Women have lots to worry about when it comes to the clothing because they have many options available, but not all of them work for everyone, different women have different needs when it comes to clothing.
When it comes to business attire most women stick to formal, semi-formal business wear or something similar but wearing business casual all the time can be boring and uncomfortable too. No one wants to wear skirts and trouser all week long, after all, they need some breathing space.
Leggings, a truly amazing bottom wear for women, can work for any occasion no matter where you are going but when you choose to wear leggings to work, then you need some preparation, guidance and tips to follow.

How to wear leggings to work? This is the question most women want the answer because legging is one of the most comfortable things to wear, especially to work where you spend the majority of time sitting or moving around. Wearing leggings come with some rules and regulations because the material generally sticks to the body and can look bad if not carried properly. So what to do when you desire wearing legging to work because wearing legging never come with the manual and if not careful, it may look bad.
In this article, we are going to discuss how to wear leggings to work. Read this article if you want to know how to wear legging to work, especially if you love comfort, leggings provide and don’t want to make it look awkward in your workplace.
Proper Way to Style Leggings for Work:
Legging is one truly comfortable you would like to wear outside your house where you spend your majority of time other than your home. Leggings are one of those things which can make any simple attire sexier, can pair up with a different type of shoes, can work with different top wear and the most important thing, provides immense comfort. When it comes to wearing leggings to work follow these simple rules.
1. Understand the environment of your workplace:
One of the most important things you should know, you cannot wear leggings if your workplace doesn’t allow wearing anything other than business casual or formal clothing. There are many corporate houses that want their employees to look professional and don’t give freedom to wear anything which doesn’t come under the category of business casual. So when you make plans to wear legging to work, first understand the environment of your workplace.
If your workplace allows you to wear something other than business casual and you already had done that in the past, then you are free to wear legging in your workplace. Actually, the comfort leggings provide is the main reason why so many women want to pair it up with work because of the comfort, fit and look leggings provide.
2. Keep your work leggings separate from the pairs you use at your home:
You know that you can wear leggings to your work now; the main work is to pull them off perfectly. Leggings are way more comfortable than any other piece of cloth just like your pajamas, but that doesn’t mean you can wear whatever you feel comfortable with the work.
If you are thinking of wearing leggings to work, then make sure your work leggings are different from the pairs you use at home. They should be a fresh pair not fresh from the laundry, but the new pair, not stretched, wrinkled and over washed.
We all love our comfy pajamas and leggings we use at home, but when you use your favorite piece of cloth to work you should know the importance of the cloth you wear outside your home and to work. Keep your work leggings separate from the pairs you use at home.
3. Your top wear should cover your butts:
Leggings are comfortable there is no doubt in it; you can wear them to work? Yes, we agree, but when you choose to wear leggings to work you should keep few things in check and one of them is that your top you paired your legging with should cover your butt.
Leggings are made up of highly stretchable material so they usually cling to your body like a second skin without making it uncomfortable, but they may look odd around your thigh and hip area especially if you have little flesh over there. So when you paired your leggings keep that in mind that the length of your top should cover at least some of the hip area and a few inches around the thighs, there are no needs of extra long tops just keep the length moderate.
4. Pair your leggings with appropriate shoes:
Do leggings offer comfort? Yes, we all agree, but they can be your style statement. Don’t you believe us? No? If you are thinking that leggings outfit are only good for comfort and can compromise to work then you are poorly mistaken. When you wear leggings to your work pair them with the classy boots, bellies, flats or heels they will look wonderful. You just need to know what your comfort zone is and then pair your leggings with amazing top and shoes and you are ready to rock the world.
Actually, the form-fitting of leggings help in creating a wonderful dress and a dress has never been wonderful without a good pair of shoes. The shoes for leggings outfit for work should be perfect. So, if you are thinking of something classy yet stylish with your leggings, then pair your best leggings with the right shoes and top.
5. Your top should be little less clingy:
Your leggings are form-fitting; you do not need your top to cling to your body. When you wear your leggings to work, keep in mind that the top you are pairing your legging with should be fitted but not too tight or it will look really horrible. Leggings are house wear, gym wear, but they are never considered as good for the workplace, but with time mindset about leggings also changed.
Women wear leggings to work with ease and style without making it look odd, but if you are thinking of wearing legging to work, then you need to understand how to pair your leggings with the right top. Tunic, cardigan, blazer, dresses are some of the options you can use with your leggings and can look good.
6. Make sure your leggings are made of thick stuff:
Leggings are comfortable there is no doubt in it, but if not careful they can make you look like an idiot especially when you wear them to work. Legging is made of stretchable material and available in different size and quality as per their price. When you choose leggings to work, you should know that the poor quality of your leggings may embarrass you in public.
Actually, leggings are highly stretchable and that is the thing that makes them highly comfortable, but it is also the thing that makes them the reason of public embarrassment because the poor quality of leggings make them see through which look really odd In the workplace. So if you are thinking of leggings to work, make sure your leggings are made of heftier stuff or just choose thick leggings material.
7. Maintain professional vibes in your clothing when wearing leggings:
Leggings are casual wear; you use in your house, for the gym or to go to market, but when you choose leggings to work you need to be extra careful. Leggings to work should look formal enough so that you can easily wear them as well as make sure you maintain professional vibes through your clothing.
It is important to know that when you wear leggings to work they should look appropriate for work otherwise there is no chance for you to wear leggings for office. Actually, leggings give the vibes of casual wear, but when you put them in office the whole story changes. So, maintain professional vibes in your clothing when wearing leggings to work.
Avoid These Mistakes While Wearing Leggings To Work:
There are few mistakes we make generally when it comes to wearing legging to work because leggings are casual wear. Here we are pointing few common mistakes you should avoid while wearing leggings to work.
1. Do not wear tight tops with your leggings:
Wearing leggings to work? Yes? Do not wear tight tops with your leggings because the combination of tight tops and leggings is not good for workplace especially if you are in plus size. Actually, leggings are already fitted and when you pair them with extra tight tops they just look plain odd.
Leggings are great when paired up with something that looks good like a blazer, tunic, etc. because they compliment the figure enhanced by the leggings. So, avoid wearing tight tops to wear with leggings to work otherwise you are going to look like a complete dumb who have no fashion sense.
2. Never compromise with your shoes:
Shoes are one of the most important accessories of a woman’s outfit no matter where they are going and what they are doing. A good pair of shoes, compliments the dress they are wearing on the other hand mismatch shoes make the best dress look odd.
If you are thinking of pairing your legging with just any kind of shoes, then this is the high time you reconsider your office wears and your shoe wardrobe. You should choose the perfect shoes to wear with leggings. Never pair your leggings with the wrong type of shoes, especially if you are wearing them to work.
3. Do not wear leggings made of lighter material:
See through leggings is worst leggings if you are wearing them to work, they can work in your house, but for office, they are a big no. Leggings are classified as casual wear, but now they can easily be used to work, but there comes the rule of wearing appropriate leggings and appropriate mean good quality stuff, wrinkle free and fitted. Legging made of a lighter material stretch when you bend your knees and become seeing through which look odd and bad at the same time if it is happening in your workplace, so do not wear leggings made of lighter material.
4. Do not just pair leggings with anything:
When leggings are used for work dress they need to be carefully paired with the right type of top because the right type of top make leggings look good. The golden rule of wearing legging to work is to pair them with a good top which can make your legging look good, formal and appropriate for the workplace. So do not pair your leggings with just anything like baggy tops, tank tops, fitted shirts because they are highly inappropriate for the office,
5. Do not stick with leggings only:
It is good to wear comfortable cloth for office, especially women love wearing clothes which are comfortable and stylish but they often make the mistake of choosing comfort all the time. You cannot wear stylish legging to work all the week.
It is highly inappropriate to wear one kind of outfit regularly to work; it looks nice once or twice a week, but on a daily basis no. Never make the mistake of wearing leggings as your daily office wear otherwise you may face some criticism. Use your leggings as a breather from your working attire and blend them strategically with your work clothes.
We all love comfortable cloth, no matter who we are but when it comes to office wear and leggings you need to be careful. Yes, we know no one wants to compromise on their comfort, but choose your office wear in a way that they have the perfect combination of comfort and formal look. In this article, we had discussed how to wear leggings to work and we really hope this article helps you in pairing your leggings in a way that they will look classy when you wear them to work.