Trying to get a job and clearing an interview process is not easy as it seems. Nowadays, the interview process has been so difficult that getting oneself selected for a job is something like achieving something great in life. There are several times that a person may fail in their job interviews and reasons for such fail may vary from people to people. Some of the reasons helps a candidate to be prepared before attending the job interviews.

Why do I Keep Failing at Job Interviews?
Every single professional and educated person has a dream that they should get a job at a multinational company. But to fulfill such kind of dreams that person needs to clear an initial process of life, which is the job interview. But there are certain situations when a person keeps failing at those job interviews. And reasons for such fail at job interviews are,
1. Hiding factual information about themselves:
One of the mistake that people commit during their interview is that they hide things from their employers or interviewers. Most commonly hiding professional information and about their educational degrees. These kinds of mistakes can get them into trouble as well. So it is always best for the candidate to keep in mind that he/she needs to present all the information in front of the employers clearly and properly.
2. Showing over confidence:
Most of the time while attending an interview, candidate has to bring some kind of negative attitude towards their experience in a certain field of work. And this can affect that candidate’s personality in front of the employers. Therefore, it is advisable for all the candidates that never bring up over confidence during their interview. Because over confidence can present yourself in a negative manner in front of the employers.
3. Presenting negative things about previous employers:
While attending interview if the candidate have some experience in his/her previous working field, then it is obvious that the interview will inquire about their previous employer. Therefore, at that time the candidate needs to explain them all the positive things about his/her previous employers. It is favorable to the candidate if he/she present only positive matters about his/her previous employers instead of negative things.
4. Showing less interest about the interviewing post offer:
Most of the time some candidates are less interested about the post that the employer is offering him / her. Therefore, this can make the employer upset about such kind of behavior and they can even reject him / her from the list of candidates. So it is always best for the candidate to apply only for those posts which they are interested in, because it can save time for both the parties. And even this can help the candidate find the perfect job for themselves.
5. Being unimpressive during interview:
The candidates needs to keep one thing while attending a job interview that they need to be impressive during their interview. And for that they need to have an impressive resume which can grab the attention of the employers. Most of the employers are interested in those candidates who have some kind of experience in the related field of work. Therefore, if the candidate fails to impress the employer then it is possible that the candidate might get rejected from the post.
6. Lack of experience:
Most of the candidates face rejection in their job interviews because of their lack of experience in the similar field. Therefore, it is best for the candidate that he / she should apply for those positions in which they have experience, or else they can apply for those positions where freshers can also attend the interviews. This can make things better both for the interviewer and the candidate as well. In this process of work the candidate might receive some sort experience in the similar field.
7. Bad personality:
While attending an interview the candidate need to follow a certain type of procedure which can make them stand out better, even if there are many qualified candidates. It is advisable for the candidate that they need to work on their personality and their confidence while attending an interview. Because currently employers are interested in those candidates who have pleasing personality and are smart at the same time.
No Job offer after Third Interview:
Sometimes it happens that after attending so many interviews, the candidate might not get selected for the job or may not receive any return call from the company. And at that time the candidate needs to think about the reason of not getting a job and rectify the reasons to prepare yourselves to get a job.
1. Taking more time to select a candidate:
Some companies when a candidate attends an interview, takes more time to select a candidate. That may be because of their high expectations with the candidates or may be their personal issues. But once the candidate doesn’t receive any selection or rejection call from the employer, the candidate needs to be positive about the job interview. But if the time exceeds as per their given time limit, then the candidate needs to convince themselves that they lost the job.
2. Unavailability of the interviewer:
Most of the company owners have no time for their daily business deals and their human resource manager to select a candidate for the post, but sometimes it happens that most of the managers be busy with their daily official duty and tend to lose the track of time. During this time the manager may interview some candidates and shortlists them, but because of shortage of time. He / she may forget to call and inform them. This may be a possible reason that the candidates attending interview may not receive calls from the company.
3. Taking time to shortlist for further rounds of interview:
Some of the multinational companies have a tough selection process and most of the interview process takes 3-4 days of time. In this process the selected candidates receive regular updates about the next round of interview. But sometimes the company may take some time to arrange availability for such interview rounds. And at that time the candidate need to be patient and wait for the call from the interviewing company.
4. Company going through some financial problem:
Because of some sudden financial issues the company may lose their business and that can make things on hold for the company. And this can be one of the reasons that the company may not call any of the selected candidates for the further process of interview. Therefore, at that time the candidate needs to keep collecting information about the company’s current situation so the candidate can save some time.
5. Already selected a candidate:
One of the common reasons that the candidate may not receive any type of call and message from the interviewing company would be that they might have already selected the candidate for the job. At that point of time instead of waiting for the response from the company, the candidate can start looking for new job and save time for their own good. Therefore, it is best for the candidate that they should keep their options open while attending interviews.
6. Disputes between decision makers:
There is a possibility that the candidate delivered his / her best during their job interview, but still after some time the candidate might not receive any call from the company about the selection. And this makes the candidate feel frustrated about the job interview. At that time the candidate need to think of the possible reason for their delay and one of the reason can be that the decision makers may have some kind of trouble and that might be the reason for the hold back.
Multiple Interviews with the Same Company:
Sometimes when applying job to some companies, the candidate might receive calls from all those companies. Most probably the candidate might have a certain company that he / she needs to get into. And for that he / she keeps on trying to get a job in the same company. But in another way the candidate may receive several calls from the same company to attend interviews for the same job.
1. Confusion:
Most of the time it happens that the employer may select a number of finalists for the job and after making the final decision, the employer might be having second thoughts about the candidates shortlisted. And to clear that kind of confusion the candidate might receive a call back from the company. And that act of confusion clearance can help that employer to make a final and proper decision for the development of the company.
2. Conflict indecision:
Most of the managers of the company might face some sort of difference of opinions about a certain candidate and that’s why to make it right the same candidate might be called again and again for the same position. These kind of difference of opinions creates a clash between the managers of the company. Therefore, it would be best for the company even if they have difference of opinions they need to sort it in a calm way.
3. Availability of different position:
Once the candidates attend an interview with the company, then he / she should start looking at another company for the vacancy. And at the same time the company in which he / she already been, has announced new posts in their company. This can motivate the candidate to apply for the post in the same company. Therefore, these reasons can make that candidate attend interviews in the same company that also several times.
4. If the selected candidate refuses the offer:
And even this can be a possibility that the candidate, which the company already selected for the job, might refuse their offer at the end time. And this can make that company call all of those candidates who have already attended that interview. The company takes such decisions because of that they can save interviewing process for better purpose. Therefore, these things can work for the candidates in a better way.
5. The company changed their business:
One of the common reasons for inviting the same candidate to attend the interview in the same company which he / she already attended can be their change of the business idea. Sometimes the company might change their business ideas and there might be need of the candidates from the similar field. And that can remind them about those candidates they rejected because of their stream of work.
How Many People are Usually Interviewed for a Job:
It depends on the company’s requirement when it comes to a suitable candidate. The company might interview less than 5 per day for the job, and they can even sort the list of candidates so that they reduce their interview process time. And in another scenario the company can interview more than ten candidates for the large number of posts available. This type of interview process involves several interview rounds.
Average Number of Interviews per Job:
The company schedules a certain type of interview for the post available. Therefore, it is quite tough to determine the number of interviews per job. The possible calculation can be estimated depending upon the candidates patience and energy. Sometimes the candidate may feel exhausted of these interviews and quit at some point of time. But some may keep trying until they get a job in their life.
The bottom line is that all these information about the interview process and some reasons that the candidate face rejection will help the candidate to overcome their mistakes and also help them prepare better next time while attending an interview. Therefore, if any person keeps failing in their job interviews then they should check out all the details given above. And even try to change their interview approach so that they get selected for a job interview.