the company.

6. I would like to be best at my current job level for the future:

This answer shows that you are an individual contributor and you are not so determined to rule in the management level.

This answer is best suited for professionals like lawyer, Chartered Accountants, Electricians, Teachers, and Writers etc. They don’t have any more superior positions ahead.

Professionals like these, should make the employer feel that they are only concentrating on the job assigned to them and they are not bothered to manage people. With this perspective, professionalism is revealed from their attitude.

How Not to Answer “Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?:

One should not display their entrepreneurial urges and creative skills at this point of time.

Similarly, one should not speak of reaching the higher authorities within such a short span of time.

Even if your career goals are to reach the top level management, you should first judge the position you are being appointed for.

Say, if you are being appointed for a marketing executive, it is not advisable to say that you look yourself as the CEO of the company as this not even sounds vague, but is not also according to the motives of the company.

A company will never want to hire a person who claims to change the management.

You should also understand things which shall not be included in your answers as there some areas where the candidate needs to be cautious.

The candidate should not answer in a way which sounds vague or extravagant. One most common answer given by maximum number of candidates are:

  1. I would like to be in your position.
  2. I would like to be the CEO of the company.
  3. I would like to have a business of my own.
  4. I would like to apply for a higher post in some other company in public sector,

This may sound ideal but it is a wrong approach. Since the candidate has no knowledge about how much time the interviewer must have taken to reach the said position, saying that just five years will be enough for him may sound insulting to the interviewer.

Moreover, the candidate doesn’t know about the satisfaction level the interviewer is having with his position. This answer may sound a threat to the interviewer as he may feel the fear of losing the job if you are appointed.

The fact that you are openly challenging him for his position may not be taken in an appreciating manner.

To Wrap Up:

Just one thing is important while answering this question- Your answer should express your certain plans in staying in the company. And Secondly, you have certain skills and key strength- areas which the company will admire and it will also benefit the company as time passes. You are willing to enhance those traits which will contribute the most from your side to the growth of the company.

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