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Hiring your First Employee? 28 Ultimate Tips for You


Hiring the best employees will be able to make or break your business. Employee staffing is about administering stress, because you will always be judged on your choice, plus you clearly cannot please all the members in your organisation. Appointing your first employee is a major concern. Will you be able to afford it? Will they interconnect well with the rest of the team? Can they deliver well and facilitate to take the business to another level? Hiring the right individual can be hard; however hiring the wrong one could be damaging. Here are few tips to consider when hiring your first employee.

hiring your first employee

Tips for Hiring Your First Employee:

The following mentioned are few hiring tips on hiring your first employee and also some employer responsibilities.

1. Inquire people you respect:

Attend those persons, as if accosting a board of directors, and ask regarding the best methods in which they have obtained their top employees.

This can be by use of a particular hiring firm, a specific social media site or even through personal recommendations.

Even consider the businesses you visit that hold great employees. Then contact the managers and inquire them how they hire.

2. Work through network plus conventional recruitment channels:

Certainly, lay employment requirement ads in the paper and online, however, don’t overlook your network.

Allow your contacts to know that you are hiring, the required tasks and every other detail. Email a PDF of the job ad throughout your network.

They can refer a candidate to you, who could not have encountered your job ad by themselves.

3. Sooner the better:

Hire someone the instant you know that you require them and will be able to afford them, even if it is initially tight. Things that will otherwise take you weeks may be attainable in days.

In most cases, entrepreneurs who are unwilling to hire even when it’s obvious overwork themselves afterwards, when they realize their mistake.

4. Bear in mind the timing:

While you might have exhausted long days working and aspiring about having help, don’t dash into the hiring process.

If you hire too soon, you could wind up giving your employee worthless tasks to fill their time. If you hire very late, you could overpower your employee with loads of tasks.

Ensure your employee can be busy, constructive and satiated to any extent possible.

5. Planning:

As soon as you have begun thinking on hiring employees, initially sit down, place out some paper and sketch it all out. What will the employee do? Do these duties connect to each other?

How would this employee help and develop your business? Where would the employee function? How are you going to pay?

6. Preparing a Checklist:

You would want to make a checklist that can define your ideal employee. For instance, on it you could note down that you require someone with good references and a decent job history.

When you jot down what you are seeking for, you will be able to review job applications without efforts and recall what you actually need in an employee.

7. Reviewing the job applications:

When you get your initial couple of job applications, review them vastly and endeavor to equate them all to one another.

Which applications beat the others most and why? Check back to your checklist and drop the ones that do not match all the requirements.

8. Do check the resumes:

When a person fills out an application, they mostly may put their resume along with it. In case they do, that implies they are eager to go the extra mile to acquire the job.

By submitting a resume that is nicely written, well layout and has few significant facts, you can conclude whether or not they become a perfect fit almost instantly.

9. Explore the applicant’s social media profiles:

You can start by posting that you are looking for employees to hire and many interested would respond and via their profiles you will receive their personal details.

By going through the candidates’ social media pages, you can acquire knowledge of their worthiness in terms of suitability and reliability.

10. Be transparent about what you want:

Define the distinctiveness that you are hunting for and describe that in the job description. Comprehend the difference concerning what you believe you want and what the position actually needs.

The two might not all the time be equal. As an entrepreneur who is appointing employees, place the requirements of the job and business to the lead of your own personal preferences.

11. It is fine to say ‘no’:

Realise when to walk off from a candidate as soon as you grasp that you don’t have the appropriate person.

Do not resolve for someone who you feel you may have to let go in a couple of months. It is not fair for you, the business or the candidate.

12. Be prepared for the interview:

The interviewer must be as ready as the interviewee. Get queries ready to ask to capture a picture of how the individual is. Don’t raise boring, routine questions.

Ask inquisitive questions. Ask questions that will get you to the best employees.

13. Take the top considerations out for dinner:

One thing to consider during interviews is how people act like socially. It is one thing to be dressed officially for an interview and absolutely different thing to be casually out for a meal.

How the candidate treats the other members grants other clues. Most of the times take people to a social or dinner occasion to acquire a better insight of who they truly are.

14. Hire for the potential:

One significant feature of a skilled hiring manager is the capability to spot potential, not just evidence of previous accomplishments.

Seek for someone who has a keen interest or passion for reasons or missions that are parallel to yours, and, independently, evidence that the individual is actually good at what he or she has achieved.

Turn down candidates containing Master’s degrees and many years of experience if you sense that someone else has enormous potential to outrival at our company.

15. Make applicant’s illustrate skill or aptitude:

Most people are aware about precisely how to answer interview questions in a technique that inspire confidence in an employer. So, the apt way to scrutinize someone is to have them carry out a task for you.

For example, if you are appointing a salesperson, insist them to sell you something. The outcomes will be clear, and those that evidently did not invest the time or energy into getting you the quality should be eliminated from the running.

16. Make everyone on the team interview the candidate:

Discovering a cultural fit for your team is complex. Just because one person gels well with another doesn’t mean that he will gel with the rest too.

If you are more than one co-founder then it is certain that you have differing personalities and work patterns.

Consider one for further interviews if he or she is a top choice. You require confidence that a person will be well compatible.

17. Truly invite them to be a part:

As soon as you hire someone, you have an alternative. Either you can believe in him as an employee, in the way that you hand out to him directives, assess his work, and pay him for his time.

Or, you can believe in him like a member of the team that has preferred to devote his time to building your vision a reality, comprising learning next to you and experiencing the leaps and bounds of your venture, making it the main reason to become a start-up in the first place.

18. Structure an onboarding process:

You must put together a sequence of assembly ranging from the culture and objectives to company history and policy.

Having all these things clarified implies that all who join the company will receive the same experience.

19. Become legally organised:

Without a contract in place or terms conferred with advisors and lawyers, implies that both the candidate and your team are legally unprotected.

The fact is, not all hires will work out. And when you are focused on profits and market growth, the last thing you would want is a legal headache.

Being conscious that all are officially taken care of, implies that you can concentrate on what matters most.

20. Appoint someone you will enjoy operating with:

This one appears like thoughtless, but it’s alluring to want the totally ideal first employee. Though do not be affected by competence and experience.

These elements are essential, but not for the big picture. Look even for someone you would enjoy functioning with and vice versa. In the end, it is going to be just the two of you for a time.

21. Background check:

Bear in mind, that behavior should not be the prevailing decisive factor. Do not fail to remember to phone references and recommenders and do background criminal histories check if necessary.

It is easy to be influenced by a candidate who has the required competence plus a shared fondness of the sandwich spot across the street. However, you need to guard your small company, its assets, efficiency and status.

22. Never hire friends or family:

Strive to at all times evade hiring friends and family members. Although you might be well aware of them on a personal level and strongly feel that they are the apt fit for the job, it may initiate to causing relationships poor down the line.

23. Generate a few policies:

With just one employee, you don’t require a full 50-page employee handbook plus a dress code and IT guidelines.

But you must at least ascertain the total of vacation and sick days you are to offer and the employee’s timetable. Any additional rules you want the employee to pursue must be communicated well through the first interview.

24. Know the tax implications:

At the time of hiring an employee, you will not only be accountable for their remuneration; you will even have to pay their Social Security tax, unemployment and Medicare tax.

You might even be responsible for preservation and filing taxes through employee tax forms on their behalf.

25. List out benefits:

Though presenting benefits to your employees is not necessary, it can be a method of stirring both loyalty and goodwill.

Take into account what advantages you can offer to your new employee like health insurance coverage and profit sharing. Keep in mind to even get hold of workers’ compensation insurance

26. Training and the equipment charges:

Consider the amount of time and resources training will entail. Ensure to have a hiring plan plus a budget for obtaining your new staff member on top of things.

You might even require purchasing an extra desk, computer as well as other office supplies.

27. Avoid off limit queries:

Either on a written application or in person, it is unlawful to inquire about an applicant’s age, marital status, sexual orientation, religious association or race.

And questions related to the temperament of a physical, sentimental or mental handicap can only be inquired if an applicant will require special space for performing a particular job.

28. Hire either part time or outsource:

If the work that you evaluated is less for a full-time employee then hire a part timer or outsource. Presently, there exist a lot of big ways to hire workers for part-time.

Also, with the alternative of functioning remotely it’s much simpler to locate people ready to put in 10 to 15 hours past their day job from their home. It’s even much less of accounting work and not as much of benefits cost.


As soon as your business begins to actually take off, you might sense a little overpower and require an extra hand.

Even if it might cost money to hire and find employees, it’s generally the start of letting your business to develop and turn more profitable.  Your first hire is a massive step in the existence of your company.

Capture the time to perform things the proper way, and you will ensure that your first employee will be present for the long haul and become one of the eminent things to happen to your company in its initial days.


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