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How to Become a Victoria’s Secret Model? 21 Tips


Are you among those countless women in the world who aspire to have the perfect figure and make it to being Victoria’s secret model?

Do you wish to be the face of different brands?

Do you wish to walk the red carpet?

Well, the journey is tough but the goal is still achievable and if you are ‘determined’ and no one can ‘deter’ your ‘mind’ then go ahead and follow these tips and suggestions.

These suggestions are gathered from various sources after contemplating on the tips given by several of the Victoria’s secret angels in their interviews on-screen and for magazines.

These tips will surely help those who dream or want to know how to become a Victoria’s Secret Model.

how to be victoria secret model

Victoria’s Secret Model Requirements:

The countless requirements to be a victoria secret model you need to fulfill is what keeps many beautiful women away from this profession.

Check out some of the prominent victoria secret model requirements:

1. You need to be fit:

Fitness does not simply mean that you have a perfect figure. You actually need to be healthy to survive in a profession like modelling.

Beauty is the sign that your body and mind are both healthy. If you are tired, it reflects on the skin and you start having dark circles too. This can ruin your appearance on-screen and your career goes for a toss.

So make sure you keep yourself perfectly healthy and happy too. You need to be stress free for professions like this but do not opt for stimulants like coffee or tea to eliminate stress. These beverages have side effects that harm your health in the long run.

2. You need to have a perfect figure:

While having the perfect figure is not the end in achieving your modelling goal, it is definitely an important stepping stone.

If you have the mass jutting out from here and there, you can never dream of making a career in modelling.

Maintaining a picture perfect figure means you need to understand your body type first.

You need to have a goal in mind. Staying in proportion is not easy and really not achievable unless you try continuously.

3. You need to be photogenic:

need to be photogenic Photographers have an eye for detail. They may notice even the slight deviations in curve or lack of charm that you may not yourself notice.

If you have a photographer friend, ask him to photo shoot you so that he may tell you where you lack.

A friend will also be able to tell you how to modify your pose to suit the requirement.

You also need to consistently practice in front of the mirror. This will help you gauge yourself and make amends accordingly.

4. You need to have attitude:

This is a fact most of us know and the media has very well advertised this fact too. You need to have a certain attitude to be on screen in the glamour industry.

The kind of attitude you need to carry may be quite different from your core nature and this is a challenging effort.

5. You need to be outspoken:

In any career where you are to be the star, you need to be outspoken and willing to interact even with strangers. This outspoken nature can help to take you ahead in your career.

An introvert will find it really hard to survive in the glam world.

Special tips for Victoria’s secret models:

The ones listed out here are just the common requirements from any model but being a Victoria’s secret model is definitely a lot different.

Here are some of the commandments for you to fit the role of being a Victoria’s secret model:

1. Be confident in your Lingerie:

Confidence is the key to success and when you plan to become Victoria’s secret models, make sure you look bold and confident even while posing in your lingerie.

When you walk the ramp, you should reflect attitude.

2. Grace the ramp with an energetic gait:

fashion show ramp walk If you are Victoria’s secret model, you need to walk with vigour as if you own the stage. You should not waver or sweat.

You are posing in front of the camera and there are millions of fans watching you. You can possess the courage and confidence of these models only if you practice continuously.

3. Practice with your pals:

You need to develop a good rapport with your co-angels. The models who work there gain their confidence because they have the constant support of comodels who play the role of a family. You need to have the compassion for your pals on stage.

4. Be persistent:

Most of the Victoria’s secret models have trie to reach their goal and have been rejected many times.

It is their persistent effort that helps them achieve their goal in the end. If you give up mid-way, you are not fit to be a Victoria’s secret model.

5. Stay active on Instagram:

be active on instagram The social media is a great platform for drawing fans. If you wish to be one of Victoria’s secret models, you need to be active on social channels like Instagram.

The greatest models of the time have their pictures frequently updated on instagram where they get countless likes and fan following.

6. Stay devoted:

Giving up certain food stuff or the altering the routine to stay fit may seem ok for a short duration but only those who are devoted continue with such practices.

You need to be really devoted to survive in the industry.

7. Be natural:

Yes, you need to have a style statement and you need to have some catchy features but make sure these look natural.

Do not try and imbibe things that do not suit your gait. The wink and the naughty smile look great if it comes to you naturally.

8. You are being an angel, get used to your wings:

You are Victoria’s secret angel and you have to get used to the huge wings attached to your shoulders. Practice walking on stage with the wings attached.

You should not trip and fall on stage as it will be an embarrassing situation. Constant practice will help you. When you are on stage, you need to be perfectly prepared and walk like an angel.

9. Pamper the perfect angel:

victoria secret angel Yes, you need to pamper yourself. You are a role model to the world and you need to give yourself the best.

Take leisure time at a spa and treat yourself to the luxuries of life. Victoria’s secret models look happy and you need to treat yourself to the pleasures of life to be happy.

10. Be a role model:

The world around you admires you and there are many women who want to be a model like you.

You must be a role model to all the budding models and give them proper guidance. Inspire young ones to be stylish and fashionable.

11. Keep your cool:

Maintaining a calm composure is one of the prerequisites for a Victoria’s secret model. You may have a lot of stress to deal with but this should not hamper your ever cool attitude.

12. Always be angelic:

You can never take a break from work or workout. You should be consistently putting in efforts while retaining the smile on your face.

When fans rush to take an autograph, you have to oblige with the same sparkling smile on your face.

13. Have fun:

If you do not enjoy what you are doing, you can’t be doing it for long. So you need to enjoy exactly what you are doing and make the best use of the luxuries you are granted.

Socializing with people:

So if you think you can handle the pressures of the life as a Victoria’s secret model then you make the right candidate.

There are several ways to socialize with people in the glamour world and know the latest happenings of the fashion world.

Here are some tips to stay acquainted with the fashion world:

1. Attend fashion shows and similar events:

attend fashion shows Attending such events will help you get in touch with the divas in fashion industry. You will also get to understand how they make contacts. You can follow their footsteps.

2. Be a part of the fashion networks on social media:

Social media is a great place to interact with the fashion stars on a personal level. Create a profile and interact with stars.

You may someday make it big with their help. While instagram is pretty popular among models, you may even use Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest to share and to make contacts. You must be smart with networking online to build the right contacts.

3. Participate in small fashion events:

Everyone has to start somewhere and you can start off by participating in local fashion events. You never know when some big shot in the industry notices you and selects you for his brand.

There are many stars who started off as models for stores or as small commercial artists. Today they are all big names in the fashion world.

Now if you are aspiring to become a model and want all the details regarding how do you become a victorias secret model, then this article is the perfect read for you. So go ahead and achieve your dream.


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