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Conducting Telephone Interviews – Top 12 Pros and Cons


What is a Interview?

Interview is one of the procedures in the recruitment program. Job interviews consist of a set of question and answers. The recruitment manager or staff prepares set of questions. These questions are asked to the job seekers and depending upon their answers, employers offer the job. These interviews can be conducted through several modes.

The traditional form of interview is the face to face interview and the group interview. However, the technology has served as a boon to the corporate world. Thus, various other modes or types of interviews also came into existence. For example, telephone interviews and video interviews.

Telephone Interviews Pros Cons

Modes of Interviews:

The following mentioned are few types of interview methods in the recruitment process.

1. Face-to-face interview:

This is the traditional recruiting form. Usually, employers implement this form of an interview when the number of prospective candidates is comparatively less. This form of interview enables the recruiter to understand every candidate on a personal level.

As it is a face-to-face interview, it gives a definite knowledge about the personality of the interviewee.

2. Group interview:

Group interviews are commonly used form of an interview. Recruiters prefer this form when they need to eliminate a group of candidates. This method helps the managers to observe all the candidates and their capability to work in team.

This form of interview is less time consuming. Moreover, group interviews help in short listing efficient candidates for the job vacancy.

3. Video interview:

Video interviews are a modern form of interviews. In this video interview, the recruiters record a set of preset questions. The job seekers record their answers on online software, through which the recruiters send the questions.

The recorded responses are then viewed and evaluated by the recruiting staff. Lastly, the short listed candidates get a chance to appear for the one on one interview.

4. Telephone interview:

Telephonic interview is preferred when the recruiter decides to eliminate the huge list of job seekers. This mode helps in reducing the number of prospective job seekers for the face-to-face interview. Further, it also comes handy when the prospective candidate is far from the reach of the employers.

Let us now look at some of the telephone interviews advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Telephone Interview: Advantages of Telephone Interview Disadvantages of Telephone Interview
1 Quicker and better Body language
2 Cheaper and affordable Behavior
3 Evaluation of personality Not much effective
4 Multiple reach Are you there?
5 Concurs the distance Difficulty in forming a rapport
6 Clears the unwanted Losing deserving gems in the way
7 Tests required skills Candidates may not get chance to show their talent
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Pros or Advantages of Telephone Interview:

Telephone interviews are the advanced form of a job interview that has many benefits. Let us have a look at the advantages of telephone interviews.

1. Quicker and better:

All of us have heard our ancestors’ saying that “time is money”. Indeed, time is money in today’s period. As different sectors of corporate worlds are blooming, they need to implement time saving methods to fulfill the day-to-day requirements.

Conducting job interviews is time consuming thus recruiters look forward to a quicker mode of recruitment. Telephone interview is an exact solution to this demand of the recruiters. It is easier to access and quicker way to be connected with the prospective employee.

2. Cheaper and affordable:

Budget is an important issue in the corporate affair. Managers make sure to conduct everything within the given budget. That is when phone interview is preferred mode. Telephone interview is indeed affordable and cheaper.

It not only benefits the employers but also the employees. It saves the cost of traveling. Moreover, it is less time consuming as well. Therefore, it is the best option for low-budget companies to implement in their recruitment process.

3. Evaluation of the personality:

A telephone interview is merely a ground to know each other better. This session does decide whether both the parties are ready for in personal interview.

However, it is helpful in short listing the deserving candidates. As a result, it saves the time of the recruiter in the final face-to-face interview session.

4. Multiple reach:

It is repeated various times that telephone interviews are less time consuming. However, how is it so?

Well telephone enables you to reach a larger number of candidates in a good few hours. It consumes relatively short period in efficiently thinning out deserving job seekers for the next round in interview.

5. Concurs the distance:

Due to excessive rate of unemployment, several job seekers apply from different parts of the world. At times like these, it becomes difficult to reach all of them. Further, it is also a costly deal for the recruiters if they are paying the traveling cost.

Telephone interviews are the best solution for these recruiters. This lessens the chances of paying for the non-deserving candidates.

6. Clears the unwanted:

Telephone interview is an ideal mode of interview when it comes to handling a vast number of applications. It often seems like a struggle to shorten down the bar to a reasonable amount of interviewees for the job.

However, telephone interviews can come handy in this struggle. The recruiters can use telephone communication as the first step or round for the interviewers. This can be called as a satisfactory and effective method.

7. Tests required skills:

Telephone interviews are the best way to speed up the interviewing process. Curricular vitae simply portray a story whereas hearing the vocal communication of the candidate gives a detailed information about him.

For example, the tone of the person reflects the confidence he or she has on himself or herself. Further, it also tells more about the person and his vocal quality. After all, networking and communicating is equally important as other qualifications.

Therefore, we conclude that telephone interviews are indeed a time saver in the corporate world. Moreover, they have various advantages that help in interviewing and accelerating the process of recruiting.

Cons or Disadvantages of Telephone Interview:

1. Body language and behavior:

One of the major disadvantages of telephone interview is that the recruiter is unable to look at the body language of the prospective applicant. Our eyes reflect what we feel however in telephonic communication it is impossible to judge the fear or nervousness of the candidate.

Moreover, it is impossible to know whether the person is interested and attentive in this process or not. To sum it up, it gives no liberty to judge the person based on the body language.

2. Not much effective:

Telephone interview is an audio form. However, it is a proven fact that visual conversation contributes to more liveliness and attention. Therefore, the efficiency and input of the candidate is not portrayed to the fullest.

Further, there are more chances of the mind drifting off in thoughts while thinking for answers. Therefore, the telephone has its own limitation.

3. Are you there?

One of the biggest disadvantages of telephone interview is that you have no idea when the call is terminated or whether your answers are making an imprint in the mind of the recruiter.

Moreover, there is a chance that due to issues like weak network, background noise, other calls, etc the interviewer may hang up without considering him or her for the job.

4. Difficulty in forming a rapport:

Telephone interview do not allow forming a rapport with the prospective candidate and vice versa. Due to no physical gesture, it becomes difficult to communicate. People with weak telephone communication skill may lose the job regardless of the qualification.

Moreover, it has no scope for visual prompts when needed. Thus, telephone interviews fall short at various situations.

5. Losing deserving gems in the way:

Employers and recruiters all over the world implement telephone interviews as the first step in the process. However, it is possible to commit a mistake at times. Due to various limitations of telephone reach, managers are unable to have that chemistry between them.

As a result, a seemingly deserving candidate may lose the opportunity to show the talent. Further, it is a direct loss for the company on losing a deserving gem.

Therefore, we can conclude that telephone interviews have a lot of boon and bane. However, it is the choice of the company whether to implement the use of telephone for interviews or not.

No matter what the choice is, it comes with the advantages and the disadvantages in one packet. Thus, the effect also varies according to the need, objective and the requirement of the organization.

Tips for Conducting Successful Telephone Interview (For Interviewers):

It is always important to work in an organized manner to achieve greater success. Thus, let us have a look at some telephone interview tips for the interviewers for recruitment program.

1. Organize the reference material:

For interviewing any candidate, it is very important to have background knowledge about him or her.

Therefore, it is essential to organize the curricular vitae that was sent by the candidate. Further, it is advisable for the interviewer to have a look upon the information in the CV.

2. Schedule of the interview:

Make sure to schedule the interview at your convenience. It is important to be focused on the process rather than being distracted in some other task.

Therefore, schedule the interview when you have your entire attention on the interviewee. This will help you in determining and judging the appropriate candidate.

3. Prepare a set of questions beforehand:

For conducting a successful interview, it is important to prepare the questions beforehand so that at the time of interview you do not drift off between the interviews.

The list should include all the important objective and qualification that are mentioned in the job description. Moreover, the overall experience will be good and not interrupted. Hence, it will be a perfect interview.

4. Prepare yourself before making the call:

Preparing for a phone interview is always beneficial. Nothing seems less professional than fumbling and forgetting things. Thus, before making the call ensure that you have a pen and paper ready to jot down all the response or review on the prospective candidate.

Moreover, keep referring the CV so that you can clarify all the required information that is essential.

5. Do not take breaks:

Have you ever felt frustrated while you were put on hold or had no response on a call? Well it is natural to feel so.

Similarly, while interviewing a candidate, make sure that you do not pause for long whiles. This will irritate the interviewee and he may not be able to give his best.

6. Evaluate whether genuine or not:

It is essential to know whether someone is genuinely interested or worth calling for the position. Thus, it is very important to evaluate the job seeker with great care.

As this may be required information for future call, (It matters a lot when the candidate is from different city or country).

7. Feel lively and be lively:

It is very important to make the candidate feel lively enough to create a rapport. For that, you need to feel lively too. Thus, walk around while conducting an interview.

Moving around maintains the flow of energy, therefore your voice will also sound lively and energetic. As a result, you will be able to communicate well with the prospective applicant.

8. Do not call while you eat or drink:

Have you ever stuffed your mouth with food and talked? Once in a life we all have. It sounds horrible to say the least. Similarly, when you conduct an interview make sure to be clear with your words.

Do not eat or drink anything between the interview as that may make your voice sound muffled and unprofessional. Occasionally you can take a sip or two to feel relaxed. Thus, it is ideal to schedule the interview while you have free time.

Final Words:

Therefore, it is safe to say that telephone interview benefits the company by helping in cutting down the cost of the venue and traveling. In other words, this method makes it easier to select the potential candidate. It also helps in short-listing the required amount of people for the one on one interview.

Although, it is important to keep in mind that one should not depend upon the telephone mode of an interview to select the candidate. One on one interview is essential for the correct selection.

Further, due to the limitations of telephone interviews, it is necessary to opt for various modes to select the perfect candidate, as telephone interviews do not give the liberty to know the potential and personality of the applicant.

