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How to Use Emotional Intelligence in Recruitment


Whether at work or home, we do become emotional and react. If we have no control over our emotions, then we go over-board with the reaction costing our job or relationship.

Emotional Intelligence is nothing but how you deal with your emotions effectively. You need to control your emotions, especially at your workplace.

Emotional intelligence in business is prime and nowadays is run by emotions and facts hence; Emotional Intelligence in recruitment has become an integral part of hiring candidates within the organization.

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The Power of Emotional Intelligence in Recruitment:

1. How does a High level of Emotional Intelligence make a difference in your workplace?

If you have high Emotional Intelligence, then you will know how to deal with conflicts, stress at work, and form good relationships with your peers, and experience greater success. Hence, the test to know the level of Emotional Intelligence has become a major part of recruitment.

The tests can also reveal a great range of organizational behavior that the candidate possesses. This behavior impacts your performance at your workplace. They either take you to the path of success or failure.

2. How can we improve our recruitment process with an Emotional Intelligence test?

Recruiting is not about hiring candidates with the right qualification, it is about hiring candidates with a fusion of qualification and personality.

When an HR is talking or interviewing a candidate, he or she is just not asking about what they have done or are doing, but noting the way they behave, respond and talk. They are looking for candidates who are confident team players.

Candidates who can develop a good rapport with their team and lead them to success are true leaders. Hence, we need to implement an Emotional Intelligence test while recruiting to test the parameters.

3. Describe the job in the right words to get deserving candidates:

While jotting down the job description, talk to your client in detail on what they want from their future employees. It is as important to get the behavioral needs right as it is to get the technical requirements.

Understand the personality of the company, what they do, what they want their employees to do. You need to filter your list based on the behavioral aspects of the company also. The emotional Intelligence of the employee and employer need to match for a good hire!

4. You can conduct Psychometric testing:

If you want to test the Emotional Intelligence of a candidate then you can go for a Psychometric test to understand the personality traits of the candidate. Such a screening process will help in strengthening your relationship with your client, showing your commitment towards getting the best candidates for their job.

Psychometric testing is the best way to identify how your candidates will survive under pressure. High turnover is an issue that every industry faces and hence your aim would be to retaking your top candidates by hiring the best in the market. Conduct the test to get the best match for your candidate and the hiring company.

5. Always remember that Instincts are always right:

When you meet a person, you have a gut feeling about how the person is. This gut feeling should not be ignored as many times this feeling is always right. At an interview stage, you can detect the emotional level intelligence, by just watching the body language and how they articulate themselves.

You need to have 100% confidence in your candidate by mind and gut. If the candidate is saying the right things, and if you can sense his low confidence then give importance to your senses and then take a call.

6. Look for problem solvers and not dwellers:

You want to have a resource that can solve the problem and face challenges rather than resources that sit and whine over the issue. How can you hire these problem-solvers in the sea of candidates? Highly emotionally intelligent people strive to solve the issue in no time by staying cool in a stressful environment.

These resources do not sit on the problem and see what it has resulted in but rather a lookout for solutions to corner the situation. Such resources are an asset to the organization.

7. Resources with high emotional intelligent exist with you:

Are you facing a resource crisis and are not able to hire candidates with high emotional content? Look no further, try and widen your search within the organization and you would be surprised with the outcome of the result.

You need to identify these resources and give them the opportunities that they deserve. With these opportunities, they can convert your vision into success in no time. You need to express your trust level with them and they will do wonders for your organization.

8. Decrease Employee turnover by integrating Emotional Intelligence in your recruiting process:

An auto dealer has issues with employee retention as they were facing a huge number of employee turnover. To curb this problem, they focussed on integrating emotional intelligence, its process of hiring and the results were surprising.

The company now evaluated the emotional intelligence of all its candidates before hiring them. This led to a higher percentage of employee retention and hence giving the company a greater success rate. It is important to retain your result-oriented employees to make sure that your company is on the right path of growth.

9. Increase emotional intelligence within existing employees:

It is important that you look after your existing employees also. As a recruitment specialist, you can offer programs to increase the emotional intelligence of the existing employees in the organization.

You need to improve soft skills and create leadership programs that can help the employees to improve their emotional intelligence. With more and more employees trained, you can ensure the growth of your employees as well as your organization. So, start now before it is too late.

10. How to test emotional Intelligence:

You need to set the parameters against which you can test and evaluate the emotional intelligence of your candidate. Create a set of questionnaire, and evaluate the answers based on the correctness based on the situation.

You can test a variety of personality traits like extroversion, agreeableness, etc. to know how stable the candidate is emotional. You can easily understand the approach of the candidate in stressful scenarios. How will they react and perform under stressful scenarios?

11. Emotional Intelligence saves recruiters from bad decisions:

Often recruiters receive an opportunity and to close it, they tend to share all the CVs both good or bad with the client. This leads to bad relationships and a lack of trust which can cause you to lose the account.

If you incorporate emotional intelligence screening in your recruitment process then it can save you as well as your client’s time in going through candidates that are not deserving.

It will save your recruitment cost and time which will lead to closing a position in no time. Your trust level with your client will increase and so will the requirements.

12. Recruit leaders with the vision:

Emotional Intelligence is a strong indicator to judge how a potential employee will perform on a job. How good a leader will be or can be with proper guidance. Emotional Intelligent people always know how to handle the situation as well as their peers well.

They can pick up an opportunity better than other employee making them an asset for the company. They are leaders who can execute the vision of the top management.

At last, if a query arises like, define emotional intelligence? then Emotional Intelligence has paved a new way of recruiting deserving candidates for the organization. It has helped not only the recruiters to improve their process but also a business.

It has created a trust level between the organization and recruiting firms with the belief that the cream layer candidates will be selected who can push their teams to do better. Candidates who work effortlessly to achieve their goals are the ones that help the company in return.





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