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How to Study Fast and Effectively for Exams: 22 Tips


It is really tough time for students as exams arrive their way.

Students today face a number of aspects and are highly distracted too.

They find it tough to concentrate on their studies and suffer at times of exams. Little studying is mandatory for school children in order to pass on from one year to the other.

The main aspect of studying is not studying for a longer period of time but to study in a smarter way.

In that manner let’s glance through a few study tips on these effective speed reading study techniques and prepare for final exams.

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Best Way to Study Fast and Effectively to Prepare for Final Exams:

The following mentioned are few tips to study faster and study skills on how to study quickly and effectively for exams

1. Approach variety of exam tips for studying the subject:

When any topic or subject is chosen, do not always limit yourself with just your textbooks or notes.

With the advancement in technology, there are various sources to view the same data.

Research has also proved that varied parts of the brain are stimulated by varied media (Willis, 2008).

When numerous areas of the brain are activated, the information is well understood and retained in the brain.

In order to cover up a particular topic, students can read the textbook and class notes, research for various online resources, creating a mind map and practicing problems from varied sources.

2. Developing productivity system:

In order to build new skills and develop good study habits for studying, the basic foundation system is necessary.

For the same adopting productivity system is mandatory. The student must develop habits where they are effective and consistent with note-taking.

The student also requires a clean and tidy desk for study and a system where they could save all their materials to be referenced.

This step is mandatory to make the student effective and efficient.

3. Studying varying subjects per day:

It is said to be effective to study more subjects per day rather than focusing on just one or two.

An example can be that if you have subjects such as physics, math, chemistry, biology and history, then each subject must be studied a bit every day.

This is one way to learn faster rather than focusing on one subject per day. The student has more chances to get confused if he studies the same subject for a longer period of time.

It is hence a good habit to allot time for each subject per day and study accordingly. By this way, the brain will also have more time to merge information.

4. Practice speed reading:

As a student, you need to read through a number of offline as well as online resources.

Keeping the time aspect in mind, the second tip to study fast and effective for exams is fast reading.

Speed reading helps improve comprehension along with fast and effective reading.

In order to read faster, pick the right material, the section you are about to read and keep your eyes moving quick and steady. By this way, your speed in reading is doubled.

5. Periodic review of subjects:

In order to move the data from short-term to long-term memory, it is important to review the studied subject in a periodic manner.

By this way, better grades can be obtained in exams. The first review must be done after the first day of learning, in the same manner, the 2nd review after three days of learning, 3rd after 7 days, and 4th review after 21 days of 3rd review, 5th review 30 days after 4th review, and so on. This way the information is clear and retained in the mind.

6. Working on paper:

Thinking and working on paper is quite effective and efficient. By this way, many things get off the mind and paves the way for creative thinking.

You can use special study methods and notions to highlight important aspects. You can also memorize condensed matter and learn by developing mind maps.

Instead of believing your computer or your mind, you can use paper and work on it for better and effective results.

7. Sitting in front of the class:

Remember to opt for the front seat when you sit in the class. Studies have revealed that (Rennels & Chaudhari, 1988) students who occupy the front bench, score more marks.

The average scores of students according to their seating arrangement is that front rows score 80%, middle row 71.6% and back rows score 68.1%.

The other advantages of sitting in the front row are that the board is clear and also the voice of the teacher is apt. It also helps in increasing concentration when the front row is considered.

8. Making use of Multisensory techniques:

The student must make sure of their preferred learning style and make their studying for exams effective.

The student must make out whether they are auditory learners, a visual learner or tactile learners.

As the student uses their preferred style, the brain would absorb the information promptly and in an effective manner. The learning style can be synced with other in order to make learning more effective.

An example is that visual and tactile learning tips and methods are combined by writing down things. In the same manner, when you read aloud it means combining visual and auditory learning styles.

9. Do not multitask:

Multitasking makes a person dumber, less creative and also sidetracked. There are studies also which has mentioned that students who are good at multitasking are perfect, but are average in their scores.

To be effective, the student should only focus on one aspect at a time. Hence, the student must not try multitasking like studying, watching TV , surfing net etc

10. Few tips to enhance concentration:

In order to concentrate on studies, the students should avoid and get rid of all distractions.

They can turn the mobile to airplane mode and keep it away; they can log out of all messaging apps, switch off the internet in the mobile, clear clutter from the study area, switch off TV, and concentrate only on studies for few hours.

11. Allowing brain to absorb:

There are students who have their own rhythm of studying. There are few students who are comfortable learning in the morning and few at night.

The students should find out which is best suited for them and enhance their learning ability.

By this way, your brain would absorb more aspects and also help you learn effectively. It is good to take breaks and do things that are completely varied.

12. Simplify information and then compress and memorize:

Making use of acronyms is one best way for effective and fast learning. A mnemonic device is the best way for studying and can be used wherever possible.

By this way, information can also be summarized where one can develop a mind map, comparison table, and diagram.

These are few tips for exams by which learning can be effective and fast.

13. Taking notes by hand rather than laptops:

There are a number of distractions when online services are used for taking notes. It is also mentioned that it isn’t effective at all.

By this way, learning would be less fruitful. Processing and reframing of sentences are done by students who take notes by hand.

Whereas ones who use the laptop just type the notes what the teacher has told without any processing of information.

14. Use flow charts and diagrams:

Visual aids are the best that can help you remember promptly and score in the exams. Write down everything you know on paper and highlight all mandatory points.

Later on near to exams condense the portion and make this as a visual drawing so that they are easy to remember.

When you have your notes in a brief format, you can recall things easily without hassles.

15. Choose the right study area:

The place to study must be conductive and concentrating, a place which has a lot of distractions is not the right place to study, and hence students must choose the right areas to study.

Students can opt for library, a silent coffee house, or a student lounge for studying. Search for a number of places on-campus and off-campus; do not just stick to one area.

Choosing the right place is important so that you study fast and in an effective manner.

16. Visualize:

Students should remember to visualize every concept they learn. Visualizing makes it easy to understand and remember.

Hence, students must have the habit of visualizing in order to grasp concepts quickly.

17. Practicing old exams:

Another effective and best study tips for exams is practice old question papers. By this way, the student understands and gets used to the pattern of the question paper.

Time management is also practiced by practicing old question papers and hence this can be a perfect way to prepare for exams.

18. Group study with friends:

This is a quick way to learn fast and also effective study skills as group study has number of benefits.

In a group study, friends share their knowledge and we also teach whatever we know. There are a number of questions raised and queries solved in a group discussion.

Any topic which isn’t covered by one student is taught by the other and in this way all topics are covered and doubts are cleared by one or the other. This is an effective and quick way to study for exams.

19. Test yourself often:

In order to enhance your academic performance, it is mandatory to self-test. Apart from reading your class textbooks and notes, it is also important to quiz yourself on the main concepts, theories, and equations.

Research and get a number of practice questions and work on them before attending exams.

20. Read main information loud:

Research and studies mention that when a student reads aloud it assists to learn fast and in an effective manner.

This is because when any information is read loud it is seen as well as heard well but when you read in a silent manner, then you can only see it.

The real fact is that not every single concept or notes can be read aloud. For the same purpose, the student must run through the book and underline the key concepts and data.

Then reach out to all the underlined data, equations, and concepts and read it aloud.

21. Taking study breaks:

In order to improve focus and enhance productivity, the student needs to take frequent study breaks. It is not advisable to sit for complete seven hours and learn for the exam at a stretch.

For every 40 minutes of study, a 5 to 10 minutes break is essential. Break times can refresh you and also avoid using phones or computers during breaks.

After a break, the student is rejuvenated and starts studying rapidly and effectively. Hence, breaks are mandatory.

22. Reward yourself after studying:

In order to enhance memory formation and learning, reward yourself after each session of your study.

You can stretch yourself, go for a short walk, listen to music, have healthy snacks, do exercise, play musical instruments, or also take a shower.

This is proved to be an effective way to study and also makes studying quickly.

Scientific Ways to Learn Faster:

Exam time is surely a hectic time for students. They not only will be nervous but the external pressure they get from their parents, teachers and others makes them even more distressed. Even if the students have done their preparation well, their fear at the time of exams is a common thing.

Dealing with it will be very helpful for them and can also have an effect on the final output. Having expectations on students is a normal thing but pushing them towards breaking their limits could turn to worse situations. Instead, they should be provided with great support and guidance so that they get relaxed mentally.

Also, the study system you set for yourself will also have a great role to play here. Listed below are few tips you need to follow which can help learn effectively and easily.

  1. Start studying a bit earlier
  2. Break down the topics into smaller portions
  3. Complete small portions at one go
  4. Do not stretch you study hours too long
  5. Take breaks in between
  6. Concentrate and focus on the core subject
  7. Take up easy subjects in between for a change
  8. Writing can help you memorize quickly
  9. Make the habit of taking notes
  10. Choose the help of online videos related to subject
  11. The visual study helps you a great way
  12. Revision is very important
  13. Have enough good sleep


These are a few tips in order to learn fast and effective. Students must remember to research online and run through the number of online tutorials and video sessions in order to register the information in their brains.

As exams are approaching, online lectures are also an excellent way to learn quickly. Planning the right agenda is also a way to follow a specific format of studying.

Finishing off sessions as per the schedule and revising them is another way for quick and effective studying. Good nutritious and healthy food habit is also important for the proper learning habits for students.

Students who are about to face exams and do not have an idea about quick and smart learning can run through these tips and get benefited. These hints would surely help students to perform well and score the best marks in the exams.




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