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Top 16 Important Interview Questions & Answers for Freshers


Right after education, what most do is to apply for a job. More often than not, after the initial selection process of tests, most of the companies conduct an interview for the candidates, so as to weed them out.

In the meantime, one of the most common aspect found in the interview is the questions and answers, where often than not the prospective candidate is deluded with a range of important questions for interview. One can take a look at some of the top freshers interview questions and answers.

top interview questions answers

Top Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers:

1. Talk about oneself:

Almost all ways, the personal questions to the candidate begins with the question of asking the person to talk about oneself. In view of the fact that the question is common enough, one can be prepared ahead for it.

On the other hand, one thing to make sure is to sound casual and serious enough and not like one has rehearsed for it. Go on to chat about ones achievements and relevant work experience.

2. Talk about the company:

One of the top common interview questions for freshers includes the question, what do one know about the company? Given that, there is chance for such a question to be asked at the interview; it pays to have thorough knowledge about the company, prior to the interview.

Go on to find out details about the services as well as the achievements of the company. Make sure to understand the current position of the company

3. Talk about ones main strength:

One question which is asked more regularly to the candidates, while at an interview is to explain their strengths. It is expected that this question would help the employer to analyse the candidate, even as the company also goes on to observe the candidate’s understanding of one’s strengths in life as well its impact.

Main thing for a person to do, of course, is to stay positive and improvise as per the requirement for the job posting.

4. Talk about Ones Weaknesses:

Following the question on one’s strength, most employers could also go on to ask about one’s weaknesses. What one needs to understand is that no one is totally perfect. Every one has some fault or the other, but success is in how one handles it.

While answering the question, candidate has to make sure not to dwell too much on the negative aspects. One could go on to talk about some flaw in oneself and then go on to discuss about how one is working towards overcoming it.

5. Talk about how to handle the challenge:

This follows up question on how one handle a challenge or difficult situation will surely help one to expand on the question about one’s strengths.

Go on to concentrate on one’s hard work or ones ability to multi-task, while giving the answer. One could also talk about how one learnt to manage time in the long run, as it should be.

6. Talk about ones long term and short term goals:

Most employers are shrewd enough to check a candidate’s commitment to the job, even prior to joining the company. While, answering the candidate has to make sure to mention, about one’s expectations with regard to growing within the organization, even as the person goes on to contribute to its development all through the years.

The candidate can go on to talk about various roles or responsibilities, which one hopes to assume within the company.

7. Talk about Hobbies and Interests:

Common enough question asked at interviews is what are one’s hobbies and interests? This could be an attempt to assess the general attitude of the candidate.

Rather than mentioning the ones like sleeping or watching tv, the candidate can go on and make sure to mention creative and useful hobbies such as music, outdoor sports etc

8. Talk about jobs applied to:

One other common question that has been asked often during interviews is if the candidate has applied to other jobs. Often a tricky question for if the candidate shows more interest in some other job, then the person could loose out on an opportunity with the current company. Be honest, whilst answering the question.

However, try and downplay ones interest in other jobs, talk more about how one finds this job suitable for one’s requirement

9. Why this Organization:

While one is at an interview, it becomes easy to find one of the most popular questions asked. The question is to explain the reason why one chose a particular organization.

Answer to it, make sure you have a thorough understanding of the organization, its work culture, history and so on. Then go on to base the answer on that. Make sure to tell how the job would impact ones long term goals.

10. Reason to hire the candidate:

The most common enough question that forms part of the top interview questions and answers for the freshers is why should some company go on to hire a particular candidate instead of others. One would need to give reasons for the company to hire a particular candidate for the job, after the screening at the interview.

One needs to focus on how the persons’ assets or positive points go on to help in the growth of the company. One has to go on and make sure to never compare oneself to another candidate.

11. Talk about Salary Expectation:

One can never forget the series of top interview questions and answers for the freshers that form part of the interview process. One such loaded question is how much the candidate expects in salary.

Make sure not to fall for this ploy. Better yet, turntables and ask the employer on how much they expect to pay. One could also say that it is based on the roles and responsibilities to assume.

12. Talk about willingness to relocate:

An employer asks the question , about the candidate’s willingness to relocate for a job as part of the top interview questions and answers for the freshers. It always pays to be flexible with the location, as per the requirements of the company. Inform the company of the willingness to relocate if required.

13. Talk about timings:

Most of the employers would like to know if the candidate is flexible enough with the timings. A regular important question for the interview asked is if one is ready to work, whatever time is specified by the company.

Make sure to inform the company about your attitude to working in shift or at ungodly hours. If one can be flexible with timings be sure to make that known to the company.

Basic Freshers Interview Questions and Answers:

Apart from some personal questions, to analyze one’s willingness to work with the company, as well as for screening the candidates, at most interviews some general and basic questions are also asked. Here are some of them.

1. Was it difficult to find the location?

The ice breaker question asked, in the beginning, to calm one down. The candidate can go on casually and talk about the experience, but make sure to be brief and to the point about it. This could help one to calm down and be more comfortable as well before the interview.

2. Might ask about current events:

Just to test the general knowledge of the candidate, some gk questions for interview on current events could be asked by the employer. It always pays to be knowledgeable about one’s industry as well as education.

Read up whatever possible on all aspects related to ones work, so as to not appear ignorant, while in an interview.

3. Question to ask the company:

One of the most important and common enough questions often asked at interviews focus on what would a candidate like to know about the company or even to ask the company. Know what to ask, prior to going in for an interview.

Ask about the company, job profile, role to assume, location, timing and more, if not addressed in the beginning. One could also talk about company policy on the opportunity for higher education, social activities organized by staff and so on.

Common Interview Questions for Freshers:

For freshers finding a job is both easy and difficult in their own ways.

Feeling confused?

There are lots of companies that easily take freshers as interns which can be paid or unpaid, depends upon the organization. Whereas, on the other hand, there are organizations who do not hire them as they do not have work experience and of the fear of training cost.

Not every organization is the same, so the standards and rules they follow while performing hiring changes accordingly. Saying this does not mean it happens always.

In general terms, freshers are also job seekers who are out in the market searching for a job and having plans to build their careers. Though some acquire jobs through campus placements, but not everyone would be able to.

The one advantage that freshers have in an interview process is that the type of questions asked to them will be lighter when compared to experienced candidates. This doesn’t mean that they will be hired easily. The best formula to get employed is to practice and prepare well.

Here are few best Interview Questions Freshers are usually asked.

  1. Tell us something about yourself.
  2. Share a few reasons why should we hire you?
  3. Why are you interested in this job?
  4. What is the reason to choose our company for work?
  5. How good can you manage stress/pressure?
  6. Are you comfortable to travel/relocate for work?
  7. How soon can you start?
  8. What inspired you to pick this sector of work?
  9. Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?
  10. Do you have any dream job? What is it
  11. Share with us a challenging situation and explain how you dealt with it?
  12. Late night and weekend shifts, how comfortable are you?
  13. What other companies are you considering for your next job?
  14. Prepare an imaginary tough work condition and explain how you will handle it?
  15. What is your biggest achievement?
  16. What do you expect from your first job?
  17. How did you come to know about this position?
  18. One thing you like or dislike about our organization?
  19. What is your salary expectation?
  20. What do you know about our organization?
  21. Any knowledge about our main competitors?
  22. How well do you work in a team?
  23. What is your ideal work environment?
  24. Have you any referrals from our company?
  25. Are you willing to change your work profile as per the project requirement in the future?
  26. Do you have any questions for us?

Some Basic Tips to Follow:

Now you know what are the important questions for an interview for the freshers. If done well, interviews can go on to translate to a job offer for the freshers. It will definitely be less stressful if one is prepared ahead of time.

What one needs to do is to approach the interviews quite seriously. Do thorough research to know about the company. Then at the interview make sure to have another look at all the sample questions and answers, so that one would have a better idea on how to answer these important questions in the interview. Make sure to be very clear, precise and to the point with the answers.



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