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How to Answer ‘What Do You Know About Our Company?’


The interview session may have a number of questions probed where “ what do you know about our company? ” is one such question. This question is asked in order to know if the candidate has knowledge about the company, its priorities and needs. Job seekers apply for various jobs at the same time, which the recruiters are aware of. So, recruiters desire to know the true interest of the candidates by their answer.

It is said that 47% of people in an interview possess very little knowledge or no knowledge about the company. Be sure you’re not a part of them and read through the tips below for answering this typical “why do you want to work here interview question” and “what do you know about this company”.

what do you know about our company

Why Interviewers Ask “What Do You Know About Our Company?”

There will be a reason for every interview question asked by the interviewer in the interview process. So does this “What Do You Know About Our Company?” interview question too. Understanding it well and answering will be very beneficial for the candidate.

By shooting this question, the interviewer would try to assess your enthusiasm, motivational spirit and most important your interest towards the job role.

The other ways interviewers might be phrasing the question “what do you know about our company” are:

  • Tell me something about our company
  • What do you know about us?
  • What do you know about this company
  • What do you know about our organization
  • How did you come to know about this company
  • Tell Me what you know about our company

It is very obvious that any candidate who is interested in a job role would prepare well for the interview. And the first step would be to research about the company which can be done in the following ways,

  1. By going through the company website
  2. Checking the rating of the organization on different review websites
  3. Using the company’s social media profiles

Tips to answer what do you know about our company?

Tell me something about our company” is a sure shot interview question asked at job interviews. The following mentioned are few tips to answer “what do you know about the company” and “why do you want this job”.

1. Research online:

This would be the primary way by which job seekers can get to know more about any company. They can run through the company websites which holds complete details about the company, and its related aspects. Almost all companies possess a company profile website with all information.

Job Seekers can thus apply for a job as well as research the site for knowledge about the company and present in the interview when asked. By this way, more knowledge about the concern can be gained.

2. Details to peep in:

Since the company website would possess complete details, the candidate can read through their mission and get to know the company’s goal or intention.

Make a short reading about their staffs and board members to show yourself that you know more about the company. If there are new projects, assignments and directions gain its knowledge as latest updates about a company.

Read through the press releases and have all details on your fingertips. When all these are mentioned the recruiter would conclude that the candidate is aware of the company.

3. Other ways to research:

The search engine is another best source which can deliver you with ample information of the company. Take the help of Google and research about the company and get to know if the company has been in news recently for any updates.

Hunt through the newspapers and magazines if they have been any recent news. Make sure to run through or blog search which can offer you with complete details.

4. Speak about positive aspects of the company:

In order to construct the right answer and impress the recruiter, it is important to answer the positive aspects of the company. The job seeker who has made enough research can make sure to speak about the achievements the company has made till date.

If the company has many achievements the candidate can point out specific achievements which have been best and also say a few lines about it which show his interest towards the company. The interviewer will also be pleased when positive aspects are spoken.

5. An answer to impress the recruiter:

When a candidate in an interview is asked about the company he can point out and speak on specific answers rather than dragging. The apt answers are ones which impress the recruiter. In that manner, the candidate should get to research and know the goals and objectives of the company.

The long-term goals and vision of the company can be said as answers which show that the candidate has more interest in the company. The working duties can be said and also the company can be complemented so that the recruiter is awestruck.

6. Concentrate on good things about the company:

Any company is sure to have experienced a period of losses, in that aspect, not any recruiter would be happy to hear the negatives of the company, so speaking about the good things in a company is important.

Make a clear decision and speak on the company revenues, products, growth, expansion, our business partners, staffs and also their most memorable moments. Pick special aspects about them after comparison with other players and also make sure to speak on the branch you’ve applied for.

7. Never over praise:

Never over praise about the company because when you overpraise its achievements it may conclude a wrong impression on you. To avert this kind of impression make sure not to praise too much or give an opinion about the achievement of the company.

Concentrate to speak about something special and unique which everyone is aware of. By this way, your reply would fetch you value and expertise to the company.

8. Meeting employees:

To gain an insight about the company the candidate can also get to meet the employees in the company or previous employees of the same company to know about the details of the organisation. The candidate can also gather details about the projects running and future plans of the organisation.

9. Get to LinkedIn profile:

A LinkedIn profile can be the apt source where the complete company description, staff details and more can be found. Latest updates and more details can be found on LinkedIn which would be beneficial for a job seeker at the time of interview.

This source would be an appropriate study material which can help you answer the question what you know about the company?

10. Help with social media:

After the advent of social media, gathering company information has become very easy and simple. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and lot more have provided space for employees and other professionals to get together and speak about industry related matters. This would be very advantageous for job seekers to know specific details about any specific company.

Get linked with some employee and discuss on many topics regarding the company. In the same manner, Pinterest, YouTube, and Instagram are other social media sites which show live videos of certain aspects of the company. So, when an interviewer asks about the company these sources can be utilized.

11. Speak about organization present matters:

When such a question is probed make sure to speak about the clients the company possesses, the international contracts they have, the present operations as well as initiatives.

You can also mention that the company is a place which offers more opportunity to build a career and develop the candidate. You can also mention that this is the best part of the company as it helps young talents to grow.

12. Technical details:

When a candidate speaks about the company it would be beneficial if they speak certain aspects and details in a technical view.

When the candidate speaks on technical aspects the recruiter would make out that he is interested and knows more technical details which are necessary for the job. By this way, chances to get employed are more.

13. Qualities of the concern:

The candidate can also make sure to speak about the culture as well as the good qualities of the company when asked to speak about the company. The candidate can mention the qualities that lured him and found it interesting to get to work there.

By describing these aspects the recruiter would make sure that the candidate has more knowledge on the company.

14. The growth of the company:

The candidate can speak about the growth of the company as well as the individual career growth. The candidate can mention that the company identifies talents and keeps them boosting by offering promotions and other benefits.

You can outline that the company monitors and elevated talents to higher positions when asked about the company.

15. Research also about the failures of the concern:

In the research session also make sure to read through the failures of the company which is mandatory. By reading through the failures the candidate can make sure what to speak and what not to speak. Speaking about failures can be averted in the interview.

So speaking about positive outcomes and good things can impress the recruiter and help you pass the interview.

16. Keyword search:

It would also be suggested that the candidates hunt through the various sources and prepares answers well in advance. Each and every point can be individually researched and planned accordingly. Specific keywords can be mentioned and appropriate answers can be found.

Facts to Mention When Answering This Question:

After getting enough information you need to prepare notes and list out the important things that you need to answer in the interview.

Some of the must say things are,

  1. Company vision and mission
  2. Company direct competitors
  3. History about the company
  4. Type of customers they target
  5. About their products or services

Sample Interview Answers for “What Do You Know About Our Company?

Example -1:

I’m aware that you’re probably the greatest supplier of payroll software, and you were established in the year 2012. It all started when your CEO understand numerous start-up companies invest more than they should on this software, eventually which hurts their development. After reading the story on your website’s about us page based on how rapidly you’ve developed I understood that payroll software need is more than it is present in the market. I also read that you multiplied company size a year ago, and you’ve plans to implement that again.”

Example- 2:

“As per your website, your organization is one of the biggest venture banks in the US, base camped NC and Raleigh with a workforce of about 25,000 representatives worldwide. As being an experienced candidate in this sector I’ve heard a lot about your organization. Your organization’s fame and prestige is what drove me here to apply for the position when your job vacancy was posted on your site.”

Key Takeaways:

  • Practice well your answers
  • Your answer should reflect the company positives
  • Never say that you are not aware of the company details
  • Avoid the answer “did not get time to go through”
  • End your answer with a question back to the interviewer
  • Make your answer simple and short
  • Do not make it look like parrot-answer
  • The facts mentioned should be correct
  • Check google news to know more about the company


There are many sources which offer both positive as well as negative aspects about the company so make it a habit to pick the appropriate and positive aspect of the company and frame answers accordingly.

Impress the interview session by offering the appropriate and right answers about the company so that the recruiter is amazed at the answers. This would show your interest for the company and offer you more chances to get recruited.

All these tips would be appropriate and helpful for job searchers to learn about the company. Advance planning and practicing with the researched data can be helpful for the interview when probed with “ what do you know about our company ”?.




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