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How to Set Goals that Actually Happen: 25 Golden Rules


What is Goal?

It is a significant part of people to set goals for things we wish to perform and working towards achieving them. The path in the direction of the goals will not always be smooth or easy, but holding goals, no matter if big or small, is an element of what makes life worthwhile.

It provides us a sense of importance and purpose, directs us in the direction we wish to proceed and keeps us involved and fascinated, all of which are beneficial for our complete happiness.

You require to know how to set goals that are aligned to your characteristics and values. However setting goals with caution and keeping into perspective your capabilities and traits will be much more of an achievable objective.

set goals that actually happen

Goal setting process is a precious method and this process makes all the difference to achieving them, here is how.

How to Set Goals and Achieve Them:

The following mentioned are few goal setting tips to how to achieve goals and objectives and the importance of goal setting.

1. Conviction:

The initial step in the goal setting is that you need to have pure faith and belief in the procedure. It is very essential for you to believe that you can really transform your own life and achieve what you wish for.

When you don’t put your faith in it, you may just overlook the goal setting and begin with something insignificant in life. When you have doubts take a look around yourself and remind yourself that all of the visible things began with a mere thought. So respect your thoughts and strive to turn them into reality.

2. Envisage:

You need to envision what you really desire. Consider your aspiration and think about where you wish to be in a year from now. Consider what changes will be required, what you need to train in or learn, what are the emotional, financial, social or physical assets that need to be dealt with etc.

If you are clear about these aspects that it will bring your visions into focus, it will be easier to focus on them to make it happen.

3. Check for resources:

For achieving a goal you will require resources to help you through the process. It can be financial resource, appropriate wisdom and resources to gain knowledge where you lack or materialistic resources that will help you progress.

4. Write it down:

Noting down your goals at work is a vital key to success. You turn into a creator as soon as you write down your goals. If you fail to do so, often implies that you will either forget them or will fail to concentrate.

Write them down and place it at a location where you can see them each day. It will be good if you mention your goals with their estimated achieving period.

5. Intentions:

You need to know your intentions of why you wish to achieve a goal. It is another powerful asset.

Detecting your intentions behind a particular goal will help you to recognize why you need to achieve that specific goal, how valuable it is to you and whether it is worth to work towards accomplishing it. When you know what you want and why you want it, it empowers motivation in you to work towards them.

6. Commitment:

It might seem very obvious but it is a stage which should not be taken lightly or will result into grievous consequences. Write down on a page why and how you are committing to each of your goals.

List down its importance, its value to you, how necessary the product is to you and what are your measures to make it happen. You are not likely to pursue if you do not hold strong commitments.

7. Remain focused:

You need to make it a habit of practising focus on your goals and this way it will helpful in reaching your goals much easier. It is a favorable idea to have the written copy of your goals placed at a spot which is convenient for you to see each day and it will help you focus even more. Your brain will note the difference between where you are now and where you yearn to be and will generate pressure in you to bring about change.

8. Strategizing action:

This is a stage where you begin listing your actions. This will give you a clear picture of the steps you need to take towards the direction of your goals. It is advantageous to know your next step. With goals in your mind there is so much to tackle, things will be disorganized and you have not prioritized. And eventually you become frustrated and the goal fails. Thus it is pretty clear that you must have a blueprint of your actions.

9. Be realistic:

When you have set your goals in life on a paper consider whether they are realistic goals or not. If your goal needs a change of your lifestyle deliberate whether you will be able to provide your goals dedication. It is a crucial stage where you need to balance negative thoughts and dedication so that goals do not drop back as wild dreams. Consider with your existing lifestyle, if the goals you are thinking of achieving are attainable, you will be able to bring radical change and you can give precise attention and determination to it.

10. Definite goals:

When you think about achieving something do not just say, ‘I would want a successful career’, specify to yourself what that career goal will be. Understand your emotional quotient to each of your goals. Scrutinize if the goals you are specifying are tangible, you can picture it and feel it when you just imagine accomplishing goals.

11. Measurable goals:

Comprehend will know when you achieve your goals. How will you be aware of it after achieving? Is there any kind of amount or digit that can determine your accomplishment? You need to set a measure for your goal so that you know, you have actually achieved it. The specific goal achievement you set has to be measurable.

12. Attainability:

Can you really achieve the goal? Are you the main factor or there exist many other aspects that contribute and influence to achieving a goal? This isn’t about how big the goal is but actually revolves around whether you have the reigns over your goal. If the other factors that influence are many and you have very little control over the goal, the possibility decreases of you achieving it.

13. Relevancy:

Are the goals you set relevant to your visions of success? Do they align with your values in life? You will surely lack the drive and motivation you require to set goals and  achieving them, if the vision and values do not equate with your goals.

14. Break down your goals:

Each of the actions you are going to take will turn into mini-goals. This way it will help you to measure your ultimate goal and make it achievable in the long run. With each mini-goals being accomplished, you will sense more control over your life and ambitions. When you tick off each set target from your list, it acts like a strong encouragement to boost your confidence and motivates you to uphold.

15. Avoid postponing:

To display your commitments to the goals, you need to start doing something right now itself that will give you momentum towards fulfilling your goals. If it is about getting a detail, work on it now; if it is about calling someone call them now. This step really strengthens the previous steps and will encourage you to keep moving to the directions of what you want.

16. Responsibility:

When things turn rough you need to push yourself and for which you will need to hold yourself accountable. It can even be done with the help of external help like a coach. It is sensible to have someone provide their precious feedback in your critical point in time, such as a friend or a mentor. Enlightening your family and friends regarding your goals can give you a sense of accountability you need.

17. Assessment:

Make assessment part of each day and review your aims and actions. It helps in allowing your goals to achieve, breathe and stay on top of your mind. Measure all your actions and strategize your next move. It will be beneficial to keep you aware of different goals which may have fallen beneath the weight of other goals.

18. Turn flexible:

Even though one feels that achieving goals becomes easy after planning and strategizing in the beginning of the process, mostly this is impossible when it comes to life. Life brings its own twists and turns which can’t be foreseen and nothing planned can be achieved if one is spiraled around a twist from life. However we can be flexible and with the help of mini-goals you can choose the appropriate path that promises you sheer success and alter your plan as per situations arise.

19. Become your own best friend:

When you maintain a flexible outlook you are able to be gentle to yourself and watch over your needs beyond your goals. You need to analyze your relationship with your goal and observe if it is turning into a nightmare as well as taking away from you your family and friend’s time. Invest a little time to re-gauge your mini-goals and take control over your actions. Simply just try to bring slight modifications to blend in more of the things that you enjoy.

20. Identify negative beliefs:

If something is holding you back locate and recognize what are those feelings. If it is persistently pulling you down it is surely time to fix it or it will hinder your goal achieving process altogether. As you take each step deliberate what you are afraid of, nervous about and what makes you feel that you lack something in the process.

21. Avoid guilt feelings:

Human beings make mistake and you need to learn to accept yourself and your mistakes. A plan can fail, perhaps due to your blunder or because things weren’t planned well. You need to understand that life is fallible and bring strength to accept the failure and rectify what you think went wrong. Letting in feelings of loss and guilt can have disastrous effects on your goal achieving and overall life.

22. Seek support:

To be completely determined and focused in achieving your goal, support becomes inevitable. Share your thoughts and goals with your family and friends to request for their advices. In doing so, you receive the emotional strength that you get when you know there are people to support your back and will be there whenever you need. You can even ask support from a psychological professional, or an expert so that from them you even obtain professional help that you need.

23. Avoid counting your hurdles:

In situations where you have to be determined and focused on your next steps towards achieving a mini-goal, you cannot sit back and reflect on what are the hurdles that will curtail your chances in fulfilling your subsequent step. Other than imagining what will happen when you are struck by the hurdle and what big consequences you will have to confront, as soon as you identify a hurdle begin with strategies to prevent being trapped by any of them.

24. Performance goals over outcome-oriented goals:

The very achievable goals are individual performance goals over outcome-oriented goals. For instance, an objective setting of conquering a competition is an outcome goal. One issue with an outcome-oriented goal is that one holds less power over outcome than one does over performance. In a workplace, an outcome-oriented work goal can be a goal of getting a promotion or better salary while a performance-oriented goal can focus on particular activities to augment the work setting or productivity.

25. Furnishing your performance:

With each result of mini-goals, you will come to know where you lack specific skills and where you lack focus. Assessing all the factors that are related to your performance you must brush up your capability to producing more and more successful outcomes.


When you achieve your goal seize a little time to enjoy it and show your gratitude to those that assisted you in your progress. Ponder regarding what you enjoyed and what knowledge did you receive along the way. Now, consider what is your next goal going to be?


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