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Top 20 Advantages and Disadvantages of Working Mothers


Working Mothers Definition

Working mothers are the ones who move out of the house for the purpose of earning money and also maintain household chores. The trend of being a housewife is now changing with the change and need of the time.

Working Mothers Day

International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated on March 8 every year. It is a focal point in the movement for women’s rights.

Every single woman prefers to work as they have the capability to balance both the work and family. It is now very rare that a girl does not prefer to work and chooses to remain at home as a housewife.

Working Mother Quotes from Most Powerful Women in the World

Former First Lady of the United States – Michelle Obama:

For me, being a mother made me a better professional, because coming home every night to my girls reminded me what I was working for. And being a professional made me a better mother because by pursuing my dreams, I was modelling for my girls how to pursue their dreams.”

YouTube CEO- Susan Wojcicki:

People assume it’s hard to have a child with the job I have, but my energy level is high. I also have a lot of resources at home and at work, not to mention the skills to run a big organization.”

Facebook COO and Lean In author Sheryl Sandberg:

When a couple announces that they are having a baby, everyone says ‘Congratulations!’ to the man and ‘Congratulations! What are you planning on doing about work?’ to the woman. The broadly held assumption is that raising their child is her responsibility. In more than thirty years, this perception has changed very little.”

Pepsico CEO Indra Nooyi:

You will look back and it will hurt like hell.”

Huffington Post founder Arianna Huffington:

I think while all mothers deal with guilt, working mothers are plagued by guilt on steroids.

Working Women Statistics & Survey

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Women at Work Stats

Women in Management Occupations


Top 10 Best Companies for Working Mothers

  1. Bank of America
  2. Deloitte
  3. Ernst & Young LLP
  4. IBM
  5. Johnson & Johnson
  6. McKinsey & Co
  7. Prudential Financial
  8. PwC
  9. Unilever
  10. Zoetis

Working Mothers Research Papers

Here you can find the list of Research Papers that are related to the working mothers.

  1. Working Mothers vs Stay at Home Mothers: The Impact On Children
  2. The Effects of the Mother’s Employment on the Family and the Child
  3. Working mothers – Australian Institute of Family Studies

As a coin has two sides, the concept of the working woman also has many advantages and disadvantages.

working mothers advantages disadvantagesAdvantages of Working Mothers:

Here we are mentioning you a few positive effects and negative effects of working mothers. They are

1. Working Mother Children are Smart:

The children of working mothers become smart and active as compared to the children of non-working mothers. This is because of the fact that the mothers being working have to move out of the house leaving all the household chores intact.

The children behind understand their responsibilities and manage to do all their tasks without being dependent on others, thus become smart and active enough.

Mothers working from Home: Top alternatives to 9-5 Jobs

2. Independent:

The children become independent as they don’t find their mother at home all day long and thus they are left with no other option than doing their homework, breakfast, packing bags for school, preparing uniforms and all such things of their own.

Doing all those little tasks that a child can do on his own makes him independent and responsible. He or she no longer depend on others for their work and become co-operative to their mothers.

3. Inculcate good habits:

The working mothers are nowadays helped by their spouse in household chores after returning from work.

By seeing the fathers being a helping hand to mothers, children learn good habits and inculcate manners of helping others as well as their mothers, thus in this way good habits are inculcated in them.

4. Mothers shower more love:

The mothers who are working ought to remain away from home and their children for long hours and could not devote quality time with them.

But the other way is good as well as when mothers are back from work and spend less time with their kids, they show all their love and affection for them. So this is also one of the advantages of being a working mother.

5. Financial help:

A working mother also adds to the advantage of helping the family financially. It is beneficial as a woman becomes a helping hand to the husband in terms of money. Apart from this they also are gaining important life skills.

This way family runs in a very smooth way without any financial difficulty and the kids also get the best as parents are able to afford due to a good income level.

6. Kids get all facilities:

The woman when works, will be able to help her spouse in money matters. This further helps in giving their children world-class facilities as they are not short of money in any way. The kids are able to join extra classes and other activities also.

In this way, they become intelligent and spontaneous in their working. Those children stand different than the children of non-working mothers.

7. Inspiration for kids:

The mothers when work, become an inspiration for their kids as they look up to their mom and say that they aspire to be like their moms in the near future.

Working moms not only work but also look after their children without any difficulty. So such kids need to look at others for inspiration, but they get to see inspiration at home only. This way, they also learn to do hard work in their life.

8. Life becomes exciting:

Non-working mothers remain at home and are not more outgoing. This way they are not able to have or expand their friend circle, but the working mothers are able to do so and take their children out for outing whenever gets time. So that is the reason why every woman should work. 

In this way, the children also learn socializing, communicating and behaving in front of others.

9. Good standard of living:

A person can give his or her family a high standard of living and makes sure that no financial problem arises.

The kids also live life in a healthy and comfortable manner as all the comforts are provided by mom and dad.

This is not exactly the case with a non-working woman and their kids might remain aloof of all pleasures and comforts the children need in today’s era.

10. No dependence on the husband:

The working woman does not have to depend on the husband for money or any other thing.

She becomes independent and earns her own without relying on a husband. She is able to fulfil all her wants and needs without being accountable to anyone in the family.

Gender Equality at the Workplace:

Disadvantages of Working Mothers:

1. Tiredness:

After working for 10 hours continuously in office creates fatigue and tiredness. The activeness vanishes the moment the mother reaches home. This affects the whole family, including children, husband and the others in case of joint family.

Tiredness does not let the woman have an eye on her kids and this way kids may remain aloof for the whole day. Thus affecting the family life badly.

2. Health issues may arise:

A working mother has to manage both house and office both at an equal level that too on a daily basis.

Having the same routine regularly without any rest may lead to health issues and other problems which also ruins the family life.

If the mother becomes ill, the kids and the husband both are affected and this creates tension in one’s life.

3. Children may feel alone and fall into a bad company:

Children get freedom in excess when they don’t see mothers around to stop them from vices. This way they may fall into bad company and inculcate vices in them.

Not only this, they might feel alone and find for the company as mothers are not available for kids due to work.

4. Mothers are not able to attend important school meetings of kids:

Due to office work, working mothers are not able to attend the school meetings, functions etc. which may develop feelings of inferiority and guilt in them.

Such cases may end children going into depression, thus affecting their health to a larger extent.

5. Less time for kids:

A working woman is not able to devote quality time to their kids. This way the kids are not able to share their feelings and remain quite over the important matters. This makes them introvert and are not able to express their feeling with parents. But this problem can be solved if they gain time management skills.

6. Children are kept in child care centres:

Mothers have to keep their kids in childcare centres as there is no one to take care of them. Those kids remain void of love and motherly affection.

In such cases, the mother feels guilty for not sparing quality time to raise her kids and have to compromise in the development of the kids.

7. Missing out first words, first steps of kids:

The mothers who work i.e. are working have to compromise in terms of motherly emotions and miss all the first words, steps and activities for kids. This way she has to end up with all her feeling just to earn a little more for her kids and family.

8. No helping hand:

If the husband is not helping the wife in household chores, it may cause difficulty for her as she then has to work 24 hours all alone without any help, it may affect co-operation and husband-wife relationship, resulting in the end of such a pious relation.

This way the whole family gets destroyed and even the future of children is affected.

9. Suffering harassment at workplace:

Working women often have to suffer harassment like eve-teasing to even sexual harassment. Many women had to go through all such on a daily basis. Whereas non-working woman does not have to face all this.

10. Conclusion:

So, above are the advantages and disadvantages of being a working mother. Nowadays due to inflation and other economic problems it has become vital to make more efforts for good earning. So for such a thing, a woman has to earn and understand the responsibilities of her family.

Keeping aside the disadvantages of being a working mother, one should be positive and strive to see the advantages it offers a family. A working mother should feel proud of herself as she has the power to give best to her family at the same time not forgetting her responsibilities. One thing a woman should keep in mind is that she should not get angry or irritated over kids rather should try and tackle kids with love, affection and patience.


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