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Top 9 Tips on How to Become a Model for Vogue Magazine


Modelling is a dream profession for many individuals and they start dreaming about their careers quite early.

Dreaming and aspiring is one thing and achieving what you aspire is a totally different thing. While there are many who dream big, very few make it to the aisle.

So what is it that distinguishes the achievers from the non-achievers?

Read to know the amount of preparation you require to become a Vogue magazine model or make it big someday.

become model for vogueTips to become Vogue Magazine Models:

The following mentioned are  few tips on how to become a magazine model for Vogue.

1. A Tough Road to Stay In Vogue:

If you think you can be a model for huge brands like Vogue simply because you have that perfect figure, you are very wrong.

Be mentally prepared for the hardships. Being a successful model is not only about enjoying the brand value and popularity.

If you have got the deal, be prepared to face the stage. One of the hardest parts about being a model with Vogue is the perfection they demand.

Especially, during fashion month or important assignments, you have to face lack of sleep (harmful), miss home, meet all appointments, do castings, and go through hours to get the perfect makeup on.

You must have the stamina and mental preparedness to endure 18 hours of work and still appear fresh and cheerful.

2. The Energy Levels Need To Be High:

The worst part of being a model for such huge brands like Vogue is that you need to be extremely patient and overcome lack of confidence all through.

Smile, be confident and keep up the energy levels because that is exactly what the big brands seek. You may have never seen a model with an exhausted face or a hunched back.

If a model is barely smiling at the audience, she is sure to lose her audiences soon. Even when the models have the most energy draining job, they make sure their smile stays intact and appealing.

Being with Vogue will require you to always be up on your toes. You need to adapt a holistic approach towards your life by embracing happiness even at the most difficult moments.

After all, a smiling face is what a great brand looks forward to. So you need to prepare yourself for the same.

look like vogue model

3. Class is what counts:

Even when there are models who load themselves up with makeup and eye shade, it is genuine class that always wins the hearts.

Be genuine, yet classy. So, you have come down for an audition to join Vogue?

Are you clad in the best attire, adorning expensive accessories? Is it enough to work the magic?

Being classy and distinctive shows in your walk, talk, and demure and not only by what you wear.

Thus, being a model Vogue brand will require you to inculcate an haute lifestyle in the very roots of your behaviour, style, and lifestyle. The ones who judge your modelling skills looks deeper into your attitude and gait.

Even these seemingly minor aspects can make you lose a chance at modelling for these big brands.

Your gait should possess grace and your expressions should speak of class. This is vital if you wish to click in brands like the Vogue.

4. Manage your Temper:

A hot temper is really not useful in any career. If you are planning to be a model for one of the prominent brands like Vogue, you need to have a cool temper. Have temper issues?

Please keep that at bay. Popular brands, even the agencies you may approach hardly tolerate those with temper issues.

If you are not cut out to handle the pressure and regular stress of the modelling world, then being Vogue fashion models is a far fetched idea.

Learn to be patient, always have a positive approach towards your assignments.

Be firm about your opinion without getting into argument with the brand authorities, especially your agent and manager. You must learn to negotiate peacefully.

models on vogue cover

5. Fan Following is Vital:

A model is really nothing without a proper fan following. You can ascend the ladder of success only if you have a good fan following.

Have a group of followers? You are already a model then!

Do you have a great portfolio, and fan following in neighborhood?

Do you also have a few good assignments to your credit?

This makes you a self made model already! But, this is not enough.

The fashion industry does not run on a sole person’s support. You need casting manager, a person who will deal with the offers.

If you already have a team that backs you up, you have a greater opportunity to make it through brands that look for an organized, sensible model who knows how to be in the industry. Success is always the result of team effort.

6. Respect the Brand You Wish To Work for:

If you wish to work as a model for Vogue, you need to respect and value the brand. They say old is gold, and it does matter if you portray your respect for fashion brands entitled as classic.

You need not sport Vogue offerings always, or project to be obedient for the brand.

However, if you follow a culture and style that goes long way back to powerful fashion brands in the history, it speaks of your quality taste in fashion.

Nothing is more appreciable than that because fashion loves to revive heritage brands! Your taste should reflect your superior choices in fashion and any big brand would be proud to have you in their team.

7. Project Your Intellectual Hobbies:

One barely gets to hear of models who read books or even magazines. The reading hobby does not usually suit budding models.

Yet, reading or any other intellectual hobby can really be a great asset when you are applying for brands like Vogue.

A question on reading books seems improbable when you go for audition at Vogue and similar other brands. Perhaps, no!

The hobby of a fashion model may be something happening and eccentric such as travelling, music, designing clothing style etc.

However, if you prove that besides these, you have an intellectual hobby; it will certainly work in your favour. If you are quoting reading as your hobby, probably you can talk about books related to fashion, modelling, media and others that relate to the field.

Non-fiction books written by industry people may also be quoted. This will surely impress the important people of the brand.

models of vogue magazine

8. Follow a Role Model:

Every individual needs an inspiration to help him or her grow. It is best if you have a role model in mind when you take up such a challenging career option.

Develop attributes required to be a good fashion model. You need to be elegant, stylish, sensual and yet not vulgar. You need to be unique. You should possess a sense of humour to be a successful woman.

Always try to remain employed; it will indicate you are a career oriented female who does not give up. Remember a long interval, even between fashion assignments can be a set back.

If you are not cracking any assignments, start finding another respectable way of earning money. It will help you when you face an audition.

9. Stay Updated:

We live in a very fast world and only people who are aware of the latest happenings in the industry can actually survive.

You need to be aware of the latest trends in fashion. You need to keep up with the news.  Keep track of the latest updates of Vogue.

It is good to be in the loop of what is happening with them. It will help you be aware of the latest auditions and events hosted by the brand.

You won’t need your agent to tell you these things if you keep track of the happenings. If you know all that you can about this brand, it will naturally show up in the way you deal with them. This can get you the dream offer with Vogue.


These seemingly simple tips are easy ways to get you through different rounds of interview and auditions before you are selected to represent the brand.

So it is time you leave your shy self behind. It is time you prepare yourself to capture the red carpet without any hesitation or fear. Courage and stamina are two things that every model who aspires to make it big should possess. Gear up and start preparing from today.


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