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Group Interviews Advantages and Disadvantages


In recent times the system of employment and their process have changed drastically.

All the employers believe in changing themselves to newest systems of upgraded employment process. And in that process of employment system, employees experience some sort of the crucial stages of interviews.

Initially, one such stage of interview is group interview, where in which more than one candidates go through a group interview, which can consume less period of time as compared to the rest of the interview process.

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Group Interviews Advantages Disadvantages

What is Group Interview?

Group interview can be defined as a interview process where in more than two people or multiple employees are interviewed at the same time simultaneously.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Group Interviews: Pros of Group Interviews Cons of Group Interviews
1 Quick selection Creates competition
2 Maximum candidates can be interviewed Control issues
3 Creates background for discussion Overpowering qualified candidates
4 Similar pattern of question for discussion Limited questionnaire
5 Delivers candidates strong potential Conflicts between candidates
6 Creates better communication level It is more of a group process skill
7 Helpful for quality control purpose Lack of creative approach
8 Candidates can show better interest Eliminates potential candidate’s growth
WordPress Table

Advantages of Group Interviews:

There are several advantages and benefits of group interviews and in that bucket list of benefits of group interviews, some can be named very much essential for the growth of the overall activities of the company.

1. A quick selection:

Most of the time while attending a group interview, employers get an idea of the perfect candidate for the position they are offering. And with the help of this group interview, employers can eliminate unwanted candidates who doesn’t suit the job profile.

Moreover, this group interview method reduces time of unwanted conversation with an irrelevant candidate who have applied for the job position.

Therefore, group interviews are quite a quick and possible solution for quick and easy selection of the perfect candidate.

2. Maximum of candidates can be interviewed:

As this process is called as a group interview it is quite obvious that in this stage of the interview the employer can interview a group of candidates for the position.

And at the end of this interview session the employer can find the suitable candidate for the position offered.

Moreover, it creates some sort of time constraints for the candidates, but for instance, it is beneficial for the employer because the employer doesn’t need to waste his or her energy by interviewing each and every candidate separately.

3. Creates a background for discussion:

It is completely explained to everyone that group interview is based on a background of discussion where in which discussion would be about necessary elements which affects the growth of the company.

Most of the time in the middle of such interviews the employer expects such candidates who can prove themselves as an asset to the company.

Therefore, at the end of group interview discussion the candidate with creative ideas will be finalized for the position offered.

4. Similar pattern of question for discussion:

As it is quite familiar with everyone that during a group interview a group of candidates will be gathered in a small conference room and the employer present all sorts of similar questions to the candidates.

And at the end of the group interview the employer will come to know the suitable candidate for the position.

Therefore, it concludes that the group interviews are beneficial for the employer and the candidates as well.

5. It delivers candidates strong potential:

During group interviews all the candidates present their best personality in front of the interviewing panel.

Bring in the candidate’s best personality during group interviews, so that it can help the employer to make a correct decision.

It is very much advisable for the candidates attending any sort of interview that they need to be strong during their interviews so that they can deliver their best personality in front of the employer’s panel.

6. It creates better communication level:

As it states that during group interviews the candidates are required to present their opinions on the table of discussion and this table discussion helps all the candidates so that they share their views and opinions with the employer’s panel.

Therefore, it is very much important for the employers that because of the group interviews the candidates build their communication level where in which he or she can deliver their creativity in front of the interviewing panel.

7. It is helpful for quality control purpose:

Most of the time during group interviews the employers inform all the candidates about the topic on which the candidates are going to present their views on.

Therefore, in that matter of time the candidate presents their views and this format of discussion will be stored for the purpose of quality control. The quality control provides an example of the company’s future activities.

Moreover, all the candidates who go through such group interview will be exposed to a knowledgeable level of information.

8. The candidates can show better interest:

It is possible that during group interviews most of the candidates experience some sort of difference of opinion with other candidates and to overcome that situation the candidate need to deliver his or her interest in the interview for better growth.

Therefore, at the end of the interview process the employer will select a candidate from that group who actually showed greater interest in the discussion.

Disadvantages of Group Interviews:

There are some of the disadvantages when it comes to the group interview and this disadvantages provide better realization of the features and benefits of group interviews. And those disadvantages are as follows.

1. It creates competition:

As it is quite clear to everyone that during group interviews most of the candidates goes through tough competition in their way of selection. And sometimes these competition even can reduce their chances of getting that position in that particular company.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand the competition will be healthy and positive if the candidate’s participation is healthy and positive enough to handle the situation.

2. Control issues:

Most of the time during group interviews the situation goes out of hand in the middle of the group discussion and that can create some sort of miscommunication between the candidate and the employer and eventually the candidate can lose his or her chances of being selected for the position offered.

Therefore, it is very much essential for the employer that before conducting such high level of discussion, he or she need to be ready with controlling measures to face all sorts of issues.

3. Overpowering qualified candidates:

During group interviews the company will invite most qualified candidates for the position for which they require potential candidates. And because of such group interviews some of the qualified and potential candidates can even lose their chances on the position.

Therefore, overpowering qualified candidates during group interviews holds a strong evidence on losing potential candidates for the position.

4. Limited questionnaire:

It is possible that the group interviews can be held on the similar pattern of discussion and that pattern of discussion bares the similar and limited questionnaires.

These limited questionnaires deliver a situation wherein which all the focus points on the subject will be clear for the sake of selection.

But unfortunately these limited patterns of questionnaire don’t help in any sorts of interviews and which eventually leads the employer in finding a perfect candidate for the post.

5. Conflicts between candidates:

During group interviews it is quite possible that most of the candidates may not agree with the opinion of another candidate who presented his or her point of view.

And in that process, the candidates might get into some conflict between the candidates and end up being in trouble for themselves.

Therefore, it is possible that the conflict between candidates can get its serious terms and even can damage their future chances of getting a job.

6. It is more of a group process skill:

It is not necessary that group process skill is beneficial at all times of the group interviews. The group process skill is a process wherein which all the relevant activities will be measured for the sake of growth of the company.

Therefore, this group process skill can be provided with a skill which is suitable only for the growth and benefit of the interviewing company.

Moreover, all the skills are needed to clear this group interview.

7. Lack of creative approach:

As it is familiar to everyone that the group interviews are conducted using similar pattern of questionnaires and these questionnaires can be prepared in a similar format with answers.

Therefore, it lacks the creative approach due to this, moreover this limited approach can lack creativity in it.

This can eliminate the chances of approaching for the best possible solution in terms of the group interviews.

8. It eliminates potential candidate’s growth:

Most of the candidates who attend a group interviews comes with potential talent and skill for the help of the perfect candidate selection.

Moreover, it eliminates potential candidate’s growth and eventually it grows as a disadvantage for the purpose of the group interviews.

Therefore, it is quite possible that the group interviews comes with its own advantages and disadvantages.

To Wrap Up:

Finally the bottom line is that at the end of the discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of group interviews, one can clearly understand the purpose of the group interviews.

Therefore, if anyone want to know more about the features and benefits of group interviews, then they can definitely follow all the above mentioned points to clear all sorts of doubts and confusions about group discussions.

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